<_< ---- Bob, I personally don't have any problem with COLA, and I don't believe anyone here at MCI would. But from what I've seem of the "Me first" attitude of the boys from TUL, you may have a problem! I can hear it now! "Why should they have something we don't?" ---- 😉
What makes you think that the average person from Tulsa is any different than the average person from MCI?
As I've admitted before, out of fustration I've lashed out at Tulsa (and MCI) and labeled the whole based on what we see coming from the place,(through the people they allow to represent them) but everything we say about Tulsa the Ex-TWA guys from NY say about MCI.
The problem with Tulsa is that they have been insulated from the hardship they create, and their leadership only helps insure that they stay that way.
You have to remember that "revolutions never start on a full stomach"(I forget where I heard that one, but its true).
The leadership of Tulsa usually gets in power with the vote of a minority of the total membership. 2000 votes in Tulsa, with a membership of over 6000 is usually more than enough.
During the Concessions of 2003 Local 562 put an ad in the Tulsa World. The response was overwhelming, our answering machine ran out of space. Hits to the Locals website skyrocketed. Several members from Tulsa called asking how they could join Local 562. There are good people there, unfortunately they have poor union representation. There may be a few good people in Local 514s leadership but not enough to make a difference. The character of the Local itself discourages good people from stepping up because if they get involved it means they have to associate with those people. So, given that they are making good money for the locale, can pay their bills and live well outside of work, why go through the aggravation?
The problem with Tulsa, MCI, JFK and all the other locals is simply the TWU International. The TWU Intnl not only allows, but encourages union brothers and sisters to compete for the same work. Whether its Station vs station or classification vs classification, the TWU pits member against member. That is hardly a formula for solidarity and no real union would act that way.
Solidarity with the TWU at AA is an impossibility when the unaccountable International holds all the power and has built a system of locals under one contract that divides and conquers by design.The TWUs structure at AA takes power away from the members. Members can not choose who controls their contract. Without control over a contract you basically dont have the benifit of a contract.
Look at what is going on here. You accuse Tulsa of screwing MCI out of work, but the fact is that Tulsa does not own the contract, the International does, and what do they have to say about all this? "Oh, our Locals are autonimous", thats a lie. The fact is that the locals have no say in the contract or systemwide decisions of the union, including challeging the company on where they put work. The International even said that in court that the locals have no power. The Intnl owns the contract not the locals, if you want that in writing on TWU letterhead from Kerrigan send me your E-mail address and I'll send it to you.
The Intnl hides behind the actions of locals instead of providing leadership. When the AA-TWA workgroups were merged, the International could have said that you guys were dovetailed, like the IAM did when you bought Ozark, but instead they found a way to pawn off blame to the Locals-divide and conquer.
If Ozark had been a major carrier, in business for over 50 years , declining for 20 (meaning that they had a very senior workforce) and the IAM had put dovetail to a vote how do you think your brothers at TWA would have voted?
If you had 6000 mechanics at MCI and the union said we can send the work to you or we can send it to Tulsa and lay off some of your members instead how would they choose?
What we see out of Tulsa has more to do with their circumstances and the flawed TWU structure thats in place than the charecter of Tulsans. The blame lies with the TWU International, they tolerate and promote divisive competition between union brothers and sisters, because it benifits Amercican Airlines, instead of informing, educating and unifying their membership.