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3 TWU Groups Had Enough

Reality check you question local 542 assets?
apparently you are behind the 8 ball for years with the TWU: see below
The TWU spent more than they took in for the year and the assets have dropped from a high of 60 million to 25 million dollars.  The assets have dropped by more than 50% which is on top of all the money they took in.   What did our members in the ATD get?   concessions after concessions
looks like a bad investement to me.

The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which is enforced by the Office of Labor-Management Standards, requires labor unions to file annual reports detailing their operations. Contained in those reports are breakdowns of each union's spending, income and other financial information.
BASIC FINANCIALS Total Assets $25,121,397 Total Liabilities $92,892 Total Incom $44,828,839 Total Spent $45,627,395

» See Historical Financial Information

Harold Nads said:
Funny 700, you are not allowed to turn a wrench on any AA aircraft regardless of location. Why is that? Elitist government regulations requiring a class and craft FAA tested skillset?
How about those high schoolers with no A&P fixing the 757 seats at Timco?
Where was their license and they didnt work for AA now did they?
How about those OSMs?
Guess you forget you only need a license to sign the logbook or job card.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Ouch. I hate working on lawnmowers.
52 " cut, I cant let it go! Thats why I put the electric start on, too fat and old to pull start a 12hp. If I have my way it will be here for the next homeowner, when I'm in a box.
Oh brother another topic gone adrift........................................................
700UW said:
But I hope you have deep pockets, like Tim, you are making accusations, so go ahead and post proof of them, or you need to cease and desist, with your lies.
LoL. How many people do you threaten to sue a week 700UW?
700UW said:
There never was or will be any deal from the IAM or US for me, so keep trying with the character assassination instead of debating the topic at hand, oh wait, you dont have the intelligence and the brain power to stick to the topic at hand.
I don't have to assassinate your character, You do that yourself everytime you make a post you libtard sycophant.
700UW said:
By the way, where has your Buddy Tim gone? See tim is gone, do you want to meet the same fate?
You really do have a Napoleon complex don't you? You are truly pathetic.
If you think you can shape my fate 700UW feel free to try.
700UW said:
And no one has bought my loyalty, I use my brain, try it sometime, you might actually learn something.
The day I learn something from your poisoned mind is the day people ice skate in hell.
I dont make threats, I make promises.
And you are truly ignorant if you believe and repost Tim Nelson's lies.
You turn every thread into a political issue with your right wing nut job posts.
You cant keep on topic, and the only liar is you.
Why dont you post some facts, and reality?
You are making an accusation against me, so now prove it.
You are truly just an ignorant former AA employee who blames everyone else for your own problems.
Stick to the topic at hand, and use facts to debate, if not then just leave your political crap to the Water Cooler.
You will learn, just like Tim, there are consequences to your actions, you did it to yourself, no one else.

So grow up and educate yourself.

Learn to make it about the topic and not the posters, then I wont have to point out the errors of your way, all the time.
Posts like yours cause the threads to be locked because you dont have the brain power to stay on topic.
Have a nice day.
Like I said, you cant debate with facts, so you insult, says it all about you.
Back up your accusations, or admit you lied.
Would you like me to start another dispatch thread so you can take it off topic?
I am sorry Bogey, but fa la la la is a POS and I cant stand when someone posts lies about me and his anti-union venom.
He will pollute another thread.
737823 said:
He has been separated from the company since 2005.
And when did you work for US or AA or been a TWU or an IAM Member?
And this topic is about the Dispatchers, not 700UW, I am so happy you and others are obsessed with me.
This is you:
Overspeed said:
Interesting. Any info on how they will be structured?
Bogey said:
From what I hear, all separate groups under the banner of NAAP. No international. Dispatchers representing dispatchers. Instructors representing instructors.
I get that the above is already a pretty straight forward answer, but have any new specifics w/r/t sturcture come to light in the last few days?

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