If we get laid off guess were really screwed with this new non bumping clause.

Yep......and I'm sure they're hard at it, trying to figure out a way to screw line maintenance, you know, the ones that continually want to dump the TWU by popular demand(but cant for reasons everyone on this board knows)in order to preserve the masses(read: revenue stream)-and get AA to bite.(won't happen IMO)
This is the TWUs worse nightmare. IMO, they will end up being road kill eventually at AA. If OH goes the way of the holla hoop, line maint will dump the TWU in a heartbeat.
How sweet..........but at a hefty cost. :-/

I believe that the TWU's years are numbered. I say years because this will drag out as long as the time between the 2003 "bankruptcy" and 2012 bankruptcy.
Sure I've seen the screwups with prior RIFs, but I will disagree with your call of not many will bump. I for one think that many will. Look at the senority of those people that are going to be affected by the RIF. Most are and I'm guessing, approx 50 years of age and less, maybe a few that are older. With that said, I don't think that many of them are secure in their finances enough to leave the company outright. In this economy not all will be able to secure a new job at their current rates of pay and possibly not having medical coverage to boot. So if those conditions I listed above applied to you and you were the sole bread winner and you had a wife and kids, or if your wife did work but not at a high rate of pay, what would you do, leave or bump? If it were me I'd be bumping.
Yes I can agree with your post however it isn't as simple as you say. For one you have the issue of commuting as we both know its a nightmare in and out of tul. 2 whatever city you decide to bump to with the exception of dfw its two to three times more expensive to live. 3 your quality of work life is defiately going to change no more weekends off, midnights etc etc. So if it was me I would think about it long and hard is it worth hanging onto a job in another high cost city with my family in another state that I'm not happy with or do I move on.. very tough right now to decide since you still have the unknown will AA survive all this?
I believe that the TWU's years are numbered. I say years because this will drag out as long as the time between the 2003 "bankruptcy" and 2012 bankruptcy.

Buck, you give the TWU more rope than I figure.
I believe there time has come.
"dead man walking!"....:) but like I said, hefty price.
Too bad it took this. :-/
Buck, you give the TWU more rope than I figure.
I believe there time has come.
"dead man walking!"....:) but like I said, hefty price.
Too bad it took this. :-/
I am not a fan of the TWU, mostly for their political position. However as I have worked here for some time, my opinion is that the union does not care who fixes the aircraft, only that their revenue stream to the international is not disrupted. As noted somewhere else 9000+ is a large amount to recover, but in the grand scheme it is quite small. There are more employees who would rather not have a union and some that are giving up the profession all together. There are some especially in non - aircraft related support jobs that had no interest in working on aircraft. Now the devout TWU followers and many non - licensed , will finish their careers do just that and more power to them. The question then becomes what about the juniority?

What will the union do to convince those who are being laid off and those yet to hired, is the TWU the right course to follow. If I were the company I would do everything possible to keep them in my pocket.
I am not a fan of the TWU, mostly for their political position. However as I have worked here for some time, my opinion is that the union does not care who fixes the aircraft, only that their revenue stream to the international is not disrupted. As noted somewhere else 9000+ is a large amount to recover, but in the grand scheme it is quite small. There are more employees who would rather not have a union and some that are giving up the profession all together. There are some especially in non - aircraft related support jobs that had no interest in working on aircraft. Now the devout TWU followers and many non - licensed , will finish their careers do just that and more power to them. The question then becomes what about the juniority?

What will the union do to convince those who are being laid off and those yet to hired, is the TWU the right course to follow. If I were the company I would do everything possible to keep them in my pocket.

I maintain the TWU is history either way.
And I know AA wants a nonunion workplace.
But line maint won't have any of that.

There political agenda is but just one issue I have with the vermin. The list is long, and I don't feel like running down the list at this time. Just had lunch...:)
I maintain the TWU is history either way.
And I know AA wants a nonunion workplace.
But line maint won't have any of that.

There political agenda is but just one issue I have with the vermin. The list is long, and I don't feel like running down the list at this time. Just had lunch...:)

I believe that the TWU's years are numbered. I say years because this will drag out as long as the time between the 2003 "bankruptcy" and 2012 bankruptcy.

That's not possible. We will be history long before that. I don't see this dragging on for more than a year, tops.
Hey...If you don't like it, move to Tulsa !!!! What a great blast from the past!!!

Karma......(def)destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
"If the Wright brothers were alive today, Wilbur would have to fire Orville to reduce costs."
You folks have to say focused....BK has been filed and is very legal. Nothing the unions can do about that item.
Ok, I agree with your statement. Why is the TWU on the unsecured creditors committee? Now my opinion is that there is something the union can do, that would be to cause decision between the work groups.
Ok, I agree with your statement. Why is the TWU on the unsecured creditors committee? Now my opinion is that there is something the union can do, that would be to cause decision between the work groups.

Their TWU life boat is sinking and their floatation devices are too soiled with their years of crap to stay afloat. :lol: