A handful of mechanics will be ignored. What part of "what can your group do for me"... fill in the name of any senator or congressmen don't you understand?
With all of the mechanics in the industry under one group looking out for ourselves, the mechanics, we can become strong.
The public may shy away from flying, either permanently or more likely until they hear the usual soothing BS from the usual suspects about how security has been tightened; and then they'll fly for the lowest fare.
Buck, you are getting tiresome, I don't have anything against mechanics, as the saying goes: I is one, I am working it from the QA side now.
I am only beginning to become tiresome! Why do you lie about your feelings for the mechanics? You do condone the SRP/OSM classification. Therefore you condone division within the ranks to satisfy your socialistic based industrial unionism doctrines.
As to your fear of socialism, it was the socialists who founded the unions, not the capitalists. It is the socialist ideals that either make a break a union, and yes strength in numbers is important.
And it is the socialists who have failed the membership and have turned into dues collecting business machines. And strength in numbers is only important if you use it. The TWU and the AFL-CIO have failed to do so for a long time.
Start explaining how the political climate would be different without the AFL-CIO?
Again what has the AFL-CIO done recently for the mechanic craft and class?
If the membership felt as strongly as you do about voting Yellow Dog Democrat then not one member would vote for the opposition. Have you ever voted for a Conservative issue? Are you a gun owner?
Craft unionism really worked for the brakemen on the railroad, the fireman, the radio operators and the navigators, didn't it? Economics and technology and regulations are now overtaking the mechs , unless you keep the the work under one umbrella organization you will be marginalized.
I guess the crafts you listed are under the AFL-CIO right?