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Performance Rewards

On 4/30/2003 12:00:28 PM WXGuesser wrote:

On 4/30/2003 11:18:03 AM Bob Owens wrote:

However when ever a station does well management gets the credit, when it does poorly the workers get the blame. So you tell me," Which way is it?".

I did not get your response to that.



That is just simply an application of the Golden Rule. Them that has the gold makes the rules, or in this case, takes the rewards. This is America, Bob!

Funny, I thought we at least claimed to be a Democracy.

We are always ready to blame someone else for the problems and take credit for the work of others.

Isnt that what the executives have been doing for years?

There is no sense of personal responsibility in this country anymore, and anyone who shows even the slightest hint of actually taking responsibility for their actions is immediately played for a sucker by everyone and anyone, or run out of town on a rail (ala Don Carty). Excuse me for being so cynical, but I'm just calling it like I see it.

A golden rail that is. Poor poor Don. Maybe we should take up a collection for him. Carty took responsibilty for being deceptive after it was revealed what he did. Was there much choice?

AA did not have to come to the unions; they stated the financing was all lined up. If they were truly the heartless thieves you imply them to be, they would simply have filed. Braniff comparisons, anyone?

Yes they did if they wanted to abrogate the agreement. Who had more to lose in BK? The workers or management? You are wrong there.

And FYI it's Bonnie and Clyde.


On 4/30/2003 11:18:03 AM Bob Owens wrote:

Yes, but in my chosen profession that can only be done with small fly by night carriers. Even in non-union carriers like Delta, pay rates are pretty much non-negotiable.


You mean kind of like it is in the rest of the world?

Maybe we need more unions.

Bob, I know you are very good at what you do, and that you have exceptional skills. Do you think that if your work environment was non-union and the possibility for promotions existed, that you would have been promoted into a better paying position?

I think that the position I have should warrant a remunerative salary.

Unions have both their good and bad points. They do protect the rights, pay and benefits of their members from the whims of management. But they also force management to keep the bad with the good.

Wrong. Management retains the right to get rid of bad workers. They choose not to exercise that right. Are you claiming that all non-union workers are good workers? I've worked both, and that is not the case, just the tactics are different.

Do you think that employees who deliberately perform at less than their best, or whose work is substandard should be fired? Do you think their should be incentives for going "above and beyond the call of duty"? You can't have both guarantees (union) and incentives (non-union). You have to choose.

I think that when a fair agreement has been struck under fair conditions workers should do their best, however if the company seeks to use intimidation and impose unfair conditions workers should deliver what they are given. If the company seeks to pay out the least amount possible then why shouldnt the workers do the least amount possible?

And my head is very clearly not where you believe it to be. The only way to "respond" to an ad hominem attack is with an attack in kind. Sorry, but I'm not five years old.


On 4/30/2003 5:04:06 PM desertfox wrote:

On 4/30/2003 7:28:22 AM Bob Owens wrote:

M&E Station performance has been down in all domestic stations except STL.  STL actually execeeded targets by 32%. Only 1.6% of its flights were delayed. ----------------

Perhaps a more serious study needs to be done of WHY STL M/E does so well....could it be a more favorable working relationship between spvrs and mechanics.....the unique cohesive blend of former Ozark and TWA mechanics with a wide range of experience, perspective and work ethic? Perhaps the LLC maint. system itself?

In any event a sad loss of valuable talent, as it is with all layoffs.

Or could it be luck and scheduling? Obviosly stations that only fly domestic have it a lot easier than those that fly overwater. If most of the aircraft are the same configuration its a lot easier to swap. Here in JFK we have ER set up aircraft and domestic set up aircraft along with 5 different aircfaft.

Well I''m sure a lot of those guys have a lot of time. Ozark has been gone for what, 15 years? They wont be lost unless they dont want to leave STL. The point is that even with good performance the company will still toss you out like yesterdays garbage if thats what they decide they want to do. If you want security make as much money as you can and put some of it aside. Concessions never bring security.
Very well said Bob. Some people will just never understand. keep writing and I''ll keep reading.
Not only did the TWU take a dive for the good of the company the UAL mechs also voted yes to thier concessionary contract.I am sorry to say it is far worse than ours.The future of our profession has been sold out by our corrupt and inept unions. I hope there is a light at the end of the 5 years although I sincerely doubt it.
On 4/30/2003 7:08:08 PM TIME FOR CHANGE wrote:

Very well said Bob. Some people will just never understand. keep writing and I''ll keep reading.
Not only did the TWU take a dive for the good of the company the UAL mechs also voted yes to thier concessionary contract.I am sorry to say it is far worse than ours.The future of our profession has been sold out by our corrupt and inept unions. I hope there is a light at the end of the 5 years although I sincerely doubt it.

I would like to see a direct comparasion of these two contracts. This letter from Jim Little of the TWU ATD suggests that United had a better wage and benefit contract, while TWU favored keeping more jobs at lower wages and reduced benefits. The chart that is used for comparasion is a Fleet Service Chart. Once again the TWU has ignored the mechanic craft and class.

April 10, 2003

TO: All AA Members:

RE: United Airlines Term Sheet of April 8, 2003

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

We have received numerous calls and E-mails regarding the latest UA term sheet dated April 8, 2003 reached in Bankruptcy, as compared to the AA March 31, 2003 tentative agreement. The chart attached depicts the UA Term sheet overlaid on the AA T/A. In summation: If our Negotiating Committee agreed to the outsourcing vs. compensation, we would be at a 10% pay reduction and holidays, vacation, sick leave would be intact. The direct result of the UA agreement would eliminate 6,388 jobs. Our Negotiating Committee rejected the additional outsourcing of work.


James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President

Fleet Service Proposal Substituting UAL type Concessions
10% Base Salary Reduction (Includes Variable Benefits) $85.0
Longevity unchanged

Outsource Cabin Service (2799 jobs) $48.7
Outsource Stations up to 40 flights per day (3267 jobs) $110.5
Outsource Cargo Stations with fewer than 40 flights per day (322 jobs) $7.3
Modify Crew Chief ratios (Art.11 -QAM)

Vacation / Holiday
Holiday Package - with roll (Art.7)
Reducing one week of vacation (Art. 8)
Shift Differential
Modify shift differential to 1, 2 and 3 cents (Art. 5 and 6)
Overtime / Penalty Hours / Penalty Lunch
Eliminate penalty lunch payment (Art. 36)
Pay penalty hours for actual time worked @ 1.5X (Art. 6)
Eliminate overtime meal allowance of $3.00 (Art. 6)
Eliminate early call-in guarantees (Art. 25)
Reduce overtime rate of 2.0X to 1.5X (Art. 6)
Must physically work 40 hours before OT @ 1.5X
Sick Time / Pay
Reduce annual accrual to 5 days; pay at 100% (Art. 34)
Modify IOD provision (pay 10 days ) (Art. 34)
Discontinue Co. subsidized medical benefits for furloughed empl. (Art.19)
Reduce uniform provisioning (Art.27)
Eliminate Co. paid uniform Laundering (Art. 27)
Eliminate Crew Chief premium when not working as a CC Art. 4, 11, 12)
Eliminate short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art. 21)
System protection/ special move/ severance credit/ full time floor credit


Medical & Dental Plan $31.8
Retiree Medical Prefunding elimination $3.3


TOTAL $266.6

Job Impact of Outsourcing - 6388
All values are AA cost out including medical and retiree medical (FSC proportion of TWU total).

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