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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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Is this your fight to defend? Have you worked on the ramp for USAirways? The I AM MANAGEMENT union have done nothing but sell us out to line their own pockets. They are in bed with the company. What union would agree to outsource their members work? Like the I AM MANAGEMENT did to fleet dervice. What union says that a TA with concessions is a "good deal"? I do not see how we are "shootin ourselves in the foot"?
While I do agree with you that they will still be dealing with the Sand Castle. The IBEW is a union that has other resources than just saying STRENGTH IN NUMBERS/WALL TO WALL/IAM FOR FAIRNESS---- They control labor that builds what the airlines need. These things are terminals, power to bagbelts as well as power to the jetways. Parker has to talk to Doc anytime he wants something for Phl and he understands that the IBEW has locals all thru the US. Their largest local is in LAS. So the IBEW can put other pressure on USAirways. They are just as political as USAirways is . All I hear from some of you is how we can't do anything. You have a already been defeated. I for one know that change is hard, but to survive the brutal attack on the FSA, we have got to stop thinking like that. Its is easier to vote another union in then to get rid of the entreanched officers[ Notice I didn't say leaders because you first have to be able to lead from the frontlines!]
I suppose you vote for the same crooked politician year after year, knowing he is not representing you in their best interest..

agree with you on one thing, there is NO guarrentee that we will get a better contract,, but we know where the IAM stands.. since you like to quote

remember when Canale said the "CONCESSION STAND IS CLOSED".... geez he must of forgot that B/S statement when he had a drink with dougie,

See when you lie and betray people you tend to forget what lies where told to who..
Problem with that scenario is that nobody has reached out to the new hires before this. You have looked down on them, thrown them into a and spit upon them. Now when YOUR future is on the line you ask to get in line with the new hires? Should have gotten off of your high horse a long time ago and extended a handshake instead of a sneer and a disgusted look!

Edited by moderator to delete certain words.
Check your pm.
Absolutely ''Labor Dawg''. As we stand now ,The so called IAM is the rep for the
fleet. The IBEW would give the fleet a voice in the electrical, structual, and other
areas in the USAIRWAYS system. Look around at any electrician coming on the
property to perform work for USAirways, chances are very high thier a member
of the IBEW. We have a chance to have more of a voice. People stop walking
around like we've been beaten so long we forgotten how to fight. This is most of
our livelyhoods, do you want to sit back and let someone else decide whats' in your
best interests for you ? You have no say now accept ''yes'' or ''no'' and not all the
time. Wouldn't you like to tell your union what you want and expect. Be happy this TA
was extended or we wouldn't have had a vote.

labor dawg,
Couldn't agree more.. It's easy to sit in the breakrooms and b..ch and moan about the union . It's another to do something about. it. Your perspective on the IBEW is fresh and reflects

how REAL labor unions operate.. Unfortunately for alot of folks they have never been part of a REAL UNION. so they don't know any better .. I guess ignorance is bliss
What’s this about the IBEW having other strengths ??? Ah hahaha , what we’re going to hope the electrical repair guys don’t cross our line ??? What nonsense is that ? You would all do well to remember that we are IAM with the MECS and we can at least HOPE that they wouldn’t cross our line …. Realistically it would be better to change leadership and maintain our alliance with MX … if either of us strikes we shut down the system …. Doug is probably more afraid of that than anything else . Don’t look for the IBEW to provide any outside muscle , if we join them , we will fight alone .
I would put more faith in the IBEW standing with us than the mechanics. Remember 1992?
I was around in 1992. The strike was pretty much a bust because of us. I have often wondered if there was any resentment because we came in and took over their duties. Can anyone in maintance answer this one?
thanks joe , ah i see now , we have blood on our hands and a collection of daggers in our closets .....interesting
Freedom I can tell you this in 1992 when the IAM was having problems with their picket lines. The electricians were making about $1.50 less than FSA at Usairways. Then Doc came on with them and now they Make over $40.00 an hour topped out as well as the best health care in the country. The answer you want is they will have the ability to stop work on both sides of the picket lines not just the inside. You should be secure in the fact that the IBEW has hugh (****)s when it comes to getting what is best for their employees. Doc has hugh contacts that have the ability to help with securing cost saving things for USAirways without taking from the employee groups! All the IAM has is the agreements that they will continue to let the company rape us! I ask what are we afraid of? We all know that we are not being taken care of by our current union. How do we as the union make it better. Well we have seen too many times we can't change the officers in our union because they are anointed 😳 I mean appointed. This is not how a union should operate! We should and have shown that we should have the power to control our futures! Don't let them dictate to us how we are lucky to be employeed and we are unskilled. I refuse to be talked down to I'm a man who has worked for more than 20yrs in this industry and deserves to be appreciated for my loyalty. I'm not asking them to kiss my (***) but at least acknowledge that I have contributed to the success of this company! I understand if you want the IAM as your union but don't use that to try to stop others from making an educated decisions for themselves!
JOE If you remember we were not union at the time and the company threatened anyone who didn't do what they were told to do. If you are going to bring that up how bout the fact that the union showed how much they cared about the fsa by allowing the mechs. to seperate themselves from our district! The IAM has allowed more seperation than anyone. Lets not try to seperate the group lets bring them together. The truth is that the company as well as the IAM :ninja: are watching this board and are trying everything they can to stop the wave! Thats ok this is America and we all have a voice! Let's use it by signing the cards.
Oh yea I remember very well. We had to come to work. We were not part of the IAM at that time. Like I said I have often wonder if there is any resentment towards us. In my opinion I think the strike was one of the reasons the IAM came after us. That way the same thing could not happen again.
funny you should mention..the strike..

if memory serves correct thats the last time the BOSS actually had a set of B...s I believe he stood infront of a room full of ex teamsters and called them scaps..

well anyone still around from back then knows the rest....

freedom: fsa doesn't have blood on their hands or daggers in their closets.. we were "employees at will".. which meant you do as managements says or you look for a job

as far as a united front.. the MEC couldn't split us away from them fast enough.. Back in the election of 94 The IAM didn't even solicit for fsa they got there name on the ballet

at the last minute , then went around talking unity,. Unfortunately that record is broken, time to upgrade to DVD's /CD's
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