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Hey Twu - I've Got Answers To Your Mailout

MCI AFL-CIO, the majority of mechanics and related have spoken and said we want AMFA as our bargaining agent. Would you have us denied??? If yes, would it be for dues or because you believe we are stupid and need the TWU's industrial style of dictatorship unionism???

Do you believe we cannot decipher truth from lies???

Do you believe we should be able to have freedom of thought???

Do you honestly believe the untruths you promote???

One of the reasons we are going with AMFA is because the TWU has lied to us more times than anyone could ever expect to keep track of. This is only one reason but, I see there is no expectancy of change from within.

Could it be that the TWU and AFL-CIO were in meetings, with congress or other representatives?
The pictures I see are AMFA supporters holding signs accusing anyone involved, as a communist?

Could be but, no one will ever know if they were at the Golf Course either because there is no accountability in the TWU!!!
Are we looking at the same pictures??? You just can't help it can you.

How will AMFA stop farming work overseas without political clout?

The TWU and AFL-CIO has not stopped it, so I have to beleive this is why you ask. Watch and learn, it's called a contract (something the TWU believes the company should be nice when they write it.

If AMFA would win election, hold on tight, how many A&P mechanics and inspectors will be sent to prison because we know longer have the status of being protected by political aid?

Fear tactics is another good reason to oust the TWU!!!

How many times in the last 5 years has an airline had serious damage and the airline or FAA wanting to discipline the mechanic, but they unions went to bat and were successful in creating new work guidelines, keeping the mechanics out of jeopardy?

You mean how many times has a TWU union official ratted out a member don't you??? Or do you mean how many times has the TWU actually done it's job???

Because of the TWU/AFL-CIO, workers laid off had the capacity of receiving extensions to their unemployment insurance, did AMFA help? Dont think so
Also because of the TWU/AFL-CIO, lobbying were able to receive compensation/aid to cover the expense of new training, to learn new careers, paid for the state/government Where was AMFA? How many AMFA union members receive compensation because of what other unions have done for members? Do we hear AMFA taking credit for this? I dont?
Has AMFA voiced its concerns over liad off workers anywhere? I bet you wont hear AMFA voice concern over members laid off from manufacturing jobs? Is AMFA providing aid to its workforce that has workers exhausting unemployment? But yet we all turn the AFL-CIO when we want aid

I was in the oilfield (non-union) in the 80's when the industry went south. I received extension after extension and then, money to retrain. Hmmm, I just can't understand how I received those benefits without the great and all powerful TWU's help.

What is AMFAs view on strikes? I dont beleive they want strikes because AMFA would lose everything in a strike without political contributions, who in politics would back AMFA,

What’s a strike??? I don't remember the TWU saying they would wanted us to strike. All I remember is the "brother we don't want to strike because you will never get back what you loose". If I ever hear that again I think I will puke!!!

We need a stronger bargining agent!!!
If RV4 caught acold then he should take some sick time. But wait a minute, thanks to the TWU he would only receive half pay for the first two days.
Rusty, If the majority do want AMFA, I will not deny you or anyone. Im one person, no power, I come here to state my opinions, as truthful as I know, never try to deceive another. I beleive in democracy and if we do have a vote and AMFA wins, so be it.
I have said before on another board, the AMFA supporters are smart, very smart, intelligent, I dont beleive you or anyone else is stupid, and I will never say another individual is stupid, for endorsing their opinions and beleifs.
I hope we are all adults here and will act as adults and do as we all beleive, vote the way you want as I will

I never claimed you could not decipher truth from lies, quite the contray Rusty
The same goes for the TWU/AFL-CIO supporters?
Not once have I posted a lie here, although som ehere have accused me. I post my beliefs.

Yes We should all have freedom of thought, thats why we, if there are enough cards will have an election, a democratic election,
I dont understand the need to accuse any of us here communistic acts or thoughts, You and I are adults and we know the truths from lies, as we also know the difference from dictatorship, no one tells me what to say or do, only my crew chief, the same hopefully goes for you,

Rusty, You ask if I honestly beleive the untrutths I promote? If I may, turn this to you, do you beleive what you promote here? YEs you do, and I will not knowingly come here with lies, just as I hope you will not either

You claim the TWU has lied to us more timesthan anyone could expect.............Rusty, What do you Know about AMFA, see how easy it is to turn this around and ask you the same, I bet if we went to NW we could find members there that would agree with you and I, AMFA has lied to them, No AMFA hasnot lied?

Rusty, remember a year ago, the plane in North Carolina that nosedived almost hitting the hanger? Because of that, and the unions involvement maintenace

procedures were changed, and no mechanic went to jail as aresult?
Well MCI AFL-CIO, out of the many things you said, I decided to pick this one out because, first I like the image of people picketing the white house and two I don't see a way not to call it lying but-

The pictures I see are AMFA supporters holding signs accusing anyone involved, as a communist?

- i will try and figure a way out for you.

1. You only looked at the first image and saw double.

2. You only looked at the first and second image and in the second you only noticed one person.

3. Anybody that holds a communistic sign is in fact, accusing everyone involved in the subject a communist and there are only two people picketing and there is only two signs.

4. There are a total of 2 signs out of hundreds and you when you looked at the pictures your eyes got so bloodshot with rage that those AMFA supporters actually got out there and did something to make a statement that you imagined they were all saying "anyone involved is a communist".

5. Your computer is having a problem and the only pictures your computer allows you to see are AMFA supporters holding signs accusing anyone involved, as a communist.

6. Because you put a question mark at the end of your sentence, you believe this makes it OK to lie (or possibly a way out).

7. You believe that everyone believes, everyone involved is a communist and when you saw that sign it confirmed your beliefs.

8. When someone hold a sign containing a communist symbol they are in fact calling them a communist and not saying they have a communistic belief on a certain subject and there are only two signs in the pictures.

Would you like me to pick out another sentance or paragraph and see if I can make heads or tails of it???

After looking through the images I think this one is the cutest but, the ones at the White House are the most powerful.
So some AMFA supporters carried anti-Communist signs.

What were the end results?

For Immediate Release May 9, 2001

For more information, contact:
O.V. Delle-Femine, National Director
603/387-5530 (cell phone)
Steve Lanier, National Secretary
404/668-5646 (cell phone)
Laconia office: 603/527-9212


Laconia, NH – May 9, 2001. Members of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) voted to authorize its negotiators to sign a contract agreement with Northwest Airlines by a vote of 82.1%.

94% of the 9,333 eligible members voted.

“On behalf of the negotiating team, I would like to thank the membership for their continued professionalism, support & confidence over the last 19 months,†said O.V. Delle-Femine, AMFA’s National Director. “Without it, we could not have obtained this industry-leading contract.â€

The contract agreement will be signed on Friday, May 11, 2001 at Northwest’s headquarters in Egan, MN. The four-year contract goes into effect May 12.

A Tentative Agreement between AMFA and Northwest Airlines was reached early Monday morning, April 9 – days before the Presidential Emergency Board was due to present their recommendations on a contract agreement. Details of that agreement were printed & distributed to the membership for review prior to the contract ratification vote on May 8.

Highlights of the Agreement

The terms of this industry-changing contract include:

· Technicians and higher will receive a base rate increase of 24.4% at the date of signing, plus a one-time pay adjustment of $3,750

· Cleaners and custodians will receive a base rate increase of 13% at the date of signing, plus a one-time pay adjustment of $1,875

· All AMFA union employees will receive a 3% increase during each of the first two years after signing and will receive a 4% increase the third year

· Retroactive pay (from October, 1996 to May 12, 2001) of 3½ percent

AMFA’s craft union represents over 9,600 NWA aircraft maintenance technicians and related support personnel. Their credo is “safety in the air begins with quality maintenance on the groundâ€. To learn more about AMFA, visit their website at www.amfanatl.org.

AMFA-NWA Agreement

Economic Information Sheet

Technician and Higher

Hourly Rates Current DOS % EOC %
Increase Increase

Inspector 23.69 29.48 24.4 % 32.53 37.3 %

Technician 22.50 28.00 24.4 % 30.89 37.3 %

License Premium 1.50 2.15 43.0 % 2.50 66.6 %
(2 Max.)

Back Pay: Approximately 3.5% of W-2 earnings from 10/96 to 5/12/01

Pay Adjustment: One time adjustment of $3,750.

Pension: Increase from $40.00 to $85.00 times years of service, 112% increase.

MCI AFL-CIO, compare those results to the Congressional Involvement of the TWU/AA dispute. The TWU requested and received support from politicians. In fact, the politicians attended actual neogotiating sessions.

I would rather carry an anti-Communist sign while protesting at the Whitehouse, than be defending the most docile union on the planet and at the same time appear to be a Communist sympathizer. What is your gig? Are you a card carrying member of the Communist party? Or do you just a appear to defend that way of thinking?

The facts don't lie.

What's wrong with carrying an anti-Communist sign while on U.S. soil?

Why wouldn't a mechanic want to be in a mechanics union?

Have you ever seen any TWU contract pass by 80+%? The TWU contrct negotiated with Congessional assistance barely even passed, and we still do not know the opinion of the 3200 denied the right to vote.

How is it that 80+% voted yea on a contract that was negotiated by a "stand-alone" organization that does not pander to politicians or the AFL-CIO?

The initial thread posting and topic is clear, why bother with the AFL-CIO? They don't make a difference!
Dave I can only wish I had brought up the great points you made, very nice!!!

I believe when AMFA is our bargaining agent that the mechanics and related here at AA will get much more involved and the reason they are not nearly as involved now is because they have been very discouraged by the TWU. When we go down to the Local 514 union hall and a new idea or the change of an old idea is brought up. What I hear is "brother you are out of order" or "they can do that" or some other discouraging nonsense. I also believe some great minds have gone down there to try their best to make a difference and were unsuccessful due to the GOOD OLE BOY syndrome at the hall. Divide and concur is the name of the game down there and no one man can make a difference. I have also seen groups of people go down there to try and make a difference with the same results (discouraged and quit). I have seen massive amounts go down there believing building a new union hall was unnecessary (at least twice) and still the GOOD OLE BOYS figured a way around it. So much for freakin democracy at local 514!!!!
Rusty and MCI AFL-CIO are correct there will be a vote and Democracy will prevail everyone has a right to their opinion as to who they think will do a better job for the membership, but the bottom line is that the majority will decide, so all we can do is send in those cards so that we can get this thing to a vote and hopefully the better organization will win. 😀

AMFA :up:

8190 Total Signed Election Authorization Cards by Station and Title Group (From system seniority list dated 02-12-2003):
Updated, Friday October 03, 2003 at 09:33:15 PM. Our goal is to obtain 60% of the Craft and Class of
Mechanic and Related, and at this time, our estimate of that number, with 'elbow room' is approximately 10,000 cards.
Using that number, at this time, we are about 81.9% to our goal, or approximately 50.6%of our Craft and Class. Good job so far, and let's
REDOUBLE our efforts and GET THIS DONE! :up:
Actually Rusty we voted the Union hall down 4 times and I went to vote against it every time, and as you said Randy McDonald said that he was going to build it anyway, that is not Democracy that is bullshit, the only reason that they are not building it right now is because of the AMFA threat, the TWU knows that if they built it right now that AMFA would use it against them and they are absolutely correct, but you can bet that if AMFA does not win, they will build the new Union hall inspite of our NO VOTE. if you don't believe that just ask Randy McDonald. :angry: :angry: :down:
OK. After reading the hard evidence presented by the TWU mail-out I am convinced. I will support the TWU from now on and these are my reasons.

I support the TWU because: I pay $500 a year for a T-shirt with a clever slogan thought up by a third grader.

I support the TWU because: After the pay cut we took I can go down to the local and feed my family hot dogs cold cuts and chips.

I suport the TWU because: Now, if anyone in my family gets sick after office hours I can go to the emergncy room and pay only 10% of cost instead of $75. 10 is less than 75, right?

I support the TWU because: No matter how many times and how blatantly the company violates the contract, I now I can go to the union and get the answer I've come to expect after almost 18 years. "Brother, they can do that."

I support the TWU because: They gave us a strong, unambiguos iron clad scope clause in our contract which states: "It is understood that nothing in this article guarantees the maintenance of the current volume of work."

I support the TWU because: Now when I get sick I only get paid for half a sick day for the first two days.

I support the TWU because: Now I only have 5 sick days a year instead of 10.

I support the TWU because: I had to give back a week of vacation, even though it was earned last year./COLOR]/B]

The main reason I support the TWU is because:
They have vaunted AFL-CIO CLOUT which has done nothing to stop NAFTA, GATT, WTO, MFN for China or stopped manufacturing jobs from going over seas

😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
Rusty, I admit I was wrong, I didnt take time to view every picture, only the first 3 or 4 links, and all I saw were protesters accusing anyone against them as Communist,
Ihad visions, of all this debate, AMFA versus TWU, whenever a poster replied withhis views, the AMFA supporters were quick to condemn and say we were communist, caling the TWU supporters "comrade"

I enjoyed the picture you picked,

Maybe you can explain this item, since you appear to defend the Communists by complaining about Red Blooded Americans holding anti-Communist signs at a Whitehouse protest.

What exactly is the Transport Workers Union doing in Congessional Records Investigating "Un-American" activities?


Appendix -- Part V

Transport Workers Union

MCI AFL-CIO, I am not calling you name, so don't go off with the sniffles again.

I just want to know where your beliefs and alliances are held.


Want to know more about the history of the TWU?

Here ya go...


The Transport Workers Union in New York City, 1933 - 1966
by Joshua B. Freeman

This history of New York transit workers from the Great Depression to the monumental 1966 transit strike shows how, through collective action, the men and women who operated the world's largest transit system brought about a virtual revolution in their daily lives.

Joshua Freeman's detailed descriptions of both transit work and transit workers, and his full account of the formation and development of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) provide new insight into the nature of modern industrial unionism. Freeman pays particular attention to the role of Communists and veterans of the Irish Republican Army--including TWU president Michael J. Quill--in organizing and leading the union, as well as to the Catholic labor activists who were the principal union dissidents. Freeman also explores the intense political struggles over the New York transit system. He links the TWU's pioneering role in public sector unionism to worker militancy and the union's deep involvement in New York politics. His portrait of Fiorello La Guardia's determined opposition to the TWU belies La Guardia's pro-labor reputation.

By combining social and political history with the study of collective bargaining, In Transit makes a major contribution to the history of American labor, radicalism, and urban politics. An intimate portrait of the politics of mass transit and public sector unionism, and one of the most detailed reconstructions to date of the social processes of industrial unionism, the book will appeal to anyone interested in New York City's subways, politics, history, and labor. It will be of particular interest to labor historians, urban historians, and historians of modem American politics.


Maybe these documents will explain why TWU supporters are called COMMUNIST.

Strange thing is, MCI AFL-CIO, you appear to dislike anyone carrying an anti-Communist protest sign. Thus, many wonder where you stand and/or what you stand for. For or Against Freedom?

As you will also note, the "political wing" of the TWU also dates back to the beginning, and the state of New York. Question is, MCI AFL-CIO, what has that gotten us lately?

Feel free at anytime to show us when and where AMFA was formed by Communist, or investigated by Congess for "Un-American" activities?
Good Morning Dave,


Laconia, NH – May 9, 2001

Could it be the reason that they reached agreement so quickly was because this happened after TWA/AA signed thiers first? ILC?

Also in the letter you posted, Dell stated it took over 19 months to secure? Mmmmmmm How long did it take the TWU? Also wasnt the backpay from AA more than received at Norhtwest?

What is your gig? Are you a card carrying member of the Communist party? Or do you just a appear to defend that way of thinking?

Have you ever seen any TWU contract pass by 80+%

It does not surprise me to see any contract pass by more 80%, that to me sounds average, not surprisng

Thats what I have said all along, If we once voice our concern about AMFA, we must be card carrying members. This might surprise you Dave, No I dont carry a communist card, I cary the oath of the democratic progress, I carry the oath of caring for all, not just those who can defend themselves

Why wouldn't a mechanic want to be in a mechanics union

Brother Dave, We are in a mechanics union, WHy would AMFA be the only mechanic union? I still am not convinced how you beleive that those mechanics working plant maintenace, theplumbers, welders, auto repair, how could AMFA include those as their mechanics when AMFA stated they want to be the only airline union? To me your putting the machinist, welders, plumbers, auto repair out of your league? Could it be that the only reason AMFA will represent those classes is because of numbers?
This photo from the AMFA protest doesn't appear to be a bunch of zealots that are clamoring about Communism?

Rusty, you voice your concerns over the "good ole boysyndrone"
I ask this, if AMFA would win, do you think you would have officers running your local different from what you now have? It will still be the good ole boys running the local
Nothing much will change, we will still be under the same concessionpackage, the same work rules, the same layoffs,
Onlydifference will be, If AMFA wins, it will be at least 2 years before we will again see thelikes of another union raid, and its only a matter of time before we see that at Norhtwest and United