If there are monetary damages, who gets the cash? Are you spearheading the drive?
Where can I get more info you are posting..............are you exmanagement?
there are a few items (6) where some believe the district lodge may have violated its and the IAM's INTL bylaws and/or labor laws that can be enforced in a federal court. Any violation would have been against the members.
1. membership questions regarding new workers who aren't members but being permitted to vote. Documentation has been cited. The use of unregistered ballots may complicate this for the IAM and put further pressure on the IAM.
2. My understanding is that Canale established the premise of the vote by letter that the vote would be for the proposal or workers would have to 'wait' till 2009. However, the west, a huge chunk of the votes don't have to wait till 2009 to negotiate.
3. District bylaws which explicitly say language regarding same day voting system wide. It appears to be applicable and mandatory since there was ample time.
4. AMerica West members voting on a east contract even though the contract's ammendable date was changed, together with the fact that there is no combined or joint seniority list established yet.
5. Voting places possibly being on company property which could provide an intimadating and coercive environment.
The above are just allegations and thus far they are 'under review' and a decision may be made shortly. I'm not an attorney but my understanding is that there is significant monetary damages on record of $627 million so there are a few who are putting together an internal dispute grievance within the IAM to get that started, but also pursuing and securing an attorney to argue in a Chicago Federal court to place the election on hold or set it aside. No fee amount has thus far been discussed but it would require more than a half dozen fleet service workers to pony up and support this cause if this were successful. If there is no support then no case and not worth anyone's time. Any money collected would be collected by whatever law firm is decided upon...if any.
These allegations may prove difficult but they may also be finally convincing and rewarding. The monetary damages, if any, would be against the union, not company is my understanding. The contract can even get voted in, with violations, and the courts have ruled favorably for companies, so it wouldn't be like a new contract would be voided if the courts didn't halt the ratification.
Anyways, things are in process but no decision has been made.
No, I am not ex management, nor present management for any company.