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Questions & Answers Regarding the New Fleet Service Agreement

You folks are totally missing the Key words in this Grievance. :shock: "Change in Control" Dose'nt really mattter who bought who, or who merged with who with who's money. I don't know who said it earlier, niether airline bought the other with its "own" money. "Outside" money was used to start a "New" company where AWA and AAA are now only subsideraies(sp). Hence the Change in Control grievance was triggered. Also Freedom pointed out earlier that it appears that no one on this board that was a Fleet Service Agent was against this TA. Well Im fleet service and can be counted as a big fat NO :down: BTW It's great to be back :up:

Your so right,and welcome back... :up: :up: :up:
All Easties, put in your pe-66 now, if your going to work for a substandard contract, why not be high
seinority in the west................... this is one thing they can't stop. GO WEST OLD MAN
All Easties, put in your pe-66 now, if your going to work for a substandard contract, why not be high
seinority in the west................... this is one thing they can't stop. GO WEST OLD MAN
im young ramper from the west come on out ill wait don't care also big NO for the t/a from me
Piney...Have you thought about being a union organizer?

You'd be great at it.

Can you be our CEO and a union organizer?

:up: :lol:
Tell your co-workers why you feel a no vote is in order. Encourage others to vote no.
i have told them everything i feel bout the t/a but i can only let them know in hopes they'll spread the word but i do know that sna will be about 90% no small station but every vote counts
HA HA PB, why not start your own Union? A very unique Union where you can be assured you won't wind up in cement shoes under Giant Stadium. All kidding aside, if the Nationals of the Unions stayed out of the picture during negotiations and it was left to the workers and the ones voted in by the membership, Unions would thrive.
Not a bad idea! I smell a merger in the air, the higher the No votes the quicker old Doug on heroin will show his cards with a UA merger to stall all court arbitration hearings!
Starting our own union would have great advantages if everyone would look at it. Way less money in dues, and better resaults than we're getting now for our union, when they bring what they did to the membership and thought it was great. Hey try talking to some of the southwest people, yes another low cost carrier and see what they make and how they're treated compared to you, I guarentee you won't like what you hear.
It would actually have to cost you more in dues as they would have no money in order to pay for services, negotiations and grievances. You do know those things cost money. As does organizing.

The company has deep pockets a new union would not.

Go ask timmy, he has tried three times and failed.

And WN ramp is no longer an independant union they merged with the TWU several years ago.
WN ramp agents top off at $26.00 an hour, there is solidarity and they would never agree to a T/A like IAM/USAIRWAYS has proposed. Take that to the bank!
WN ramp agents top off at $26.00 an hour, there is solidarity and they would never agree to a T/A like IAM/USAIRWAYS has proposed. Take that to the bank!
They earn every penny of it. In LAS the ground crew doesn't get much of a break. When the 1st plane leaves, the 2nd plane which is waiting in the holding pad behind it comes right in :lol: .
Just remember most WN rampers in the midwest are ex US rampers that just got sick and tired of being furloughed to another city. In the longrun, the transfer to WN has paid off. They get a personal day per month they can use anytime, decent vacation, the same flight bennies and when you ask them about WN they say for the most part management is great! They are proud of their airline even if it is a low cost carrier and they can go home at night and leave WN where they left it until the next work day and enjoy down time! How many of us can say the same?
Starting our own union would have great advantages if everyone would look at it. Way less money in dues, and better resaults than we're getting now for our union, when they bring what they did to the membership and thought it was great. Hey try talking to some of the southwest people, yes another low cost carrier and see what they make and how they're treated compared to you, I guarentee you won't like what you hear.
starting your own is not that easy....the dues paid should not be a factor if your union is working for you. My husband pays almost 70 dollars a month....multiply that by 12---sometimes an extra week. I have never heard him moan about his dues. Why? They make thier union work for them. Afterall, this is what part of your dues pays. Only a part....! Now things are not rosy either where he works but the reps earn their money! Grievances are heard from in a relatively timely manner...management is held accountable for not following the contract....why? Because the members-and not all of them--know their contract and are acitve and not passive when it comes to violations. Take back your union!!!!
I asked one of my supes a question and the reply was "we voted that in on our last contact"....when I quoted something else/asked a question that they were not aware of--a potential violation-they stated they did not know that. I replyed---why not, it is what is in the contract and you voted it in.
All need to remember to look at the big picture when it comes to voting in something....I just wish we had that option on our T/A....and some of the less favourable LOA's that have come about. When I hear people moan about it-I tell them to get involved. Many ignore.....

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