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OH contract

topDawg said:
and right now you shouldn't take a pay cut to save jobs. You should get a pay raise AND jobs. 
Of course that is what we all want. But as you have stated with respect to the OSM/ASM must happen and having all A&P's doing all the work being a dream....I agree whole heartedly with this....But the reality of outsourcing the heavy work to other countries with cheap labor is more a reality than a dream and becoming more and more the norm.
MetalMover said:
Of course that is what we all want. But as you have stated with respect to the OSM/ASM must happen and having all A&P's doing all the work being a dream....I agree whole heartedly with this....But the reality of outsourcing the heavy work to other countries with cheap labor is more a reality than a dream and becoming more and more the norm.
because of people like bigjets who don't care about anyone below him on the list or anyone who wants to be on the list. 
ASM/OSM is a way to keep work in-house and let non-A&Ps get there feet wet. Its not a terrible thing AS LONG AS it is controlled. Ready Reserve on the Delta ramp wasn't a bad thing till it got out of control. 
But the OSM "problem" would be fixed if you guys just hold what you got. Not even make gains but just hold what you have and bring LUS to the same standard. Any OSM with a license would have a chance to move up because, again, enough work from the US side would come in to create tons of jobs.
MetalMover said:
Good post. But keep in mind that the TWU has managed to negotiate contract after contract to "save jobs." We always lagged the industry because we did most work in house. Title 1 numbers once doubled current numbers and outsourcing has increased dramatically. It is admirable that you are willing to take pay cuts to save jobs but that has been the bill of goods sold us for far too long. We have been behind the eight ball for so long I find it very difficult to say I can NOT and WILL NOT take paycuts for jobs that will only turn out to be an empty promise.
I am glad people are starting to see what I have been telling this forum for years.
Of course when I said it I got down arrows and contempt.
I was right then and I am right now.
I am glad your way of thinking is changing.
And no.... this is not directed at MetalMover but the fact he has 3 green for something that used to get such a hostile response.
I am glad some people on here are getting a little smarter.
High Speed Steel said:
I disagree with you. Tulsa may be one of Americas laid back communities but there is much to offer. The BOK Center downtown has been a true benefit for Tulsa, offering much mainstream entertainment for the peeps. Some events Tulsa offers is the  host of the "Chili Bowl" a popular midget racing event recognized world wide. For fireworks. A short drive up to Grand Lake is the place you want to be for one hell of a show on Duck Creek. Tulsa also offers the Tulsa Tough bicycle races here drawing world wide competitors. Fine dining is also a staple for Tulsa, just a short list, Tulsa is not so bad....
The return of High Speed Steel!!!!!  Hey Chris it isn't so great in Tulsa anymore since Oklahoma outlawed the chicken fights. haha.  Seriously though, there is lots more to do in Tulsa now than ever before.  The downtown district has been built up with bars and restaurants and I challenge anyone to find a nicer minor league baseball park than One OK field.  
MetalMover said:
Good post. But keep in mind that the TWU has managed to negotiate contract after contract to "save jobs." We always lagged the industry because we did most work in house. Title 1 numbers once doubled current numbers and outsourcing has increased dramatically. It is admirable that you are willing to take pay cuts to save jobs but that has been the bill of goods sold us for far too long. We have been behind the eight ball for so long I find it very difficult to say I can NOT and WILL NOT take paycuts for jobs that will only turn out to be an empty promise.
I also want to add exactly what empty promises have you seen when it comes to outsource? 
You have no station protection. It wasn't rocket science AFW was going to die. Airlines are all about synergies, it makes little since to have large MX bases outside of the hubs because it drives up supply chain costs and ferry costs. Tulsa is too large to shut down. Once DWH opened AFW was dead. 
TAESL, well you contract had provisions for shutting it down too. Also no Rolls Royce engines on order......shouldn't have been rocket science to see that one going either. Line stations come and go. Thats just the industry. 
It seems to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, some vote on the contract and then get mad when American follows it. "well yeah we voted yes to a clause that would allow American to shut down TAESL, but they actually did it! Damn American! Damn the TWU!" 
but again, if I'm wrong tell me. I want to know what they have done that wasn't in the contract? (only outsourcing.)
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Proposition 2: Capital Improvements/American Airlines – $22.3 Million (2.5% of a penny). This proposal was an incentive for American Airlines, a leading employer in Tulsa for more than 50 years, to retain existing jobs and attract new ones at the company’s Tulsa Maintenance Base by providing funds for capital improvements, equipment, tooling and training.
Tulsa has a lot of programs geared toward job training and growth.
Like Tulsa Community WorkAdvance for instance.
In collaboration with CAP Tulsa & Health Profession Opportunity Grants - HPOG, we're very proud and excited for our Pharmacy Technician students who will graduate next week!
100% Free training in Shipping, Receiving & Warehousing will get you the hands on skills you need to launch a great career! You'll also earn your OSHA 10 and Forklift certifications.
They have also offered training for CDL, CNC machining, and welding.
This is the kind of social program we should have, not paying people to sit on the couch, watch TV , and eat Cheetos.
We also have many apprenticeship programs here. Anything from electrical to elevator maintenance and repair.
But hey....... feel free to listen to WeAAsles run down our town and post political propaganda because he has second hand information it was "boring" while totally ignoring the entertainment and opportunity we have to offer here.
topDawg said:
I also want to add exactly what empty promises have you seen when it comes to outsource? 
You have no station protection. It wasn't rocket science AFW was going to die. Airlines are all about synergies, it makes little since to have large MX bases outside of the hubs because it drives up supply chain costs and ferry costs. Tulsa is too large to shut down. Once DWH opened AFW was dead. 
TAESL, well you contract had provisions for shutting it down too. Also no Rolls Royce engines on order......shouldn't have been rocket science to see that one going either. Line stations come and go. Thats just the industry. 
It seems to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, some vote on the contract and then get mad when American follows it. "well yeah we voted yes to a clause that would allow American to shut down TAESL, but they actually did it! Damn American! Damn the TWU!" 
but again, if I'm wrong tell me. I want to know what they have done that wasn't in the contract? (only outsourcing.)
I think you're missing the point. The TWU for decades has recommended "yes" votes on contract after contract "or else." Or else there would be layoffs and jobs and work sent out. Usually the outsourcing would mean OH work.
Mechanics from both line and oh would shake in their boots at the thought of a layoff or having to bump to another city then those inferior contracts would get voted in. Guess what? Layoffs and outsourcing happened ANYWAY.
Our numbers are maybe half what they once were. 
I see your point that we voted it in, but under the TWU, we have experienced too many "THEY CAN DO THAT BROTHER" moments. Layoffs are never negotiated, but they  happen regardless. 
The truth of the matter is that those who feared job loss or relocation were so blinded by those prospects, they voted blindly for those contracts not caring to read the details.
We are our own worst enemy.
MetalMover said:
I think you're missing the point. The TWU for decades has recommended "yes" votes on contract after contract "or else." Or else there would be layoffs and jobs and work sent out. Usually the outsourcing would mean OH work.
Mechanics from both line and oh would shake in their boots at the thought of a layoff or having to bump to another city then those inferior contracts would get voted in. Guess what? Layoffs and outsourcing happened ANYWAY.
Our numbers are maybe half what they once were. 
I see your point that we voted it in, but under the TWU, we have experienced too many "THEY CAN DO THAT BROTHER" moments. Layoffs are never negotiated, but they  happen regardless. 
The truth of the matter is that those who feared job loss or relocation were so blinded by those prospects, they voted blindly for those contracts not caring to read the details.
We are our own worst enemy.
I totally agree.
These people have not tumbled onto the fact that the TWU is a form of control.
Maybe one day they will wake up but, I doubt it.
OldGuy@AA said:
The return of High Speed Steel!!!!!  Hey Chris it isn't so great in Tulsa anymore since Oklahoma outlawed the chicken fights. haha.  Seriously though, there is lots more to do in Tulsa now than ever before.  The downtown district has been built up with bars and restaurants and I challenge anyone to find a nicer minor league baseball park than One OK field.  
Tom. There is no return of High Speed Steel. This site receives no recognition and we who participate here are better off talking into an empty 5 gallon bucket. If those who participate here really want to make a difference. I suggest they attend their respective membership meetings, make motions for improvement, and get involved in their locals. I further suggest to those who post here to run for office when the time comes to place themselves in a better position to propose their desires through the proper channels.
Just for fun. I may pop in once in a while for a comment or two just to be a smart ass....lol  
High Speed Steel said:
This site receives no recognition and we who participate here are better off talking into an empty 5 gallon bucket.
Kev3188 said:
What a bunch of self righteous nonsense...
The man is entitled to his opinion.
I thought you libtards were all about equality and respecting others' opinions.
That is the lie the left propagates anyway.
High Speed Steel said:
Tom. There is no return of High Speed Steel. This site receives no recognition and we who participate here are better off talking into an empty 5 gallon bucket. If those who participate here really want to make a difference. I suggest they attend their respective membership meetings, make motions for improvement, and get involved in their locals. I further suggest to those who post here to run for office when the time comes to place themselves in a better position to propose their desires through the proper channels.
Just for fun. I may pop in once in a while for a comment or two just to be a smart ass....lol  
Talking into a 5 gallon bucket is more productive than being in the twu. The locals have no autonomy. The international assists the company to violate the contract anytime they want to. As far as running for office goes your kangaroo court of a local have blocked people from running for office just because they were suppose to be an AMFA supporter. When the only things that should have disqualified them was whether they were not in  good standing or if they did not get enough signatures on their petition. You are nothing more than a liar which is common when it comes to those of you that support these catch all industrial unions. This is nothing more than communism masquerading as a union. 
767 mechanic said:
This is nothing more than communism masquerading as a union. 
Unfortunately most people here are so indoctrinated with propaganda they can't see it. 

The IWW was founded in Chicago, Illinois in the United States in June 1905 at a convention of 200 socialists, anarchists, Marxists (primarily members of the Socialist Party of America and Socialist Labor Party) radical trade unionists from all over the United States (mainly the Western Federation of Miners) who were opposed to the policies of the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent: The "Little Red Songbook"
767 mechanic said:
Talking into a 5 gallon bucket is more productive than being in the twu. The locals have no autonomy. The international assists the company to violate the contract anytime they want to. As far as running for office goes your kangaroo court of a local have blocked people from running for office just because they were suppose to be an AMFA supporter. When the only things that should have disqualified them was whether they were not in  good standing or if they did not get enough signatures on their petition. You are nothing more than a liar which is common when it comes to those of you that support these catch all industrial unions. This is nothing more than communism masquerading as a union.
You seem to be quite ignorant to what I was conveying here. It's ok to be ignorant until you are educated on what you are ignorant about. I said to those who post here to get involved, attend their membership meetings, or when the time comes run for office to better position themselves. You lay blame on kangaroo courts disqualifying proven AMFA supporters as candidates for any International or Local office. This is governed by the TWU Constitution. Read it, maybe you'll learn something. All organizations including AMFA have built in safe guards against dual unionism...
Go to your membership meetings, get involved, or remain ignorant and continue to speak into the bucket....
Is US still sending planes to heavy check at Aeroman in El Salvador?  Apparently they use unlicensed mechanics making 3 to 8 dollars an hour. 
Southwest uses them also. 

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