TWU represents more members in the Industry than any other group
Ken, The key here is...............MORE MEMBERS, TWU represents all, not only those they wish. Im sure it would be much easier to work in a workplace which has what would you like to see...........9 different unions on base? GET REAL.
Do you care about anyone but yourself? If you did, you would want all to be treated the same? How can you not want to represent the lower class? To you, do they not exist? to you dont they expect the consideration as you? WHy does this always have to be onesided? your side or the hiway?
Go ahead, call me communist...........claim you are democratic, GET REAL, democratic takes care of all, not just is true, Another Me First Association.
Its pathetic the way AMFA wants to dictate, an AMT is everyone even plant maintenace, but yet the parts supplier does not exist, the fleet service worker who breaks his back catering to the mechanic does not exist, to me they do
MCI, AMFA dictates nothing. You know how the NMB DICTATES who belongs in which craft and class. Why are not fuelers with pilots? Why are cabin cleaners not with flight attendants?
As for democracy, the point being made is that AMFA believes in democracy, where as all elected officials are elected by the full membership. Unlike the twu.
You ask me if I care about anyone but myself. Kind of a loaded question but I will answer you since you know my name and I am able to stand up and be counted for my beliefs. I care about "myself" to a certain extent. That being I care about my craft and profession because I am an AMT. I care that those in my craft and class get honest and fair representation in a craft union. I care that my skills and professionalism are compensated accordingly to the responsibilities my profession carries. I also care if my profession is promoted and advanced.
Now, with that being said I also care about other work groups. However, I will not allow other work groups to be compensated at the expense of my profession. Read that any way you wish. I care if the ramp or those outside of my craft and class, as DICTATED by the NMB, get fair wages for their responsibilities. Let them negotiate the best they can. With your arguement of the twu representing all why should their be ANY classifications at work?
I could care less if there are 9, 10 or even 11 unions on property. What I do care about is that since I have a craft I want to belong to a craft union and not an industrial union. Since the NMB DICTATES who belongs where then I will do what I can to represent those included in my craft and class.
What do you mean by "lower class". Do not think that I feel that those outside of my craft and class are any "lower" than myself. I am no better than any man or woman on this planet. The difference is simple. I have a skill and want to be compensated for it. If what I think you refer to as "lower class" as being those outside of my craft and class let them negotiate accordingly as to their responsibilities. I do not believe in socialism.
Now, go ask a pilot or flight attendant why they do not want to belong to the twu.