WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! AMFA has not sent out more in house ANT jobs than any other union, PERIOD! Your beloved TWU (concessions agreeing union) is the winner in this catagory. Over the last several decades the TWU has agreed to and sold to the membership to get rid of over 50% of the amt jobs at AA. From over 18,000 to now 8,800 or less. AND, they are still laying off and getting rid of more jobs as we speak. Get a clue dude, you have no idea what you preach...Overspeed said:"AMT hating"? Never. So the TWU hates AMTs because they kept more working for far above MRO wages for years while AMFA succeeded in sending more in-house AMT jobs to low wage MROs than all other unions combined? Okay.
And who is someone who educate themselves on unions and the industry bad? You prefer misinformed people who tell you anything to get elected better? Then keep signing AMFA cards and voting for people who promise everything and deliver nothing. It's working great for you as we can all see by how you continue you to post how miserable you are.
Personally? My TWU bargained for wages have given me a good wage and I still have over 27 years of pension that I will still get which is far more than the ones that ended at UA, NW, and DL in 2003/2004. Good healthcare for my family has been good too.
You have at least more nine more years pension thanks to the TWU. When you start receiving your checks when you retire as you cash them think of Uncle Jim Little who fought to keep it going while the vote no coalition were hoping for full pay until BK in 2003.
You wonder huh? Again, GET A CLUE. Gather information before you post. You are now in the group of WT and 700, by all means please keep posting...WeAAsles said:Oy vey, no kidding? SMH. (I'm not putting them down)
I wonder sometimes if the AMFA leaders are satisfied with having just the two groups they got now?
The reality is that even guys on here have said often that they don't hear anything from AMFA National. Grass roots or not maybe they're tired of the roller coaster headache and are very cool and satisfied with serving SWA and AK?
Maybe they're too polite to say it?
You ARE making that up. They are not getting paid to be in those positions like your union is getting paid hands down. AGAIN get a clue...WeAAsles said:There was a guy from SWA who came on here a couple of months ago who basically said it. Besides that there really have been posters on here who have said "How come we don't hear from AMFA National"?
I'm really not making that up. So that's why I have to ask if they really want to represent more people? I think the guys in the leadership positions are happy with who they represent now? If you or AA get in they know that they'll be voted out just because of the sheer size of the new groups. Why would they really want that? They're getting paid to be in those positions.
Not wanting you is a great way to hold on to those Leather chairs.