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I should have titled this top SCOPE AND JOB PROTECTION........Not Job Security.
In the IAM/US agreement page 137 titled Scope and Job protection this is explained.
No Matter what is in any CBA there is No such thing as JOB Security in the airline biz.
There is no such thing as a NO Layoff clause, if company sheds work or aircraft or changes schedule where the city is no longer utilized
within the system the workers will be layed off, and have to go to a city where their seniority can be held or hit the street. No company is going to pay you to just sit around.
Correcto,   AMFA/MIAMI.
Thats always how I interpreted Job security.
If you got laid off for ANY reason ANYWHERE, you had the right (via your occ seniority for your craft) to displace the most JUNIOR  " DATE " in the system at that particuliar time.    ex:  If  when it was your turn to displace, and if the most junior "DATE"  was say 1/1/xxxx and there were 10 people hired on that date around the SYSTEM (in say the following cities JFK-ORD-LAX-SEA-DEN-SLC-DCA-BOS-BDL-or GOD FORBID DF+W) you could pick from those locations.
A stronger economy, a strong industry & company are the only things that guarantee jobs - not unions. In fact unions reduce the number of jobs in an industry that is an basic economic fact. I am not making any argument about if that protection for current workers is better deal than the tradeoff of future growth prospects, just pointing out that is what unions are trading "Security" for.
Wrong, union work forces earn more and are more productive, that's a fact.

Look at non Union carriers vs unionized.
700UW said:
Wrong, union work forces earn more and are more productive, that's a fact.
Look at non Union carriers vs unionized.
non union Delta AMT makes roughly $8/ hour more than an union AA AMT and they still receive profit sharing! Yeah, unions are great!
700UW said:
Wrong, union work forces earn more and are more productive, that's a fact.

Look at non Union carriers vs unionized.
Obviously you've never worked at AA! The laziest people I've ever seen are union!
What is obvious is that all of us who are in represented worker groups are safe from layoff/job elimination/forced transfer except when the company decides otherwise. :lol:
jimntx said:
What is obvious is that all of us who are in represented worker groups are safe from layoff/job elimination/forced transfer except when the company decides otherwise. :lol:
And due to senority you are locked into a job and comapny forever. Not very beneficial to the employee.
700UW said:
Wrong, union work forces earn more and are more productive, that's a fact.

Look at non Union carriers vs unionized.
Yes they do make more money and that is one of the factors (along with inflexability) in why Unions reduce the number of jobs. If the industry had not historically been unionized Their would be more Airline worlers at the Airlines, less outsourcing and with the ability to job search your skills among all airlines, the employees would be much better off and happier.
You couldnt be more wrong.
With no unions, the company outsources as much as they want.
Go look at PMAA and how many stations CSA lost due to no union and no contract.
Once again, you clearly show you have no idea.
Unionized companies are more productive and workers earn more than their counterparts.
Do you realize Delta Airlines farms out ALL Aircraft overhaul and most mods?
They fly empty planes to SIN to get interior mods done.
And your not locked in, I started as Utility, upgraded into Stores, many mechanics at US started as Utility and are now mechanics, so explain how they are "locked" in?
Mechanics upgrade into Inspection jobs, MCU, MOC and MOD,etc....
Once again, you hatred of unions is quite clear. and its quite clear you have no idea of what you talk about.
That's funny....I have a buddy at delta that works on an overhaul line I'll let him know they don't do overhauls!
They vendor out their own Airframe overhaul, the do some C-Checks, Mods, and they VENDOR in other airlines overhaul.

Go ask TopDawg, a DL mechanic who has posted the information.
700UW said:
Wrong, union work forces earn more and are more productive, that's a fact.
Look at non Union carriers vs unionized.
Delta pay scales are higher then most Union airlines. Plus Parker said the other day at the flight crew meeting that he wanted delta work rules. For the twu. If you have jetnet acces check it out under pilots transport union