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OH contract

bigjets said:
You sound like you're new to the industry, read some airline magazines and other trade websites, you'll learn more about the industry instead of just listening to the know nothings in the breakroom.
Uh, with a screen name "2nd Gen AMT" I'd say chances are high they're not exactly blind to the issues...
bigjets said:
This sounds like the most realistic scenario, AAR has a lot of facilities around the world, but they don't pay that great, and benefits suck. I have heard how they contract mechs from another company (no benefits) and only get paid if there is work otherwise they show up and are told to go home, no work today. 
My theoretical scenario of separate contracts would only work at Tulsa as the city of Tulsa has proven themselves willing to do whatever it takes to keep TULE open. This scenario would only work if AA, Tulsa, and OH mechs are willing to make it work, the OH mechs seem against the idea.
Thanks fellas, I won't waste anybody's time with these thoughts or this thread any longer. 
You are way off base, my point was it is much easier to have a 3rd party do the work
because the cost reasons I mentioned. But if you look at the industry airlines are keeping
a portion of work in house, AA could have dumped all of its work in bankruptcy. 
I think the reason is you cannot count on 3rd party work, so keeping a viable overhaul 
program is not only a security net but when we can do the job better and faster (like the
CFM-56) it is a no brainer.  And in no way will I agree to a lower wage then a line mechanic
with the same company, I take pride in my skill and as long as I carry the same license as
you and my signature stamp says A&P you can take your two contract Idea and........
well, you know where to stick it. I think this thread is done!!!!
eolesen said:
Uh, with a screen name "2nd Gen AMT" I'd say chances are high they're not exactly blind to the issues...
Thanks E.
My diapers were paid for with DL Mechanic wages and my kids were paid for with AA wages 28 years ago, you know what they say about opinions though.
chilokie1 said:
You are way off base, my point was it is much easier to have a 3rd party do the work
because the cost reasons I mentioned. But if you look at the industry airlines are keeping
a portion of work in house, AA could have dumped all of its work in bankruptcy. 
I think the reason is you cannot count on 3rd party work, so keeping a viable overhaul 
program is not only a security net but when we can do the job better and faster (like the
CFM-56) it is a no brainer.  And in no way will I agree to a lower wage then a line mechanic
with the same company, I take pride in my skill and as long as I carry the same license as
you and my signature stamp says A&P you can take your two contract Idea and........
well, you know where to stick it. I think this thread is done!!!!
No doubt that the work from TULE is better then any, but I think the 777 and 767 work from AFW was second to none also. Horton even said he would much rather write a check for an overhauled airplane, rather then be responsible for the infrastructure that you mentioned. I think OH work will shrink at AA even more, and you have stated same as line or nothing.
eolesen said:
Uh, with a screen name "2nd Gen AMT" I'd say chances are high they're not exactly blind to the issues...
I was going by the fact that he doesn't know airlines are sending OH work overseas not line Maint. 2nd gen Amt is his screen name, I'm really not a bigjet.
2ndGENAMT said:
So who is doing the maintenance in MSP and DTW?
Pilots generally don't write things up at out stations but if they have to there are small contract Maint company's that are on call to take care of problem unless it's too big of a problem then they will call for a field trip. But they don't do overnight just on call stuff.
bigjets said:
Pilots generally don't write things up at out stations but if they have to there are small contract Maint company's that are on call to take care of problem unless it's too big of a problem then they will call for a field trip. But they don't do overnight just on call stuff.
Thanks for clearing that up but my question was rhetorical.
bigjets said:
Would OH accept a separate contract from line to bring back ALL outsourced OH work?
Different work rules, pay, etc...... that would make AAs OH more competitive with MROs. The quality of work would be better from Tulsa, but would the mechs go for that, the techs have a separate contract tailored to their work area, I don't see why that would be different.
let me ask you a question would you with a a/p license work for 32. Why should a AA,licensed mechanic make 32 instead of 47. Weather in Tulsa are the line. AA had a great thing with doing there in house MBV . And they have a great thing at the line stations. So why should a licensed mechanic make less. You need to get over the 2010 contract it was horrible. And the majority voted no. Like I have had to get over all the other lousy contracts that set amts profession back that passed. and airlines are staring to bring more things in house . And if AA was smart they would get back to doing Mro work. Delta is racking in the money doing that. And delta overhaul mechanics are not making less except line pay. Imho you and people like you are the reason that aa mechanics are where we are at. Igm attitude you have.
If you want to know a reason why Tulsa would not sign AMFA cards you can look at the first post by bigjets and see why.  As someone who wanted AMFA here I take exception to this kind of crap.  In this guy's warped mind an Overhaul mechanic is worth less than a line mechanic.  Now that O/H is a 7 day 24 hour job just like the line then I think there ought to be line pay for them too.  I can tell you that unless people like bigjets learn to shut up then O/H will never sign cards to get rid of the TWU.  Why should we have to work for less to compare to MROs?  Does United have overhaul?  Delta?  Southwest?  Yes they do and their AMTs make the same.  But in his world what they take from overhaul they'll give to line right?  Ask your buddy Peterson why there is no GEO pay for line guys?  The fact is he voted it down because DFW didn't fall into the high cost areas and wouldn't have qualified for it.  Tulsa was and still is for it.  Go peddle your crap somewhere else.  Your tune is old and has been played over and over by you.  You make it worse for all of us every time you chime in.  Maybe if you'd shut up we could get rid of the TWU but right now you are a poster baby for the TWU to use against us.    
Thanks everyone, I got my answer, NO to separate contracts. And it seems like there is a lot of hope that AA will insource more work rather then outsource more work.

And to conehead 777, yes the 2010 TA wasn't restore and more, but by turning that down we have ALL lost out on $50k each in cash alone, not to mention vacation sick holidays double time. I don't want us to listen to the weak minded again and reach for pie in the sky ideas.

I do hope you're right though, that AA will start insourcing more work, but then again we do have OSM pay rates that the IGM crowd voted in at tule. Don't worry about me I'm a 30 year guy at a line station where it's not really too desirable.

How many people think trump will bring OH back to the USA?
bigjets said:
Thanks everyone, I got my answer, NO to separate contracts. And it seems like there is a lot of hope that AA will insource more work rather then outsource more work.

And to conehead 777, yes the 2010 TA wasn't restore and more, but by turning that down we have ALL lost out on $50k each in cash alone, not to mention vacation sick holidays double time. I don't want us to listen to the weak minded again and reach for pie in the sky ideas.

I do hope you're right though, that AA will start insourcing more work, but then again we do have OSM pay rates that the IGM crowd voted in at tule. Don't worry about me I'm a 30 year guy at a line station where it's not really too desirable.

How many people think trump will bring OH back to the USA?
Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it.   Management dreams of having guys like you on board.  Let me get this straight, you're suggesting AA pay O/H AMTs $32.00ph, while a baggage handler is making almost as much?  Lol. 
Vortilon said:
Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it.   Management dreams of having guys like you on board.  Let me get this straight, you're suggesting AA pay O/H AMTs $32.00ph, while a baggage handler is making almost as much?  Lol.
As far as hindsight goes I said it then as well, but the know nothings said I was selling out to management. Well we all got $50k less, so who does management love more, the know nothings that convince us to turn away money or the guy that wants mechanics to make more money.

The best reason not to accept a separate contract for OH was vortiltions, ramp making almost $30 why should a mech not make much more. OSM making $31, FSC $30, seems like AA already has the pay they want, but yet not doing OH like we did in the 80s and 90s, 

And to old guy, Tulsa was voting down AMFA long before I posted on this forum and long before AMFA blew the strike at NWA, don't use me as a scapegoat for the IGM Tulsa crowd. Don't you know that there are a lot of guys working on the line that use to work in Tulsa. Maybe I'm one of them. Maybe be I Use to paint the Dc 10 Lavs then maybe I worked aft cargo on s80 line. Who knows. Face it TULE has been comfortable for a long time and saw no reason for change.
Hopefully I didn't upset too many people by asking the question, I meant no harm.
bigjets said:
Thanks everyone, I got my answer, NO to separate contracts. And it seems like there is a lot of hope that AA will insource more work rather then outsource more work.
And to conehead 777, yes the 2010 TA wasn't restore and more, but by turning that down we have ALL lost out on $50k each in cash alone, not to mention vacation sick holidays double time. I don't want us to listen to the weak minded again and reach for pie in the sky ideas.
I do hope you're right though, that AA will start insourcing more work, but then again we do have OSM pay rates that the IGM crowd voted in at tule. Don't worry about me I'm a 30 year guy at a line station where it's not really too desirable.
How many people think trump will bring OH back to the USA?
Trump won't bring any OH jobs back to the USA, and neither will Clinton...
bigjets said:
Hopefully I didn't upset too many people by asking the question, I meant no harm.
you upset me thinking I'm worth less than you. I promise you same job.

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