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Hey Twu - I've Got Answers To Your Mailout

TonyB said:
Tony B, I have yet to hear anyone for AMFA tell us, what is the call back rights of the laid off members?While on layoff do you keep your senority? what are your rights to transfer? bidding?shift preference? What is the retirement program? sick days? medical?How much do the mechanics pay and how much does the company pay? floating vacations? whats the max vacation? absentee program? retirement insurance?
I would like to hear the basics of everyday living while a member of AMFA?
Aren't these contractual issues? You need to do a little homework and go to the AMFA Local 33 web site where you can download contractual information. It may require a bit of motivation on your part. I know some of you AFL-CIO types are used to being spoon fed industrial union rubish. 😀
Good Morning Dave,

Thats what I have said all along, If we once voice our concern about AMFA, we must be card carrying members. This might surprise you Dave, No I dont carry a communist card, I cary the oath of the democratic progress, I carry the oath of caring for all, not just those who can defend themselves

Brother Dave, We are in a mechanics union, WHy would AMFA be the only mechanic union? I still am not convinced how you beleive that those mechanics working plant maintenace, theplumbers, welders, auto repair, how could AMFA include those as their mechanics when AMFA stated they want to be the only airline union? To me your putting the machinist, welders, plumbers, auto repair out of your league? Could it be that the only reason AMFA will represent those classes is because of numbers?
If you are currently a mechanics union, then why is your Int'l President a Bus Cleaner/Operator?


SONNY HALL is International President of the Transport Workers Union of America, representing more than 110,000 men and women employed in the nations transportation and allied industries. Hall was elected to this post at the Unions 19th Constitutional Convention in October,1993. Previously Hall had served as President of TWU Local 100, the largest Local union of TWU, representing nearly 38,000 members who operate the New York City subway system and both public and private bus lines.

Mr. Hall served in virtually every Union position from Shop Steward on up. He was named President of Local 100 in May, 1985 and subsequently elected to full three-year terms in December,1985,1988 and 1991. He joined TWU in 1950 as a Bus Cleaner for the old Omnibus Corp. and became a Bus Operator in 1957. In between, he served tours of duty in both the Marines and the Army.

Mr. Hall was elected an International Vice President at TWUs 17th Constitutional Convention in September, 1985. He was appointed Executive Vice President by the International Executive Council on January 9, 1989, and was elected to that post for a four-year term at the Unions 18th Constitutional Convention in October, 1989.

Mr. Hall was elected Secretary Treasurer to the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department in 1995 and President of that organization in 1998. He was elected to the AFL-CIO's Executive Council at the Federations convention in October, 1995. In addition to the aforementioned duties Mr. Hall is also a Board Member of the Mount Sinai Hospital Health and Safety Department; on the Board of Governors of the New York Chapter Arthritis Foundation, and the Presidents Advisory Council of the Deborah Heart and Lung Center of the Deborah Heart and Lung Foundation. He also serves as President of S.T.A.R.T. (Safe Transit And Rail Transportation).

Mr. Hall holds a B.A. from the Cornell Labor College and studied military and criminal law at the University of New Mexico. He is the son of a retired New York City Bus Operator, now deceased, who served the riding public for 30 years and was an early member of Local 100.


BTW, AMFA does not determine the make-up of the Craft or Class definition. Under the Railway Labor Act, the National Mediation Board determines this issue based on "mutuality of interest" of perponderence of work accomplished.

The Federal Government (Your Politicians) has determined that Aircraft Mechanics do NOT have a mutual interest with Bus Drivers, Fleet Service Clerks, Stock Clerks, ect.

And they have determined that Welder, Machinist, and Faclilities Mechanics and Cleaners do have a mutual interest with the Aircraft Mechanic.

That brings us to the word the TWU likes to use on Slogans and on their Mail-outs.



Pronunciation: (sol"i-dar'i-tE), [key]
—pl. -ties.
1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.
3. community of responsibilities and interests

If the Federal Government has determined that you are currently in a union of mixed responsibilities and interest. And the Federal Government has determined that the Mechanic and Related is a different class, than Fleet Service, Bus Drivers, Stock Clerks, ect. Then by definition, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have SOLIDARITY within the TWU, and thus the word is nothing more than slogan as is the case with most TWU principles.

Likewise, the AMFA Consitution restricts membership to those in the Mechanic and Related Craft or Class. Which SOLIDARITY by definition is very likely.
Tonyb, I dont require anyone to spoon feed me, Thank you, as being motivated, I beleive I am self motivated, thats why you and I are here.
I was asking for anyone to respond for me, the difference in TWu versus AMFA? on these requirments, this is suppose to be a fact finding board?We come here to obtain information, thats why I came here, Im open to debates to hear anything to want a change.
I was hoping to compare, Bylaws?local bylaws, procedures?local participation at the locals? disciplinary rules?
Its hard for a member of TWU to be fired or even disciplined hows that compare to NW and AMFA?
Is it true that an international AMFA officer was accused of ratting on one of his members and that member was fired?

I would like to compare contractural issues?
Dave, You make it sound as if AMFA does not want teh machinist, welders, plumbers, auto repair mechaincs, but takes them only because yours and mine politicians with the aid of the NMB.
Again why is it wrong if a plant maintenace worker, decides hes happy with his job and turns his choice away from beingan airline mechanic but its wrong if a lower class, Fleet service or Parts clerk wants to stay where he/she is happy, even tho, they might have the required skills to be an airline mechanic?
Dave, You make it sound as if AMFA does not want teh machinist, welders, plumbers, auto repair mechaincs, but takes them only because yours and mine politicians with the aid of the NMB.
Again why is it wrong if a plant maintenace worker, decides hes happy with his job and turns his choice away from beingan airline mechanic but its wrong if a lower class, Fleet service or Parts clerk wants to stay where he/she is happy, even tho, they might have the required skills to be an airline mechanic?

One thing I can say for sure. I DO NOT speak for AMFA, anymore than you can speak for the TWU.

We are here stating opinions, not official positions.

I don't have problem with any group trying to determine their happiness. Problem is MCI AFL-CIO, I don't hear anyone saying they are happy with the TWU, I just hear differences on what the solution to problem should be. Do actually hear someone that is happy with the TWU and doesn't seek change in some form or another?
Rusty, you voice your concerns over the "good ole boysyndrone"
I ask this, if AMFA would win, do you think you would have officers running your local different from what you now have? It will still be the good ole boys running the local
Nothing much will change, we will still be under the same concessionpackage, the same work rules, the same layoffs,
Onlydifference will be, If AMFA wins, it will be at least 2 years before we will again see thelikes of another union raid, and its only a matter of time before we see that at Norhtwest and United
There is only one A&P down at the hall that I know of, could be another but, not real sure. Most are not in our Craft or Class. Why is this you ask? It's because not enough people get involved. Why is this you ask? It's because they have been discouraged by the cannot change city hall TWU syndrome.

These guys have been in there since the turn of the century because: refer back to item one!

It's a never ending circle jerk and I am tired of being in the middle!!!

With AMFA there are term limits of four years for officials in your local. I believe this will fix the GOOD OLE BOY syndrome.
MCI AFL-CIO..he is not from MCI..when he lacks content he throws names..if it's not cut and paste then he's lost....research his past posts....
Could it be the reason that they reached agreement so quickly was because this happened after TWA/AA signed thiers first? ILC?

Also in the letter you posted, Dell stated it took over 19 months to secure? Mmmmmmm How long did it take the TWU?
You really need to do your homework before you toss this crap around. NWA was signed 2 months before AA/TWU. In fact I will see if I can locate it tonight, AA is on record as offering NWA plus 2%. :shock:

Yes once again the twu leached on another unions contract and screwed the newbies as usual. Since you seem to be the advocate of the lesser skilled, can you tell me why a title 2 cabin cleaner with 17 years makes $7.76 an hour and has to pay dues to the twu for this? :unsure:
Dave...King of cut and paste...would you be willing to back what you state? It's real easy to stand back as an amateur and post...but Dave..your apptitude is bleeding through. I know you wish you also were born with a backbone..but you have proven..when no backbone provided..cut and paste. BTW Dave..wanna hand me that pic personally..that's what I thought...OR..you could grow a backbone and come to MCI. I's OK Dave...as long as we agree to disagree we are still friends..but I'm the one with my spine still intact.
Another threat by Steve!

"Buck I don't threaten anyone"
Could it be the reason that they reached agreement so quickly was because this happened after TWA/AA signed thiers first? ILC?

Also in the letter you posted, Dell stated it took over 19 months to secure? Mmmmmmm How long did it take the TWU?
You really need to do your homework before you toss this crap around. NWA was signed 2 months before AA/TWU. In fact I will see if I can locate it tonight, AA is on record as offering NWA plus 2%. :shock:

Yes once again the twu leached on another unions contract and screwed the newbies as usual. Since you seem to be the advocate of the lesser skilled, can you tell me why a title 2 cabin cleaner with 17 years makes $7.76 an hour and has to pay dues to the twu for this? :unsure:
RV4 said:

One thing I can say for sure. I DO NOT speak for AMFA, anymore than you can speak for the TWU.

We are here stating opinions, not official positions.

I don't have problem with any group trying to determine their happiness. Problem is MCI AFL-CIO, I don't hear anyone saying they are happy with the TWU, I just hear differences on what the solution to problem should be. Do actually hear someone that is happy with the TWU and doesn't seek change in some form or another?

One thing I can say for sure. I DO NOT speak for AMFA, anymore than you can speak for the TWU

Thats correct Dave, I dont speak for TWU, I dont speak for anyone except myself, I come here to voice my opinion, and only my opinion, Im not a dictator, and would never want to be
I will say tho, I am an AFL-CIO supporter, and now, being that, I will be loyal to the TWU as long as I work for AA, or, as long as TWU is the union of choice.

I don't hear anyone saying they are happy with the TWU

Dave if I may.............the ones posting here, the majority, maybe, dont seem happy with the TWU, while the others posting here seem happy, but the ones who claim to support TWU are ridiculed and name called, not so much latley, and I thank all of you for that, I know, it goes both ways, so, I ask this, How can we, you and I be sure that we will be happy AMFA? You dont know and I sure dont know, Im sure you could go to Northwest and bring some happy mechanic and claim he is happy but on the other hand I could bring another that claims the opposite..........true? SO how do we really know? TWU has negotiated successfully for over 60 years, how long has AMFA? Up until this year, AMFA had 1 major airline, and has only successfully negotiated 1 major contract? and honestly, look at the track record of the otehr airlines AMFA represents, the scale and benefits, are tehy not below adequate? And when the tail fell off the MD 80 over the ocean, Did AMFA step in and aid the mechanics who had done the work? I beleive the opposite, they let the mechanics hang?
Rusty said:

I dont agree with.........With AMFA there are term limits of four years for officials in your local. I believe this will fix the GOOD OLE BOY syndrome

It makes me question this, if your local has an officer, doing a great job for the members, and is successful, and never laid down on his responsibility, I would want him to be re elected as long as he wanted his office. Thats the responsibility of the members to decide to keep him/her or elect another.
If we are to limit all officers to 4 years, it wont take long in todays membership to quickly be without nominations?
Also, if there is a limit of 4 years, what would the officer have to work for? He could care less what he accomplished?
You stated your opinion and I gave mine, Thanks for posting Rusty