No problem. I think there is going to be an IBEW meeting in CLT 'soon'. To be honest, CLT is the only hub that seems to be having some issues signing IBEW cards and I am a bit surprised by this. I'd sure hate for CLT to hold this thing back because CLT knows what it has to do. The IBEW has set a goal of how many cards it needs and although Hope777 is inaccurate, we can not assume the IBEW will stick around if it is having problems at the second biggest station.Thanks Tim.
People at work were asking questions about the Q & A. I thought the best way to ask was on here. A lot of folks read this but do not post. The way I see it is the more information they can have the better informed they will be.
And the IAM was the only union to give the company wanted they wanted, ALPA, AFA, CWA, TWU, APA, AFPA, IBT and AMFA did not give concessions at AA, NW, UA, CO, DL, HA, Aloha and every other airline that took concessions.
Happens alot. A union simply is not required to get 50%.
I think the USWA had like 23%, the IAM 22%, the IBT 19%. Overall, 50%+1 voted but a single union isn't required to get the full 50%+1, provided other votes are cast. The IAM ended up winning the runoff when the IBT told workers to screw the USWA.
For example, in raids there are two union choices. The IBEW may get 40% of the vote and the IAM may get 15% of the vote. The IBEW will win even if it obtained less than 50% of the vote.
The IBT vote was before the piedmont vote, and was a result of the PSA merger. The IBT had like 1800 votes, the IAM had like 16 votes, and some chick had a vote or two. Once the IBT won that vote it represented all the US AIRWAYS workers. But other than the 1800 [4 stations] they were still non-contract until a contract could be negotiated for them.
At any rate, Joe, if you need any other clarifications, email me at
The reason why I posted that info was because the PHX chair put out a letter that was scanned to me and it had 3 lies on it. Many were concerned because they figured the IAM will get about 10% of the vote and that meant those votes would count against the IBEW, which is a lie. Again, a union is not required to get 50%+1 of the vote. This has happened twice already with our very own group and I'm not sure why we have to keep discussing this. Let's get this thing done already.delldude-
Why are you asking a question you know the answer to, just put it out
there. We all know that if 50% +1 do not vote for representation, we lose that
representation. What Tim is saying is if 23% of the workforce vote for IAM and
7% write in IBT and another 24% vote for IBEW, we remain represented. With the
IBEW winning the election with the 24% number (the highest). That would mean 54%
of the workforce voted to remain represented. Also this vote would incorporate a
phone and computer vote, allowing people to vote from home, work or vacation.
Which in my opinion would only increase the voting number. Tim has also pointed
out that only one time has a workforce not voted to remain represented (100 skycaps).
Now, what I came on here for. The IAM agreed to bring back to the workforce
a concessionary agreement. A concessionary agreement is giving anything back,
especially to a company that has shown and continues to show profits nearing the
$1,000,000,000 number. We should not be giving anything back. What we have was
negotiated on during bankruptcy. Do you mean to tell me it was such a good deal that
we should give the company more, seeing how thier not in bankruptcy and making
money. That makes no sense to me.
Spread the word...sign the cards.