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AFL-CIO Cranks Up Money Machine for Leftist Pols
NewsMax ^ | 3/21/02 | Wes Vernon

Posted on 03/20/2002 12:08:28 PM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection

President Bush is up against a huge international socialist machine out to undermine the principles of his presidency.

That movement is lending its full weight to efforts to impose global taxes on Americans, about which NewsMax.com reported last week.

Beyond that, the movement is out to extract money from 13 million to 14 million Americans to see that an anti-Bush Congress is elected in November.

To add insult to injury, efforts to curb this machine are being met with foot-dragging and resistance within the president’s own administration. That resistance comes from Clinton holdovers and career bureaucrats. Let’s take the last item first:

Bush loyalists are seething with anger and frustration over the fact that more than a year into the Bush administration, the Justice Department’s efforts to deal with this are being undermined from within. The frustration is magnified by Big Labor’s blatant violation of a court order that unions stop spending members’ dues for political activity without their permission.

In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that workers could not be compelled to pay dues for politics or other activities unrelated to collective bargaining. Left-wing politicians – the same ones who piously proclaim that the Supreme Court’s pro-abortion decision in Roe vs. Wade is "the law of the land†– have scoffed at the Beck decision and refused to enforce it.

A worker can sue to get a refund for any dues money he has paid that has gone to partisan political causes or otherwise not gone into collective bargaining. However, any worker who does that runs the risk of reprisals.

Exploiting Workers

Now, AFL-CIO President John Joseph Sweeney wants every union within his federation to kick in more money to build a political war chest for the midterm congressional elections in November.

The federation’s executive council approved the increase at its meeting in New Orleans in late February. At a May 22 meeting in New York, the board, consisting of presidents of all 66 affiliated unions, will be asked to adopt the recommendation.

Some of the federations are dragging their feet on this. A well-placed source told NewsMax.com that when Sweeney met with the federation’s executive council last month, the top labor official walked out of the council meeting with a sour look on his face. The council members had just insisted on cutting down the amount of money to be taken out of worker’s pockets.

Instead of assessing the rank-and-file members $12 a year, the council decreed the amount would be 48 cents. Added up, that gives Sweeney and his compatriots somewhere between $5 million and $6 million to fund left-wing candidates.

If the dues increase is adopted, even the dissenting brotherhoods will have to pony up or be kicked out of the federation. Only the entertainment unions are exempted from mandatory political contributions.

Note to Union Members

A two-thirds vote is required. So if you are a member of any AFL-CIO affiliated union and you prefer to decide for yourself what candidates for office you want to support, you may want to contact your union leadership about the issue.

It is estimated that $800 million in union dues was spent during the 2000 election cycle, 90 to 95 percent of it on left-wing candidates. That includes all the "in kind†and "get out the vote†contributions that do not come under the heading of direct money offerings. Sweeney wants to up the ante this time.

If decisions of the highest court in the land meant anything, officers of the law would be on hand at the May 22 meeting in New York to cuff the ring leaders when and if the new surcharge is voted through.

But of course, that won’t happen. The reasons are twofold:

The matter is in the courts, where it has dragged on during the Clinton years.

Clinton's Stink Still Spreads

The Justice Department is dragging its feet. The problem is not with top-ranking officials such as Attorney General John Ashcroft. Rather, at the lower levels, Clinton holdovers and careerists have little enthusiasm for moving things forward.

"We need to move this case up to higher levels at Justice,†a Bush loyalist told NewsMax.com.

Sweeney the Socialist

According to a carefully researched report, "Big Labor and Its Global Socialist Agenda,†published by America’s Survival Inc., Sweeney has been publicly identified by the "democratic left†as a member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), one of the few leftist groups in the U.S. that does not shy away from the very word "socialist.†Sweeney’s membership in DSA is not widely known to union members.

DSA in turn is affiliated with the worldwide Marxist group Socialist International (SI). According to the America’s Survival paper, SI brings together about 140 socialist and "former†communist parties and leaders around the globe.

"There is absolutely no evidence that Sweeney himself is a Communist,†says the report’s author and investigative journalist, Cliff Kincaid.

However, the report notes that under Sweeney’s leadership, AFL-CIO has softened its longstanding opposition to communism and communists, and instead has adopted an "anti anti-communist†stance.

In 1997, for example, the federation dropped its opposition to allowing Communist Party members into its organization. This goes against the decades-long policies of Sweeney’s predecessors George Meany and Lane Kirkland.

In fact, under Meany and Kirkland, the late DSA member and militant socialist Machinists Union leader William Winpisinger had been a dissident who was marginalized and isolated.

"Under his hero, Sweeney,†says Kincaid, Winpisinger was "considered mainstream.â€

Kissing Up to the U.N.

Although labor groups have demonstrated against such world bodies as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank, Sweeney gives the United Nations a clean bill of health.

"Like DSA member and former Congressman [Ron] Dellums, Sweeney wants the UN to dominate the new global order,†according to the research of America’s Survival Inc.

SI has been hospitable to the idea of "global governance,†which includes the so-called "Tobin tax†that would impose taxes worldwide.

As reported last week by NewsMax.com, this scheme would set up an international order to give the U.N. trillions of dollars with an ability to raise its own army and bring about the world government that internationalists have dreamed of for most of the past century.

Under this system, proposed to the same U.N. group that has been meeting this week in Monterrey, Mexico, Americans could be taxed by foreigners elected by no one.

The issue has been sidelined for the time being. But no one expects the globalists to give up. The left never does.

An Alert for President Bush

President Bush is due to address the Monterrey conference this week. One wonders to what extent he is aware of the forces, at home and abroad, arrayed against the kind of America his administration represents.

In fact, there appear to be some loose cannons in his administration, including one Patrick Cronin, assistant administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development.

While rejecting a global tax proposed by Mexican President Vicente Fox, Cronin told the Washington Times that the global tax at this time was a non-starter only because no one had figured out how to use it.

"In the right time,†he said, "there could be a serious discussion about global taxes.â€

However, NewsMax.com understands that there is a "total skepticism†of anything involving the United Nations at the White House and that there has been no serious discussion there of global taxation.

The Republicans in general are doing precious little to combat the power of this international socialist machine. While Sweeney wields his clout in national and international circles, most GOP politicians are keeping their heads down or hiding under the bed, hoping he won’t get too angry with them.

Recently, conservative activist David Horowitz proposed banning political activities by government employee unions and corporate contractors who do business with the government. He makes the logical argument that "these are walking conflicts of interest.â€

But Republicans won’t consider anything like that. They’re too busy hiding. In his book "The War Room,†Horowitz says the left has declared outright blood-sport political war against the GOP. If the Republicans intend to survive and win that war, he warns, they will have to go on offense.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections

1 posted on 03/20/2002 12:08:28 PM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
There has to be something more to this.
The Wall Street Journal spent years carping about Beck. Bush rallied for Beck on the campaign trail. Ashcroft mentioned Beck in his confirmation hearings. All the Senators and House Members have talked about Beck.

But nothing is happeneing.

After more than a year with Bush in the White House and Ahscroft as head of DOJ, it can't be bureaucratic inaction.

But what is it?

I'm mystified.

2 posted on 03/20/2002 12:46:45 PM PST by Vladiator
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
There has to be something more to this.
The Wall Street Journal spent years carping about Beck. Bush rallied for Beck on the campaign trail. Ashcroft mentioned Beck in his confirmation hearings. All the Senators and House Members have talked about Beck.

But nothing is happeneing.

After more than a year with Bush in the White House and Ahscroft as head of DOJ, it can't be bureaucratic inaction.

But what is it?

I'm mystified.

3 posted on 03/20/2002 12:47:20 PM PST by Vladiator
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
The movie,"BIG JIM McCLAIN"was way ahead on this one!

4 posted on 03/20/2002 1:29:28 PM PST by INSENSITIVE GUY
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To: Vladiator
Lower level career civil servants within the Justice Dept. (the Pentagon and elsewhere in Bush's admin.) are mostly as you'd expect in gov., liberals..and can't be fired by President Bush. Employees at the VOA actually said no to the President's request not to play Osama/Taliban news after 9-11 (NPR types) and walked out at this suggestion that our radio station, playing for an international audience, paid for by taxpayers should play pro-American news. Imagine. The DC career types laugh at the "pretense" of anyone but themselves controlling the agenda...they are many, organized and corrupt. Our President and every Republican in DC are surrounded by enemies.
To top it off, Republicans back in their safe homes are quick to do the press's bidding and damn their own party. The Dems. to Reps. are as a cancer to a minor irritation. Freepers who cry after being flamed cannot know how a hate filled diatribe in the NY Times affects one of our own in DC...week after week. They are human - surrounded by those who have sold their humanity.

5 posted on 03/20/2002 1:41:15 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl
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To: Vladiator
In order for a union member to assert Beck rights, one must resign from the union. On becoming a nonmember, one pays a reduced dues rate for activities relating to collective bargaining. The union is required to provide a breakdown of this reduced fee and the Beck objector has the right to challenge how this fee was calculated. An arbitrator may deem certain challenged expenses non-chargeable — hence the refund. Beck only applies in non-right to work states because union-security clauses can legally be used in collective bargaining agreements.
The principle enforcer of Beck right now is the National Labor Relations Board. Their track record of enforcing the Beck decision is abysmal. Additionally, the average union member has no idea Beck rights exist. Most who do learn about these rights are afraid to assert them because of all the potential hassles.

6 posted on 03/20/2002 2:42:51 PM PST by flim-flam
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Sweeney is showcased on DSA's site. Barf alert!

7 posted on 03/21/2002 8:03:38 AM PST by flim-flam
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???????? So what is the point? The TWU still has the lowest percentage of work outsourced and has the lowest Percentage of members on Layoff!!!!!!!

Convience us why we should support an organization that believes in creating havoc with the scope language? Read below,

What is in store for the future?

We have seen in the last several years a fundamental change in the way the airlines are viewing the maintenance of the Aircraft. With the airline passenger paying less for a ticket and the airlines looking for ways to slash costs. The trend will be to continue to reduce maintenance costs.

A couple of ways has been to lower wages and benefits by challenging the unions or increase the outsourcing of work. Amfa has chosen to allow the increase in outsourcing by inserting language in their contracts and not putting up a fight to stop the trend. The TWU on the other hand has seen fit to lower wages and benefits to stay in line with the average wages within the industry and in turn has been able to keep the language in tact along with working aggressively to keep work in-house.

Which way is correct? If you ask a 20-year mechanic he will say higher wages. If you ask a 5-year mechanic he will indicate lower wages with steady employment is the better way to go. If you ask Amfa they like to compare the NW contract as superior in wages, while approaching the 50% mark on layoffs there is little chance of ever working at NW. If you look at AA the TWU has chosen to keep layoffs at below 15% with lower wages and an opportunity for future employment. The TWU has more experience in representing the best interest of the membership, while Amfa is better at organizing.

The Airlines are going thru some turbulent times and are trying to find a medium where they can sustain profitability and long-term survival ship. Is this going to mean more pressure will be applied to reduce cost? In my opinion yes!

Here is my opinion of what this means to you?

At NW you will see a steady decline of maintenance and employees in the next couple of years to where the maintenance bases will close and the head count will be around 1500 mechanics. Amfa has been unable to stop the trend as NW continues to shift work to 3rd party maintenance here and overseas. (Note current employment is 5250+/- down from 9700 in 2000. source Jan.2004 seniority list)

At United with the new contract and recent talks of spinning maintenance off. You will see a steady decline of employees in maintenance to around 2500. With unlimited scope language, the new 2 billion dollar contract on engines and the closing of the maintenance bases this will take place in short order. (Note current employment is 8400 +/- down from 13,200 less than 2 years ago, source Amfa)

At American the trend is to take advantage of the outsourcing frenzy and work at controlling labor costs and going after 3rd party maintenance. Will AA be able to capitalize on this? The stock market believes they will. Time will definitely tell. (Note current employment is approx.17,000 thousand)

You have a choice! Amfa has openly admitted the scope clause in the AA/TWU contract is worthless. If they are successful at calling for an election and get in, you will see a gradual shifting of AA philosophy and a steady increase of work outsourced. At the rate NW and United is losing employees the 17,000 employees at AA could be 4000 in 5 years. Don’t be fooled into believing Amfa is the way to go. The track record speaks for itself.

Have you tried lately to get hired at one of the majors? It takes an average of 8 months at Southwest. With 1800 mechanics, majority of heavy maintenance outsourced and as competition increases hiring will slow. USAir continues to have problems and is looking for more concessions and additional layoffs. If Delta is unable to get its costs under control you will see some major changes in the future.

As 3rd party maintenance continues to grow in popularity you will see a steady increase in this sector. The wages and benefits are normally 50% of what the majors pay. This is where you will end up if you continue to support Amfa and fall over the 4000 mark. You need to ask yourself if this is the right choice when you sign a card. I ask that you look at the facts presented over the last couple of years and you will see the TWU is the best choice in representing you!

Proud member of the TWU, In Solidarity
This is where you will end up if you continue to support Amfa and fall over the 4000 mark. You need to ask yourself if this is the right choice when you sign a card. I ask that you look at the facts presented over the last couple of years and you will see the TWU is the best choice in representing you!

Proud member of the TWU, In Solidarity
So you are now openly admitting that article 42 of the contract( job security) is also useless. Let me see we gave up Billions without getting any assurance that the bases will remain open , and now you state that over 12,000 will be layed off under AMFA at AA. Was this a secret letter of agreement to do away with our so-called Job Security clause? Why would the twu get rid of it for all when it was only suppose to be the bottom 1400 or so. When did we vote to waive this right? Why do you continue to lie?
Checking it Out said:
???????? So what is the point? The TWU still has the lowest percentage of work outsourced and has the lowest Percentage of members on Layoff!!!!!!!

Convience us why we should support an organization that believes in creating havoc with the scope language? Read below,
so tell us cio, what percentage of work is outsourced according to AA's numbers? This was supposed to be given to the union last month. Why is the twu dodging this question. Is there a problem with enforcing our scope clause or is this privileged information for the international only.

Tell us about the fate of MCI if third party work doesnt come in, or is this top secret too.

All you people advocating lower pay and benefits must not be mechanics or your just traitors to the profession, why should all the lower cost come from labor, or to be more specific labors pay and benefits. Cutting management expenses could go along way in reducing cost but your not harping on that.