Nightwatch said:Excellent survey submittal.
Would that include piss-tested terrorist mechanics or the non-tested variety without an A@P Certificate? Smart Choice....... :angry: 🙄peasant said:From what I have seen, I would match up Singapore or Hong Kong maintenance work against US any time. Not cheap (HAECO is 50 USD an manhour charge for heavy checks) but good value for money
peasant said:Eh? FAA isn't the only licensing body in the world you know, nor the most stringent (HK CAD follows UK CAD rules, which are tough, Singapore CAD follows FAA rules)
As for drugs/ background checks, SIAEC and HAECO hangars are at HK and SIN international airports, and, so, again, the checks are stringent (police background check required for airport pass)
And yes, SIAEC and HAECO also have FAA approvals...
Having a US passport doesn't automatically mean that a better job is done... look at Bush!
Hackman said:I read somewhere a while back that a aircraft mechanic with suspected terrorist ties was arrested in Singapore, and was working on U.S. outsourced aircraft. I will have to see if I can find the article in question. I guess they missed him on the backround check.
The question of stringent backround checks is most likely true, so what? Almost every job today requires one. I'll wager it does not go back 10 years like in the U.S. They still are not required to conduct random urine tests. This is a big concern with me, but I guess your not the least bit worried.
Obviously, your for cheap foreign labor. You must have a reason, work there? Maybe a management person getting your bonus helping your company outsource jobs. Do tell.....
Like the "flip-flop war hero" John Kerry will protect our country with his liberal "lets make friends with the terrorists" politics. Thats another ugly subject.
Bob Owens said:One question is that if most of the growth in our industry is supposed to be outside of our borders, if they are doing all our airplanes who is doing theirs? As far as I can see most of the outsourced work is still stateside. Sure some work is sent out, but isnt more still sent in from other countries than out?
A while ago we lost the A-300 interior check to England. Labor rates in England for mechanics are not cheaper, in fact the non-union mechanics that work for this company make a lot more than equivelant mechanics do here. But they operate under JAR 66 which allows company certified "mechanics". As such they were allowed to hire people with no aviation background, sit them through a 40 hour Gen-Fam course, the same one that trianed mechanics sit through and viola! A mechanic who can sign for his work like an A&P is born!
We cant change JAR 66, we should fight the US equivelent,FAR 66, which the TWU no doubt supports, since the SRP/OSM program looks prety much like a pilot program or feasability study for it, and we should get a union that will fight to keep the work done by A&Ps and fight company certified-non-transferrable liscencing by corporations.
What we need is to use the publics concern over flying to keep the work stateside, done by liscenced A&P mechanics. Public perception is that is how it is, we should expose them to the truth. Unions like the TWU dont care if liscenced mechanics do the work, they only care that the person doing the work pays dues to the TWU. As mechanics we need a union that will represent our interests.
777GUY said:The interior check work was not lost. Any station can accomplish it if it has the manpower and spares available. It can be self-scheduled and does not appear on the BOW. Accomplishment can then be entered into the tracking system on completion.
777GUY said:Bob, I don't know where you get your information from, but it has some flaws... All AA AMT's employed in Europe work under FAA regulations and are A+P certified. They do not work under JAR 66 regs.
The interior check work was not lost. Any station can accomplish it if it has the manpower and spares available. It can be self-scheduled and does not appear on the BOW. Accomplishment can then be entered into the tracking system on completion.
Mark Inman said:Who did they say put the bomb on the Lockerbie flight? That's right a well checked fleet services worker . Who is it that keeps putting pounds of cocain on our airplanes? Right again, contract ground workers. Maybe AA should hire them and put them in mechanics positions. Maybe you could at least read the news paper every once in a while peasant or just go to Singapore and work your self. Maybe than you will see what we are fighting for. You will not find much love for Americans there. Most people in those countries blame the US for the corrupt, repressive government that is in place in their country. The US hasn’t made any new friends abroad lately either. Think about what your saying man. Would you want the families of people the US dropped the H-Bomb on just a little over 60 years ago maintaining the planes your family is flying on. Maybe the people that have lived under the repressive government the US has propped up for generation would be a better choice. People who kill female kids at birth to keep them from having to starve to death. We as a generation did not cause these problems but we have to realize they exist and deal with them. There has to be a point that we will draw the line where money does not override safety and security of the American people. The leaders of our government and the corporation are not going to do it them selves and you can’t keep giving up pay and benefit to keep the work here either.
j7915 said:You are talking about Singapore, right? As for the Japanese, last I checked they are going to be building the wings for the Boeing 7E7, and much of the rest of the fuselage. Japan Airlines flies to Hawaii, and the US mainland every day with 747s. Maybe you should address your fears to the proper authorities.
j7915 said:You are talking about Singapore, right? As for the Japanese, last I checked they are going to be building the wings for the Boeing 7E7, and much of the rest of the fuselage. Japan Airlines flies to Hawaii, and the US mainland every day with 747s. Maybe you should address your fears to the proper authorities.