The cost of living in Dallas Tx, is NOT the same as in Tulsa. It is now much more expensive to live in Dallas than it cost to live in Tulsa. I could move to Tulsa and get a much larger house on land and pay alot less than I could in Dallas Tx. You obviously are not in tune with the market in Dallas currently. Communities somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour plus outside of Dallas now starts at mid 200,00.00, and goes up from there. The average home to buy used is now 300,00.00 more than an hour away from Dallas. The closer you get into Dallas it goes up dramatically, reaching 500,000.00 just north of Dallas. Getting homes in Dallas is even more. If I took 300K to Tulsa I could live like someone spending 500K plus in Dallas. This is why we have so many people commuting from Ok to Tx for work. There are so many Ok plates driving to Dallas for work (because of much higher pay) and driving back home to Ok to live (because it's so cheap). Not sure where you got your info that it's the same cost of living in Dallas and Tulsa, but you are very wrong. Do some research before you spout off.