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IBEW update for the week of October 21

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He has your vote?

Ask the fleet and customer service agents what timmie caused to happen to them in 1992 when he filed short of cards when he started his first union.

It kept a the spirt alive
that if you truly know that you can make a change for the better
and you know deep down inside that if you keep that spirt alive
that someday on this earth that change will happen...
the time has come
Thank God and thank Tim.......
again....the time has come

7oous ......as much as you stamp your feet (typical iam mindset)
its Timeout for you
Restored scope langauge
Restored vacation time
Restored sick days
Got you a pension
Grievance Procedure
Eliminated PDOs
Came out of two bankruptcies pretty well (remember your group ratified concessions all three times)
Safety Committees
Overtime Committees
Grievance Committees
Stopped blanket mandatories and the same people from getting mandatoried all the time
You actually secured more jobs with picking up ancillary duties.
Stopped you from being employees at will

Do I need to continue?

By the way, still ask what timmy caused to happen to fleet and customer service in 1992.
More union bashing.

When will you neophytes understand?

Which side are you on?
The beauty of this board, opinions, information, links and a helluva lot of people that actually give a SH*T about our brothers and sisters! The US F/S group for the most part all bust our a$$e$, pay dues ect.

What have YOUR dues accomplished to improve the US Fleet department in the past several years? :unsure:
Restored scope langauge
Restored vacation time
Restored sick days
Got you a pension
Grievance Procedure
Eliminated PDOs
Came out of two bankruptcies pretty well (remember your group ratified concessions all three times)
Safety Committees
Overtime Committees
Grievance Committees
Stopped blanket madatories and the same people from getting mandatoried all the time
You actually secured more jobs with picking up ancillary duties.
Stopped you from being employees at will

Do I need to continue?

By the way, still ask what timmy caused to happen to fleet and customer service in 1992.
What scope language?
What vacation time?
What sick days?
The end all be all I AM MANAGEMENT pension that is under funded?
The I AM MANAGEMENT tends to throw away greivances when the company asks them to.
The last bankruptcy cba was forced down our throats, if you remember correctly.
What is safety at this airline?
All this was addressed in the last TA, which, was voted down.
Come up with better reasons than the ones we have all heard thousands of times before. They are tired used up excuses.
We picked up those ancillary duties from M&R. They lost jobs because of it.
As far as being employees at will, that is probably the only thing that they have done!
What has your PRECIOUS I AM MANAGEMENT done for us?
Pick up the IAM/US CBA and learn to read. All the information is in there.

The IAM National Pension plan is OVERfunded, as a matter of fact they increased payments to retirees because of that.

Don't let the facts get in your way!

Current IAM/US Fleet CBA

PS. Ask the agents what timmy caused to happen in 1992.
The beauty of this board, opinions, information, links and a helluva lot of people that actually give a SH*T about our brothers and sisters! The US F/S group for the most part all bust our a$$e$, pay dues ect.

What have YOUR dues accomplished to improve the US Fleet department in the past several years? :unsure:

The ugly of this board is it has been infiltrated with corporate stooges who are fanning the flames of a decertification vote.

I am pro-union, not necessarily pro-IAM. If you look at my posts about union bashing you will see they follow IBEW bashing posts as well as IAM bashing.

If you don't want any union, keep it up.
I know how to read. DO YOU? you still did not answer the question. What has the I AM MANAGEMENT done or gotten for Fleet Service that has bettered the membership? Obviously you cannot reply with intelligent answers so you resort to personal attacks. Very I AM AMNAGEMENT like. Where are you an the list for the $100,000 club membership?
Not my fault you cant comprehend what fleet had before the first IAM/CBA.

Educate yourself and learn to read, I have all ready explained it, not my fault you cant handle the truth.

Not my fault you cant understand what happened to the industry post 9/11, look around every legacy, every union took concessions.

PS. Still waiting for you to ask anyone on here what timmy caused in 1992.
Like I said you cannot answer the question so you respond with personal attacks. I have read all the I AM MANAGEMENT CBA's for Fleet Service. They have gotten progressively worse. As far as what happened in 1992, well that was 1992, 15 years ago. Let it go already. Tim doesn't hide who he is, unlike you. The I AM MANAGEMENT seems to think that givebacks to the company on our dime is O.K. Well it is not O.K. When you learn to comprhend the language in the CBA the maybee we can talk like men. Untill then all you have is name calling and personal attacks. GROW UP!
700US Dude you are so out of touch it’s unbelievable. Have you not seen how this group feels? You tell me about grievance procedure!!!!!!! I don't know where you got that from. The only thing they have done for us is give away grievances. I saw first handed what they have done, and when the people say enough is enough. They start trying to use leverage the IAM bails on them. They have left guys out in the wind when the company comes after them. I remember when the shop stewards in PHL got fired because the IAM laid down on them and the 700 plus grievances. I remember the fmla that is a federal law, but the IAM let the company jockey around it. 700 my friend you may like this group, but I and many of my ramper friends don't. The sad thing is everywhere I go all they say is anything but the IAM! Are all of those people wrong and you are right? Restored language!!!??? They never had scope or language that benefited us! The contract was such double talk people who were supposed to enforce it were lost in the language and scope. What good is sick days when you can't afford to take them and end up either loosening the money or dragging the sickness into work? You fear if you don't go to work they will levy punishment on you. People are put in a position that if they don't go to work because of being sick. They will loose money and be punished that is a double-edged sword. :angry: How dare you come back to this group that has suffered so much and throw in our faces we voted this {sh**} in. Each and every time your weak a** leadership :stupid: Said loud and Proud this is the best we could do and we strongly support these contracts. :down: They never once came back and said we are obligated to bring this back but we don't support it. Who do you think you are pulling the wool over? This group has seen the Double talk and the back room deals your union does. Safety Committees, Overtime Committees, Grievance Committees these are things that any union should have, so that is nothing special, and don't forget that they don't comprise those positions the employees that work the jobs do! Stopped blanket mandatory overtime?????? You have no idea of what you are talking about! I dealt with their blanket mandatory and while it is not as prevalent as it was it still goes on. They didn't slow that down! The employees said that is enough and became proactive in stopping that bull****! You are a complete Moron you are not worth debating because you are tainted. The problem is once you drink their Kool-Aid you become addicted and can't shake the fact you could loose their parties and golf outings. They frolic in the sun while we pay for it. Either you don't work on the ramp or you are a lackey either way you are out of touch just like the Union itself. Just remember when you loose 70,000 plus members eventually you have to question how you are doing things. They want to continue business as usual. I remember the very first concession they agreed to. It was even without a contract. They said since the mechanics don't have unlimited swaps you can't. We have continued to be the redhead step child to the mechanics. I told everyone when we were voting for a union the first time that the IAM was a bad deal because they would not make us a priority. That has never changed. I have always felt that in order to make a union successful you must be involved, but I feel much like my brothers that fought the Vietnam War. Most of them will tell you they felt like they were fighting the war with one arm tied behind their backs! Listen if you like the IAM Kool-Aid so much I'm quite sure we as a beat down group would be glad to give you all of our Kool-Aid they tried to force down our throats for 13 years! I strongly believe that the people understand that the IAM will stop at nothing to shut up guys like Tim and I, because we represent change! Leave Tim out of this stay on the topic! 😱ff:
It's funny how 700 is always quick to blame the membership for voting on the cba but never bothers to mention how the Leadership who brought it to the members did so with most in the Leadership endorsing it to further their Leadership roles! Ask the current AGC in PHX what he thinks about the current CBA the mechanical and related work under? How do you think he got that position, did any of you guys on the west coast vote for him? 😱
Pick up the IAM/US CBA and learn to read. All the information is in there.

The IAM National Pension plan is OVERfunded, as a matter of fact they increased payments to retirees because of that.

Don't let the facts get in your way!

Current IAM/US Fleet CBA

PS. Ask the agents what timmy caused to happen in 1992.

I may be understanding this wrong, but, if the IAM Pension Fund Assets are 6.2 Billion
and their liabilities are 6.7 Billion then they are in the RED.

With 218,700 participants, only 36.6% are active contributors.

700 please demonstrate what you mean by OVERfunded?
As an I.A.M. member, you know that strength lies in numbers. The same holds true for the National Pension Plan. Our strength lies in these numbers:

Over 1,750 contributing employers
Over 71,000 retirees and beneficiaries
113,000 active participating members
Nearly $9 billion in assets

Pension Summary

Members dont contribute, the companies they work for do.

Better check your source, mine is from the plan summary.
That means so much since they are the ones putting it out.

Data comes from the most recent IAM National Pension Plan Form 5500 (Year: 2005) found at www.freeERISA.com. If you have questions or concerns, the best person to ask is your Plan Administrator or your financial advisor.

# of Participants A B
Beg.of Yr. End of Yr. % Change % Actives
211,563 218,700 3.4% 36.6%

Actuarial Value of Assets Current Liability C D
Assets/ Liability Funding Waiver?
Yes No
$ 6.5 B $ 6.7 B 97% X

Total Contribution E Total Income Total Expenses F
Contribution to Value % Expense to Income Ratio
$186 M 2.8% $ 897 M $374 M 41.7%

Related Party Trx? Min. Funding Waiver?
Yes No Yes No

> Min.Contribution? Change in Cost Method?
Yes No Yes No
As an I.A.M. member, you know that strength lies in numbers. The same holds true for the National Pension Plan. Our strength lies in these numbers:

Over 1,750 contributing employers
Over 71,000 retirees and beneficiaries
113,000 active participating members
Nearly $9 billion in assets

Pension Summary

Members dont contribute, the companies they work for do.

Better check your source, mine is from the plan summary.
So the source is the IAM. Are we supposed to believe them. PLEASE! So you are saying that the Govt. info is wrong. I do not think so. And when has the I AM MANAGEMENT believed in "strength in numbers". They haven't shown any of that strength at USAirways. You have to do better than that. Have you ever asked yourself why the AGC's are appointed and not voted in? But you don't care about that, do you? All you are is an I AM MANAGEMENT lap dog, doing the dirty work and spreading the lies, half-truths, misinformation, and scare tacticts. Haven't you figured it out yet. The Fleet Service brothers & sisters have opened their eyes to the ways of the I AM MANAGEMENT. Your days are numbered.
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