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Question, Foreign Maintenance

Outsourcing is outsourcing no matter what union is involved!! That work goes over seas, that work (and the jobs) is gone!! PERIOD!!!!!

Yes and this is a policy that the TWU has accepted for years as the company employs foreign mechanics. These foreign workers however are not recognized as "outsourced" jobs with our contract because even though they are not TWU members they are "company" employees.

For years, on an almost daily basis a big white truck has pulled into the hangar full of aircraft tires from a vendor. This was work that we used to do in house at both JFK and LGA. It provided the few day shift, weekends off jobs at these two stations. When the company decided to do away with the work, and those jobs, the TWU did nothing. THey said there was nothing they could do.

So where is the language that stops the company from outsourcing? What does it say and how would it stop the company from outsoucing?
So if I read this correctly then AMFA did alright in that LOA at NWA. Go fish.
cio, care to answer?

" At NWA their was a rally, yes but where was NW or the politicians? Here at AA all parties affected had a showing and our presence was very well known in D.C to stop the trend!"

Where was the twu's rally? And can you show pictures of the politicians that attended this rally? Are you saying that NW did not attend the AMFA rally? Why would NW management attend? NW AMTs attended as well as Alaska and AA AMTs.
Ken MacTiernan said:
cio, care to answer?

" At NWA their was a rally, yes but where was NW or the politicians? Here at AA all parties affected had a showing and our presence was very well known in D.C to stop the trend!"

Where was the twu's rally? And can you show pictures of the politicians that attended this rally? Are you saying that NW did not attend the AMFA rally? Why would NW management attend? NW AMTs attended as well as Alaska and AA AMTs.
Your presence was well known? Amongst whom? I must have missed that news article. Was delle present displaying his NWA employee badge?

Ken, I don't mean to sell your activism short man, but it isn't all that and a cup of milk. You grandstand well, but upon deaf ears.
Nightwatch said:
Your presence was well known? Amongst whom? I must have missed that news article. Was delle present displaying his NWA employee badge?

Ken, I don't mean to sell your activism short man, but it isn't all that and a cup of milk. You grandstand well, but upon deaf ears.
nw, can you answer the question put before you?

Dell was present as the elected National Director of AMFA at these rallys. Was your unelected leader, jim little, present at ANY rally against FAR 145?

I am not grandstanding nw. I simply speak out against issues that erode our profession. AMFA allows me the oportunity to get involved to protect our profession. The twu does not. The teamtwu coffin really speaks volumes of the twu's fear against democratic craft unionism and accountability.
Ken wrote,

Outsourcing is the erosion of our profession. Any work that goes overseas or stays in this country will take an eternity to be returned to the carriers. Our work does need to stay in house but not by "in-sourcing". The srp/osm is outsourcing no matter how the twu spins it.

AMFA has sponsored two rallies against FAR 145. Where were the other airline unions? Does a pilot care if a non-A&P person from China or Singapore repaired his engine pylon or rigged his rudder/aileron/flaps? Airline inhouse overhaul is being attacked and we need to inform the public about this outsourcing.

Over the course of the last several years Amfa has won representation at carriers that have overall increased outsourcing dramatically. On the other hand you have seen no visible increase where TWU represents!

Amfa leadership lives in a world that has become obsolete and the destruction they have caused is not repairable at this time. They have spent so much time tearing down the members confidence they have failed to figure out how to represent once they get in!

Any organization that negotiates to allow foreign maintenance while laying off and holding rallies is nothing than a low life group!! Anyone who supports this organization is the same. Since you are bought and paid for I know you will never see the light!

Amfa = outsourcing from the top down!!!!
I simply speak out against issues that erode our profession. AMFA allows me the opportunity to get involved to protect our profession.

Ken, if what you stated was a true statement then you would have spoken out against AMFA and it's LOA @ NWA, ref. outsourcing. You sir, are a one-way , close minded individual who assumes he is making a mark in aviation. The joke is on you Ken. Delle and MAG love dummies like yourself, God knows they entertain quite a few.

So how is AMFA's LOA @ NWA a TWU problem? I know it's TWU's fault Delle sold the farm at NWA. I realize it's TWU's fault that Delle ran unopposed again, after 40 some years as a dictator. Fact is Ken, it's the TWU's fault that AMFA does anything in the airline industry. Thus your continued support of a crutch to our profession.

AMFA will prove to be a "Pacer" to our industry, just another sought after craze of the moment.
For your edification, the votes have not been cast (except one that I know of).
The voting process will end 8/23/04 at 10:00 AM ET.

So quit your 'speculations' until the 'vote'.

Also, for your 'edification' (as it appears some need it) the actions of the AMFA representation at UAL reflects directly on the UAL membership. As you know, we have some fine tuning to address but I am confident that we are moving in the right direction.

One of the main discussion points is the fact that AirCanada is a Union Shop. As we have lost the Airbus HMV anyway, why not give it to a Union Shop?

There are other (obvious) points pro and con with the major discussion of the fact that AirCanada is a foreign carrier.

UAL_TECH said:
For your edification, the votes have not been cast (except one that I know of).
The voting process will end 8/23/04 at 10:00 AM ET.

So quit your 'speculations' until the 'vote'.

Also, for your 'edification' (as it appears some need it) the actions of the AMFA representation at UAL reflects directly on the UAL membership. As you know, we have some fine tuning to address but I am confident that we are moving in the right direction.

One of the main discussion points is the fact that AirCanada is a Union Shop. As we have lost the Airbus HMV anyway, why not give it to a Union Shop?

There are other (obvious) points pro and con with the major discussion of the fact that AirCanada is a foreign carrier.

So I guess AMFA sees lost work unreturnable, and if the company states it's lost before it even leaves then give it to a foreign carrier as outsourced work...great concept..international unionism....NAFTA, AMFA, all the same..you guys suck.
Nightwatch said:
So I guess AMFA sees lost work unreturnable, and if the company states it's lost before it even leaves then give it to a foreign carrier as outsourced work...great concept..international unionism....NAFTA, AMFA, all the same..you guys suck.

Thanks to the AFL-CIO IAM contract that was shoved up our ass.
We are trying to deal with the reality of the '####-pie' that was handed us.

I'm sorry...I thought AMFA was negotiating the LOA in question...how long you going to be blaming the AFL-CIO and the IAM? It's real convenient to pass delle's ineptness onto someone else.
UAL tech, why not go ask NWA members who attended the foreign maintenance rally July 2nd and see how the other side of amfa works? I'm sure the 4000 plus members out the door will have something to say! Oh, yes when you have time ask the 6000 plus at United and the recent announcement of more techs going out the door how they like the foreign maintenance issue?

Why not include them in the vote? I also understand the balloting will be by phone? I remember how amfa at AA were highly against this type off voting?

Double triple standards are standard with Amfa? This is the typical of amfa wannabes. Say what they want to hear at the moment, Amfa wannabes dont care if it's a lie or not?
That’s what the difference is with AMFA. We at UAL do not really care what AMFA has done at NWA or Alaska. And we do not have AMFA National dictating what we do. You can spread your disinformation as much as you want, but that’s how it works. Delle can make suggestions but cannot override the will of the ‘membership’. With our previous union, the LOA could have been agreed to regardless of what the ‘membership’ wanted. Democracy is a great thing.

Yes, we are balloting by phone and by internet as it is easier for the ‘membership’ to be involved in the voting process.

Checking it Out said:
I want you to read what this letter of agreement Amfa and United negotiated while they were at NWA picketing concerning the outsourcing to foreign countries!!!!

Click here to dee heavy maintenance going to foreign country compliments of Amfa!!

Can anyone remember the badgering we got years ago when two (2) 727 A/C were being sent to Delta in exchange for engine work at AA and Amfa getting cards signed over the deal?

Now look! Amfa is negotiating 3 Heavy check lines for a term of 5 years!!!!!!

Go ahead and defend them!!!!!!! fhey just keep doing the downword spin!!!

Are you also aware United announced more layoffs in SFO!!!!!!!!

I repeat again Amfa talking out of both sides of their mouths Picketing on July 2nd against Foreign Maintenance while agreeing July 1 to allow 3 check lines going to a foreign country!!!!!!

Can anyone believe this???


Amfa members seem to have more smarts than their leaders. or do they? United has sent the work out already, with the reject, will they now lose any work that might have been brought in?

Amfa sent out 6996 ballots and 1800 or so returned them. 73% voted to reject the LOA.

Also I want you to see Amfa has lost over 6000 positions at United and additional layoffs of over 200 is expected. Will this now be increase due to the outsourcing of additional work? Amfa failed to mention the outcome of a no vote!!!

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