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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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It was a "round" table and that "round" table got us to this mess today!

As far as Clt is concerned, they are notorious for signing cards slowly, check past cards on file. It is now time for IBEW! Sign the darn cards and be over with it ! It has to go out for a vote as quickly as possible before the I AM management sits down to talk again.

But if you have remember, the ongoing joke at that time was that the Round Table had edges and was really square, and management decided what would become of the edges!
I am hearing that the IAM still promotes the seperation of the work force in Las! Can anyone shed light on this subject? I am also hearing that chief ss in Las are telling the people that the Iam is not recieving the union dues so they don't have to represent the AW employees. Can anyone please comfirm one way or the other? If this is true then the IAM is disrespecting the masses again and they must certainly are responsible for the AW employees. Please comfirm one way or the other! Keep up the good work IBEW reps. The time for change is here!
The West are paying dues, but at a reduced rate because they are not paying them directly
to the IAM until the IAM gets them under agreement. The dues are in sort of escrow account waiting
til they fall under an agreement. The IAM want those monies bad....hence the TA directed to the West.
The IAM was hoping along with the company to sell us out til 2012.

What happens to that money if the IBEW is voted in? Does it go to the IAM or the IBEW?
Mgt. in CLT told employees not to ask for anyone to sign
the cards in the break room on airport property.


HELLO CLT......Wake up!

Why wouldn't MANAGEMENT want you to sign IBEW cards?
If Mgt. wants you to keep the IAM then what better reason to sign a card?
Guys! We will be heard! We are not going to be silent anymore! Tim Nelson: I think you have continued to challenge the status quote. This is a very admirable thing because you have continued to say you will not accept things at face value. This tells me you will only settle for the truth. I can appreciate being open about your feelings. The rest of us are using this forum for either knowledge or gossip, Have a greater chance to be heard! Let’s use this forum for more than getting answers, but also provide the years of experience we have. We have a hugh opportunity to get information out quickly and it allows us to help those who are not informed. Pop shots at each other will not help us in this dire situation. I know that I don't know everything, but I will tell you this, if I don't know the answer. I will find out and get back to you with the answer! This is all we want for a union that has treated us like a mushroom. They have kept us in the dark and fed us bull**** for too long.
The IBEW campaign has started to pick up plenty of steam this week. However, many smaller stations are wanting the cards to do station signups and card collections. I also got emails from CLT saying they wanted to sign cards but didn't know where they were.

I created a webpage with the IBEW card so all stations can have access. Directions were provided also. Click IBEWCARD to receive the cards for your station.

Any questions, email me at: appearances1@aol.com
I just recieved a phone call that the card signings were picking up nicely in CLT,
Good job. I also heard DCA is moving along nicely.
Joe Dirt- The answer to your question...I'm looking into. I do know the IBEW would
not get that money. So I'm trying to find out if that money would be returned to the
individuals or the IAM (what for ?)...I'll get back to you. Good question though and food
for thought.

On Another Web Site

''I know this bulletin board is for company related issues but I feel I need to vent. I am the wife of a Fleet lead with 29 years seniority (he's originally Piedmont). I have been thru the bad and the, well I guess that's it's since I really haven't seen much good. Right now today my husband is working, he has the Flu, body ache, congestion, chills you name it. Why? Because he is a Dad & financially responsible to our family and since this company does not pay you for sick days he refuses to call in sick. This is unbelieveable to me! I cannot fathom that after all his years of hard work, & dedication that this is how his company treats him. You all must know how it feels? We need a change now! Not 6 months or a year from now!''

Can you hear me now ! (from a spouse) 😱 😱
On Another Web Site

''I know this bulletin board is for company related issues but I feel I need to vent. I am the wife of a Fleet lead with 29 years seniority (he's originally Piedmont). I have been thru the bad and the, well I guess that's it's since I really haven't seen much good. Right now today my husband is working, he has the Flu, body ache, congestion, chills you name it. Why? Because he is a Dad & financially responsible to our family and since this company does not pay you for sick days he refuses to call in sick. This is unbelieveable to me! I cannot fathom that after all his years of hard work, & dedication that this is how his company treats him. You all must know how it feels? We need a change now! Not 6 months or a year from now!''
Can you hear me now ! (from a spouse) 😱 😱

IBEW cards Here

Get them, copy them, distribute them, collect them.

This looks like an exact duplicate copy of the words of Tim Nelson------

People, you need to think about what's really going on here!

What exactly do you think is going on here? Do you really want the I AM MANAGEMENT union to still represent us? They have shown nothing but contempt for Fleet Service, along with the company. They are in bed together. So I ask you, what is going on here? In your opinion?
Although I may agree with you on some of your points, the fact is that we are not in any kind of position or condition as a group (a very weak one at that) to risk even the slightest chance of de certification------

And if you continue to listen to Tim, you will likely be snowballed right out of you very job.....

if I remember correctly just a few weeks ago Tim was singing the praises of the IBT-----now he just jumps over to another union---

Listen to the people who have seen what havoc Tim has wreaked on our group...we are not lying....Just stop and think about what's really going on here....
I am not listening to Tim. I can make my own mind up with the information he provides. I can't sit here and let the I AM MANAGEMENT union to continue to let us be the companys whipping boys and girls. Let me ask you this. If, and I say if, we win the COC with back pay. The compamy and the I AM MANAGEMENT union come out with another TA with pay at what the COC says it should be, double time, shift differential, vacation & sick time back to what it should be, NO OUTSOURCEING WHAT SO EVER, and all stations are class 1 stations. The contract is extended through 2012, but you had to give back to the company your right to the back pay and profit sharing. How would you vote on that? Me personally, I would vote a big fat NO. Why you ask. Well it is still giving back to the company. We should not have to give anything back. The I AM MANAGEMENT wants us to think that they did "the best that they could". Please they saw $$$$$$ in the form of the west dues. We as a whole gave up alot, so we should not have to give anything back to a "profitable" company!
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