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District 142 Update

N628AU said:
Bravo PF!

700UW cannot admit to himself that the IAM accreting the Planner group was simply a dues grab and nothing more. The IAM could have refused to let the accretion be automatic, and let a vote occur. Isn't allowing a vote the stated purpose of those stupid cards?

No, the IAM took the guaranteed route and refused to say no to the NLRB decision
to automatically accrete the planners stating they should have been in the contract already (I wonder where that idea came from).

The IAM sees every member as simply dues income and nothing more. If so, they would have truly allowed a democratic vote to take place and let the planners decide for themselves if they indeed truly wanted representation. Add this to the fact that for the past ten years, AFL-CIO endorsed political candidates continue to take a beating in every general election, and you can see how out of touch the upper ranks of unions are with the rest of the working world.

First of all your fellow planners and material controllers signed enough cards to warrant an election, when the National Mediation Board (NMB) not the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has jurisdiction in the matter and when the cards were sent in, they were the ones who ruled it an accretion instead of having an election.

The IAM does not have the authority to say no to the NMB decsion, the NMB is a Federal Government Agency under the Department of Labor.

You are just an anti-union republican who cant stand the democratic process.
700UW said:
You are just an anti-union republican who cant stand the democratic process.

Once again, another ad hominem personal attack when you cannot defend your own position. The true democratic process would have seen an actual representation election take place, rather than accretion. I wonder where the NMB or NLRB (I don't care which alphabetic Govco acronym has the actual responsibily here) got the idea to accrete this group in the first place?
Why don't you go ask them, all the information on how it happened is public record and is on located at www.nmb.gov.

Funny why complain about it if you don't care?

And you are just angry that you were laid-off because of the seniority system.

Lets see you are a rebulican, you are anti-union, so how can that be an attack when it is the truth?

A personal attack would be calling you names and insulting you, none of which I have done.
(1) It is not that I don't care, it is that I don't care which Govco acronym agency has jurisdiciton here. I care very deeply whenever Govco steps in and takes away someone's personal liberty (here by forcing people into a union beyond their own free will). The founding fathers created our system of government to keep people from being oppressed, and it has detoriated through the 20th Century into something that does just the opposite.

(2) I was not laid off because of the seniority system, I chose to take a layoff vs. a transfer, which was my decision, and I do not regret it.

(3) Can I in turn call you a left leaning, union card toting, liberty stealing socialist?
Well you can call me a unionist.

I am not a liberty stealer, lets see your President Bush took away the rights for the TSA to become unionized, is not stealing liberty?

And I believe in Capital Punishmet, so I guess I cant be a liberal and I am not in favor of government ownership of industries, so not a socialist either.
A Socialist is defined as one who pratices solialism. Here is the definition of solcialism from Miriam-Webster:

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

By it's own nature, how can a union contract, that defines one's value by seniority in the case of the airline industry, rather than by work done or ability, not be considered a socialist position? It does create an unequal distribution of pay according to the work done.

By the way, you have never answered my question into why the IAM did not fight for a true democratic representation election. I can hardly believe the NMB would have forced the issue if both the IAM and the company agreed for it to take place.
a Marxist aesthetic theory calling for the didactic use of literature, art, and music to develop social consciousness in an evolving socialist state
As to your statement regarding Bush quashing the attempt to unionize the TSA, they are government employees, and therefore have no right to organize, especially when it comes to a position regarding national security. It would be akin to the military unionizing. If it is not, then they really have no place to even exist. Government employees are there solely to serve the general public, and should not be there with the idea that they come first.
What group of employees in the US are the largest unionized?

Federal Employees!
And that makes it right? Anyone who lives off the public dole, such as a Federal employee, has the last right to anything. They are there to serve the taxpayer (BTW, IMO there is way too much serving the taxpayer going on). The taxpayers should have the sole right as to determine their wages and benefits.

Also, the fact that so much of their money goes into politics because they are such a large bloc should disturb any free thought American, as they will only support causes which lead to more Govco intrusion into our lives, because it is the only way to guarantee their own job security.
Why dont you go look up why unions were formed in the first place.

Screw this mind-numbing back and forth. :angry:

The issue is what the comany is attempting to do to us....and what the union is failing to protect us from period.

I have brought up issues with the IAM failing to represent a particular aspect of the covered work groups...and all of that has been brushed asside in favor of a stupid attempt to once again educate the masses on the pros and cons of unionism or non-unionism.

Geez...Start another thread for this garbage or go to PM's , if in fact you have nothing else to offer 🙄
All this back and forth union anti-union is a waste. It's a known fact that without unions there would have never been a middle class but instead only the very rich and very poor with no middle ground. As it is the middle ground is falling away and one reason is this country is divided politically.

All you non union people are ignorant to the fact that you are where you are because long ago some union person fought for what the middle class is losing everyday, not to see this is just foolishness.

There would be the rich and there would the people severing them and all the rest would be begging for their food if unions were never around and why they came into existence to begin with.

You anti union people can't see past your blind spots to see the whole picture.
The IAM appears once again to be positioning itself for the protection of THE DUES rather than the members who pay the dues. The IAM is unwilling to take on the company. As usual the IAM continues its policy of keeping the membership in the dark.
unit4clt said:
The IAM appears once again to be positioning itself for the protection of THE DUES rather than the members who pay the dues. The IAM is unwilling to take on the company. As usual the IAM continues its policy of keeping the membership in the dark.
Like the rabbit when he asked the big bear if he got his hind end’s fur all messed up when taking a crap. The bear replied; Hell no, as he picked up the rabbit and wiped himself…the rabbit is the employees and bear, well you know who he represents…..

The unions at least try to curtail these actions, now imagine if the bear was left totally uncontrolled…