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Twu More Members,

AMFA Constitution

Please refer to Article VII – Recall of National Officers

I attempted to find the TWU constitution at www.twu.com and www.twuatd.org but it was not to be found. If you will get your RED book out you will see that Article 22 has been removed.

Ok now that I have shown you where to find the information could at least attempt to answer questions when asked.
So buckboy..what ya saying is this.."if ya want an amfa officer out ya can do that". Is this without a go ahead of the Int'l?
PDiddyQuill said:
So buckboy..what ya saying is this.."if ya want an amfa officer out ya can do that". Is this without a go ahead of the Int'l?
What I am saying is that you need to step up and do more than one sided research!
OK Buckboy...let's say I did my research...affirm it...can I get rid of an amfa Int'l officer without an OK from the Int'l?
This flies directly in the face of unionism. I have a friend whom tells me all the time that the TWU is all about nepotism and cronyism but, I never quite believed it yet there it is in all it's glory!!!

I could tell ya some stories about nepotism and cronyism. I've seen plenty of it first hand in the past 8 years. As a matter of fact I wrote up an article on my website about that very subject this past week:

The Game
Actually the memberhsip can remove an International officer without Delles ok but Delle can intervene if he chooses and prevent it from happening, this has not happened to date though.

I do not like this clause in the AMFA constitution and do not think it is needed but No Union is PERFECT some are much better than others. 😀

TWU informer said:

I recall the company soliciting for Welders and Machinists for a 90 day Labor loan about a year ago for a Phone Mod on MD80's in Hanger #2. There was an AMFA supportive Crew Chief named Dave Stewart who volunteered for this assignment even though he was not eligable. Why did he do this? 90 day's Hmmm? AMFA supportive Hmmm? Has not exorcised his seniortiy in the past 3 yrs. and is AMFA supportive Hmmmmm?

Peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly, and the " Boogie Man" in the closet...!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
A union that cuts deals behind our backs, lies to us, doesn't value seniority and attempts to scare and intimidate us into loyalty. And they wonder why we're kicking their butts out!

Prediction: Fewer posts from TWU as they will have to post on their time.

Instead of fighting for your positions, YOU SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT US
proAMFA said:
A union that cuts deals behind our backs, lies to us, doesn't value seniority and attempts to scare and intimidate us into loyalty. And they wonder why we're kicking their butts out!

Prediction: Fewer posts from TWU as they will have to post on their time.

Instead of fighting for your positions, YOU SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT US
Value Seniority...? You are obviously very misinformed of what you spew! Does AMFA offer the same seniority rights to the " Splinter Groups" that they refer to within the Class and Craft....?

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
high speed steel,

Peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly, and the " Boogie Man" in the closet...!

You have it wrong. The saying is:

AMFA authorization cards + NMB = twu's removal. 😀
Checking it Out said:
The TWU by far has a lower percentage of members on layoff than amfa. On the average less than 15%. where Amfa has 35% on Layoff. The right choice is yours. Don't be fooled by the half-truths of others. The facts speak for themselves.
And the AMFA member by far make a lot more money than the TWU member. So what do you want, more coworkers or more pay?

With the formation of the AGW other ground workers finally have a choice. Until now their choice was accept the union in place or opt for no union at all. Now they have a choice.

Wouldnt it be nice if in a couple of years there was only a couple of strong effective unions out there instead of a bunch of weak ones? Where workers who do the same work could count on being in the same union no matter where he or she went and regardless of what the company decided to do?

All the Aircraft Mechanics with AMFA, other ground workers with the AGW. Its worth a try, we know what we have is not working, and contrary to our leaders claims, us going to union meetings is not going to fix it.

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