Forget anyone's "take" on it. Forget anyone's "opinion" on it. What anyone "thinks" be it you, me, IAM, TWU, IBT, CWA, or the entire Planetary Population is Irrelevant.
In this Universe, "The end of the story doesn't change."
If there are other parallel Universes then there are probably different endings? Science has yet to prove the existence of Parallel Universes though, so we are left to the one we know exists for us. So again in our Universe "The end of the story doesn't change."
And that story is a HUGH part of the difficulty you have in getting more people to sign cards. Not meant to be argumentative, but realistic. It's the 800lb Gorilla in the room. It's the biggest reason I wouldn't sign a card and the biggest reason that people you need aren't either. You can paint it however you like that I'm putting AMFA down, but that's ridiculous.
All I'm doing is reminding you what the reality is. "The end of the story doesn't change."