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OH contract

iluvaa said:
you upset me thinking I'm worth less than you. I promise you same job.
Don't let your self worth be tied up into what you make an hour.
With the FSCs and gate agents both making about $30 an hour, no AA mech shouldn't accept anything less then any other AA mech makes. With MRO mechs making between $22 - $25 an hour, AA would never get comparable wages to AA mechanics, when unskilled labor would be making more then a mechanic. 
Glad we talked this out, vortilician really put it in perspective, the rest of you shouldn't be so emotional. 
bigjets said:
As far as hindsight goes I said it then as well, but the know nothings said I was selling out to management. Well we all got $50k less, so who does management love more, the know nothings that convince us to turn away money or the guy that wants mechanics to make more money.

The best reason not to accept a separate contract for OH was vortiltions, ramp making almost $30 why should a mech not make much more. OSM making $31, FSC $30, seems like AA already has the pay they want, but yet not doing OH like we did in the 80s and 90s, 

And to old guy, Tulsa was voting down AMFA long before I posted on this forum and long before AMFA blew the strike at NWA, don't use me as a scapegoat for the IGM Tulsa crowd. Don't you know that there are a lot of guys working on the line that use to work in Tulsa. Maybe I'm one of them. Maybe be I Use to paint the Dc 10 Lavs then maybe I worked aft cargo on s80 line. Who knows. Face it TULE has been comfortable for a long time and saw no reason for change.
Yeah Bingo and you will never come back to Tulsa because the work was too easy right?  You are so full of crap your eyes are brown.  I know many former TULE guys who are now on the line and none would ever come back here.  Obviously line maintenance is much more desirable than overhaul.  Also there are guys like you who think you are so much better than us nasty old overhaul guys.  Do everyone a favor and throw your laptop out the window.  You are the best advertisement for not signing an AMFA card.  Yeah a lot of guys read this message board and they know there are buttheads like you who want to destroy their wage structure thinking they can get more.  And you're tagging other's with the "I Got Mine" mantra?  Have a nice big slug of HYPOCRITE with your dinner.  I'm guessing you were a painter so they could keep you away from anything that you could screw up.  I guess you can't screw up a deferrment can you?  You are in the perfect place.  Keep placarding those systems Ace.  Show us all how great a mechanic you are. 
bigjets said:
Glad we talked this out, vortilician really put it in perspective, the rest of you shouldn't be so emotional. 
You shouldn't be so holier than thou.
Vortilon said:
Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it.   Management dreams of having guys like you on board.  Let me get this straight, you're suggesting AA pay O/H AMTs $32.00ph, while a baggage handler is making almost as much?  Lol. 
No actually he's suggesting O/H make $25 while a baggage handler makes $32.  
OldGuy@AA said:
Yeah Bingo and you will never come back to Tulsa because the work was too easy right?  You are so full of crap your eyes are brown.  I know many former TULE guys who are now on the line and none would ever come back here.  Obviously line maintenance is much more desirable than overhaul.  Also there are guys like you who think you are so much better than us nasty old overhaul guys.  Do everyone a favor and throw your laptop out the window.  You are the best advertisement for not signing an AMFA card.  Yeah a lot of guys read this message board and they know there are buttheads like you who want to destroy their wage structure thinking they can get more.  And you're tagging other's with the "I Got Mine" mantra?  Have a nice big slug of HYPOCRITE with your dinner.  I'm guessing you were a painter so they could keep you away from anything that you could screw up.  I guess you can't screw up a deferrment can you?  You are in the perfect place.  Keep placarding those systems Ace.  Show us all how great a mechanic you are.
I once worked in Tulsa but I was born in Texas. That's the reason I will never go back.
I don't usually defend big planes, he makes management type insinuations at times.  But I think he's making the suggestion that OH guys should get paid a wage structure competing with other state side mro's. Now, I understand the theory, and that is if our aa guys compete better with mro's as far as costs go, more work could come back in house, and maybe even outside work coming in. On top of that, line guys could get paid more in line with cargo airlines that contract out much of their OH to low paid vendors.  But, lets face it, no other major passenger airline does that, (pay oh guys less) also, we know that aa can't manage taking care of other peoples airplanes,(they proved that during the launch of the unsuccessful part 141 business) heck they cant figure out how to take care of their own. Finally, they're not going to pay line mechanics wages more in line big brown and ups an it wouldn't be right to separate out  group of brother techs and pay them less so they could compete with ridiculously low paid 3rd party oh places.
In reality, those guys pay needs to come up and I don't know why our all powerful unions and the afl cio don't go into those places and organize those guys..
DallasConehead said:
Now, I understand the theory, and that is if our aa guys compete better with mro's as far as costs go, more work could come back in house, and maybe even outside work coming in. On top of that, line guys could get paid more in line with cargo airlines that contract out much of their OH to low paid vendors.
So you understand the theory that an overhaul mechanic should agree to do more work for less money to benefit American Airlines bottom line?
Well you must be one of the finest minds of our time because I can''t even comprehend that.
I work for money for ME not someone else. I would never agree to more work for less money to make someone else more wealthy.
bigjets said:
I know the guys that are laidoff from AA and are working at AAR now would much rather work at Tulsa for $32 for AA, rather then LGA commuting home or working at AAR for maybe $25 an hour, if they have a plane to work on that night. No plane no pay.
If I show up for a scheduled shift for a full time job that pays an hourly rate I expect 8 hours of pay. I could care less if my employer has work for me or not.
I would quit the first time they tried to pull that "we don't have any work for you go home" crap (or at least start making an "exit plan").
Second if they require the employee to stay on the grounds but are not paying them then they are breaking the "on call" law.
An employee who is required to remain on his or her employer’s premises or so close thereto that he or she cannot use the time effectively for his or her own purposes is working while on-call.
Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you must be paid for time you spend at the worksite, even if you're not technically working. For example, if you provide customer service by phone, you are entitled to be paid for the time you spend sitting at your desk waiting for calls, even if there are lulls in call volume during the day. If you are required to stay at the workplace while on call, your employer must pay you for that time.
The same is true if your job requires waiting elsewhere during the workday. For example, if you are a messenger, and you have to wait for a client to prepare the package you are picking up, you must be paid for that time.
If they are requiring them to stay on grounds but not paying them they need to contact a lawyer.
DallasConehead said:
I don't usually defend big planes, he makes management type insinuations at times.  But I think he's making the suggestion that OH guys should get paid a wage structure competing with other state side mro's. Now, I understand the theory, and that is if our aa guys compete better with mro's as far as costs go, more work could come back in house, and maybe even outside work coming in. On top of that, line guys could get paid more in line with cargo airlines that contract out much of their OH to low paid vendors.  But, lets face it, no other major passenger airline does that, (pay oh guys less) also, we know that aa can't manage taking care of other peoples airplanes,(they proved that during the launch of the unsuccessful part 141 business) heck they cant figure out how to take care of their own. Finally, they're not going to pay line mechanics wages more in line big brown and ups an it wouldn't be right to separate out  group of brother techs and pay them less so they could compete with ridiculously low paid 3rd party oh places.
In reality, those guys pay needs to come up and I don't know why our all powerful unions and the afl cio don't go into those places and organize those guys..
Thanks for articulating my thought better then I did. One thing, I only meant to see if OH would accept a separate contract to bring back 100% OH, not so line can get UPS money, it has been established by the union and company that we are to be compared to UAL and DAL. Vortiltion brought up the reason why it would never work.

I never said OH was worth less then line, as I have said in the past I think AA oh is second to none. . You guys are aces.

The best line is

In reality, those guys pay needs to come up and I don't know why our all powerful unions and the afl cio don't go into those places and organize those guys
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So you understand the theory that an overhaul mechanic should agree to do more work for less money to benefit American Airlines bottom line?
Well you must be one of the finest minds of our time because I can''t even comprehend that.
I work for money for ME not someone else. I would never agree to more work for less money to make someone else more wealthy.
You sir took what I said completely out of context and not going to waste my time on any reply other then this.
DallasConehead said:
I don't usually defend big planes, he makes management type insinuations at times.  But I think he's making the suggestion that OH guys should get paid a wage structure competing with other state side mro's. Now, I understand the theory, and that is if our aa guys compete better with mro's as far as costs go, more work could come back in house, and maybe even outside work coming in. On top of that, line guys could get paid more in line with cargo airlines that contract out much of their OH to low paid vendors.  But, lets face it, no other major passenger airline does that, (pay oh guys less) also, we know that aa can't manage taking care of other peoples airplanes,(they proved that during the launch of the unsuccessful part 141 business) heck they cant figure out how to take care of their own. Finally, they're not going to pay line mechanics wages more in line big brown and ups an it wouldn't be right to separate out  group of brother techs and pay them less so they could compete with ridiculously low paid 3rd party oh places.
In reality, those guys pay needs to come up and I don't know why our all powerful unions and the afl cio don't go into those places and organize those guys..
cost of living in Dallas is the same as Tulsa so what really is your point brother. High cost of living guys have a real gripe you darn sure don't
OldGuy@AA said:
Yeah Bingo and you will never come back to Tulsa because the work was too easy right?  You are so full of crap your eyes are brown.  I know many former TULE guys who are now on the line and none would ever come back here.  Obviously line maintenance is much more desirable than overhaul.  Also there are guys like you who think you are so much better than us nasty old overhaul guys.  Do everyone a favor and throw your laptop out the window.  You are the best advertisement for not signing an AMFA card.  Yeah a lot of guys read this message board and they know there are buttheads like you who want to destroy their wage structure thinking they can get more.  And you're tagging other's with the "I Got Mine" mantra?  Have a nice big slug of HYPOCRITE with your dinner.  I'm guessing you were a painter so they could keep you away from anything that you could screw up.  I guess you can't screw up a deferrment can you?  You are in the perfect place.  Keep placarding those systems Ace.  Show us all how great a mechanic you are.
Wow, don't have a stroke, I was not insulting at all to an OH mechs skills or work ethic. I was trying to see if there was a way for AA to have the highest paid line mechs, along with the highest paid MRO mechs, that would bring tule back to 5000 mechs and PIT back to 1200 mechs (I think). Obviously there would be too many hard feelings amongst the OH guys. So be it, there's no reason for you to be so arrogant,there are highly skilled mechs throughout the system. the reason I never went back is I don't like Oklahoma.
iluvaa said:
cost of living in Dallas is the same as Tulsa so what really is your point brother. High cost of living guys have a real gripe you darn sure don't
Who's griping? Not me man, I'm happy. Its all good. Our company and rep could do alot better for us but Ive learned they wont, so why stress. The OH guys do a great job and I dont envy them.

I was simply pointing out the misconceptions people have and I dont agree with any of it.

Good luck to you bro, and have a good day.

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