USAPA R & I Committee Update
April 29, 2008
As reported, USAPA will provide all pilots, USAPA members and non members, Aeromedical Services through Monday June 3, 2008. USAPA fully understands we are in a transitional period, however, after June 3, 2008, any pilot who is not a member of USAPA will be required to arrange direct billing and be responsible for the fees if they elect to keep the service. Free Aeromedical services simply require that the pilot be dues current and submit a USAPA Membership Form prior to the close of business Monday, June 3, 2008
For a covered pilot, if a medical issue develops that affects the pilots' certificate, the first step is to contact Harvey Watt and Co. (800-241-6103 x222). They will act as a consultant and provide the steps necessary to resolve the issue. The next step is to choose the best medical provider for your specific circumstance. That provider may be your local Primary Care Physician, a Specialist, local AME, or you may contract the services of Dr. Peter Lambrou. Please check the US Airways Benefits page on the HUB and the USAPA website for any updates or new information.
Thank you,