I also want to add exactly what empty promises have you seen when it comes to outsource?
You have no station protection. It wasn't rocket science AFW was going to die. Airlines are all about synergies, it makes little since to have large MX bases outside of the hubs because it drives up supply chain costs and ferry costs. Tulsa is too large to shut down. Once DWH opened AFW was dead.
TAESL, well you contract had provisions for shutting it down too. Also no Rolls Royce engines on order......shouldn't have been rocket science to see that one going either. Line stations come and go. Thats just the industry.
It seems to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, some vote on the contract and then get mad when American follows it. "well yeah we voted yes to a clause that would allow American to shut down TAESL, but they actually did it! Damn American! Damn the TWU!"
but again, if I'm wrong tell me. I want to know what they have done that wasn't in the contract? (only outsourcing.)