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More Groups Wanting To Fire The TWU

Why would a true representative of any labor organization want to deviate from it's own constitution?  
WeAAsles said:

Irrelevant. If they asked for assistance and didn't receive it or they never asked for assistance but none was offered anyway. You can fill the story with anything you want in the middle but it still had the same ending, didn't it. 
AMFA was in complete isolation, true to its long standing philosophy of "going it alone." AMFA proceeded to strike Northwest Airlines without taking a strike vote, putting Northwest's last best offer to a vote or having a strike fund. Northwest's final offer, albeit a tough pill to swallow, contained job protection for 2,700 mechanics, two weeks of severance pay for each year of service (max 26 weeks) and included company medical benefits for 26 weeks for those members subject to a reduction. AMFA members never got to vote of this offer, or two subsequent offers. -

See more at: http://www.usaamerger.com/amfa-northwest/#sthash.qPG7XkqK.dpuf

And that last part sounds exactly like what you all constantly say that the TWU and IAM leaders do. Give the members NO CHOICE.

Why would a union leadership bring back a contract to its membership that would require 50% of its members 
to hit the streets?
To put it in the same category as us it fricken unbelievable.
chilokie1 said:
Why would a union leadership bring back a contract to its membership that would require 50% of its members 
to hit the streets?
Because a Union is supposed to still be a democracy not a dictatorship. Aren't you people trying to teach me that?
Vortilon said:
Just a common, unassuming ramper working in MIA that just happens to have a fasination with the AMT's union representation?  I could care less who represents any other work group on the property.  I don't stick my two cents in on FSC threads, Pilot threads, or FA threads.  That seems to be the norm.  Then, there is you.  The guy with the fabricated back story.  Mr. copy and paste.  It is so obvious - your International handlers are pulling your strings to continue posting on this BB.  You have zero cred here.  No AMT is gonna trust anything you post. 
Correct-a-mendo.  But he is funny to watch.
WeAAsles said:
I don't need credibility for myself personally. Swamt claimed that leadership in the AMFA organization are not being paid in the performance of their duties and I posted the link to the DOL information that proves he was lying.

Why would HE say that they're not being paid? Even leadership in charity organizations get paid.

"No AMT is gonna trust anything you post"

Why should they? I mean even if there are links that prove items it's far better I guess to discount them no matter who is the source or who provided that source. 

I guess it's preferable to have your flock where blinders even if you are maybe trying to lead them over a cliff (Or especially so)
Hey moron. I never said our National Leaders were not getting paid.  People out here have seen me post numerous upon numerous times how our National Leaders ARE paid.  What I said, and you took out of context, and then called me a liar, was;  Are leaders are not paid like your are.  You see our leaders only get a small % above what the average is for all the airlines they represent.  In other words if you guys do get AMFA in our National leaders will in fact take a pay cut because of where the AA mechanics are on the payscale.  I never said they were nor paid, I just said they were not paid like your leadership is paid which is way way over paid. Some on the tax forms are being paid from 125K ans as high as 250K plus as some even make alot more when you total all compensation.  Get a clue about what you are talking about before calling someone a liar and then you can't even back it up, now you look like a moron.  Nobody else out here took my post you are refering to, as our leaders are not paid. If this were the case nobody would be in these positions, C'mon man get a clue...
ThirdSeatHero said:
You're touting a story about AMFA from an IAM blog site .... yea that's clearly an unbiased source.
GMAFB! :lol:
Exactly. And he is still using the NWA story with AMFA.  If anything it shows that AMFA IS the only union to stand up and fight for its members, for jobs, for pay.  NWA guys actually had no choice.  Company wanted 53% of the mechanics gone. The remaining 47% would have to take a 25% cut in pay or it was 20% pay and more in bennies and other compensation to put the total around 25-30% total reduction IF you wanted to stay after watching 53% of your brothers and sisters hitting the streets.  Let's see what has the TWU or the IAM done in the last 30+ years for the loss of mechanics and related, job losses, outsourcing, forced moves do to rifs, as well as what, 17-25% in pay cuts if not more?  Gee, please do tell us what the all mighty TWU and/or IAM did?  Well mr. weasels I will tell you (I know I'm responding to you TSH--Just paraphrasing)  They agreed with the company and they went to the membership and sold it hard, meaning they were promoting it, even scared the members into voting for it as well.  This has taken place since 1983 with concessions after concessions with the TWU.  At least the AMFA group was willing to show that they will in fact stand up to the company and fight for its members and jobs all the while the TWU and IAM just sit there agreeing and agreeing to everything the company wants and then sells and promotes it with fear and scare tactics to get the membership to bite on it----PATHETIC representation for the past 30+ years.  And just think, if the mechanics do bring in AMFA then you and your group will still be stuck with the TWU, ha ha, you can have them brother.
chilokie1 said:
Why would a union leadership bring back a contract to its membership that would require 50% of its members 
to hit the streets?
To put it in the same category as us it fricken unbelievable.
WeAAsles said:
Ok then here is a writing from a supporter to the cause to be fair. Still irrelevant though because the end of the story doesn't change.

Whats that supposed to mean?
Still trying to use IAM & TWU talking points to what? Change Minds on what really went down at NWA?
:lol:  Good luck with that
swamt said:
Correct-a-mendo.  But he is funny to watch.
Nobody else out here took my post you are refering referring to, as our leaders are not paid.
             C'mon man get a clue...
Nobody cared about your post. You didn't notice. My my.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Whats that supposed to mean?
Still trying to use IAM & TWU talking points to what? Change Minds on what really went down at NWA?
:lol:  Good luck with that
"The end of the story doesn't change."

You seriously find it difficult to understand that? Really?
swamt said:
Exactly. And he is still using the NWA story with AMFA.  If anything it shows that AMFA IS the only union to stand up and fight for its members, for jobs, for pay.  NWA guys actually had no choice.  Company wanted 53% of the mechanics gone. The remaining 47% would have to take a 25% cut in pay or it was 20% pay and more in bennies and other compensation to put the total around 25-30% total reduction IF you wanted to stay after watching 53% of your brothers and sisters hitting the streets.  Let's see what has the TWU or the IAM done in the last 30+ years for the loss of mechanics and related, job losses, outsourcing, forced moves do to rifs, as well as what, 17-25% in pay cuts if not more?  Gee, please do tell us what the all mighty TWU and/or IAM did?  Well mr. weasels I will tell you (I know I'm responding to you TSH--Just paraphrasing)  They agreed with the company and they went to the membership and sold it hard, meaning they were promoting it, even scared the members into voting for it as well.  This has taken place since 1983 with concessions after concessions with the TWU.  At least the AMFA group was willing to show that they will in fact stand up to the company and fight for its members and jobs all the while the TWU and IAM just sit there agreeing and agreeing to everything the company wants and then sells and promotes it with fear and scare tactics to get the membership to bite on it----PATHETIC representation for the past 30+ years.  And just think, if the mechanics do bring in AMFA then you and your group will still be stuck with the TWU, ha ha, you can have them brother.

I guess you forgot about the IAM at EA, and ALPA and the TWU, the stood up way before AMFA.
WeAAsles said:
Nobody cared about your post. You didn't notice. My my.
Wrong there little buddy, you obviously cared because YOU addressed it now, didn't you?
Kev3188 said:

Respectfully disagree. NW AMTs did have a choice. I just happen to think they made the right one.
Ok. Your right. They did in fact have a choice.  And I also agree they chose the right one. The management of the members choice was not ran well.  Thx for that correction Kev...
swamt said:
Wrong there little buddy, you obviously cared because YOU addressed it now, didn't you?
I don't want you to feel lonely. You may have an emotional need to be paid attention to?
Kev3188 said:

Respectfully disagree. NW AMTs did have a choice. I just happen to think they made the right one.
I think they should have been able to vote on those last 2 offers. Garbage or not, at least it would have left a record or a legacy of what THE MEMBERS actually chose and not just a few supposed leaders.

I think we're all on the same page that Unions shouldn't be dictatorships.
chilokie1 said:
I thought you said you just posted? Guys the report only stated 
they needed to change the way they reported the financials on 
a new electronic form. In no way did the report insinuate that
funds were hidden or misappropriated, only that the way they
were doing it funds could be hidden from the membership. 
 This was an audit ! They looked at the books nothing found or
they would have clearly put it in the report. It was only a clerical 
change order, just like this obviously intentional egregious error.
"Reporting Deficiencies-LMRDA Section 201"
  #5 Receipts listed in schedule 14 from "Patches, Pins & Stickers" should have
been reported in Item 45, Sale Of Supplies.  
Wow that error should have had heads roll!   Anymore interesting reads Weasel ? 
Has anyone gotten  any real kind of an update on our stock?  I don't mean some little sound bite or rumor off the floor or from these boards. I mean a detailed accounting of what has taken place. From day one we have been in the dark.  Hell with the twu we are continually kept in the dark and if you prod to hard you get labeled a trouble maker. Good luck to anyone who can untangle the accounting nightmare that this would entail. Don't expect any help from the organization your paying dues to either. By selling the stock and diversifying it to liquid funds is like storing water in a bucket full of holes. Merry Christmas twu.  You just became the guardian of the biggest expense slush fund to ever fall in your lap! Buy a steak dinner and $200 bottle of wine on me. Have yourself a double massage on we-assaholie he don't mind. I'm sure the international boys know where the happnen parlors are. We will never get a true accounting of where all the money has gone but with the twu you just come to expect it. 

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