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Anybody know how the card signings went this weekend?
Absolutely ''Labor Dawg''. As we stand now ,The so called IAM is the rep for the
fleet. The IBEW would give the fleet a voice in the electrical, structual, and other
areas in the USAIRWAYS system. Look around at any electrician coming on the
property to perform work for USAirways, chances are very high thier a member
of the IBEW. We have a chance to have more of a voice. People stop walking
around like we've been beaten so long we forgotten how to fight. This is most of
our livelyhoods, do you want to sit back and let someone else decide whats' in your
best interests for you ? You have no say now accept ''yes'' or ''no'' and not all the
time. Wouldn't you like to tell your union what you want and expect. Be happy this TA
was extended or we wouldn't have had a vote.
Fleet service finally has a union that wants them. Let's see what fleet service, in particular CLT, does this week in a card signup. The choice is clear, support the IAM and not sign a card, or sign a card. If CLT wants cards then see Freddie Voight or John Tinney, or Cline.
Remember, US AIRWAYS will not give you anything without a fight and that is why the IAM has screwed you folks over for so long. Going to the negotiations table without fighting won't get squat. The IAM will not flex any muscle either. Either keep getting hammered even when your company is making awesome profits or get the IAM out for the IBEW.
Yes it is my fight...Yes I work on the ramp...yes I was here when we were decertified...yes I was here when the company pulled our pants down and crammed whatever they wanted right where the sun don't shine....Jimmy,
Is this your fight to defend? Have you worked on the ramp for USAirways? The I AM MANAGEMENT union have done nothing but sell us out to line their own pockets. They are in bed with the company. What union would agree to outsource their members work? Like the I AM MANAGEMENT did to fleet dervice. What union says that a TA with concessions is a "good deal"? I do not see how we are "shootin ourselves in the foot"?
Anyone remember SQUARE TABLE MEETINGS starring Wayne Barnette, John Regone, and Terry Pope.We've been nothing but ''scabs'' to the uppers at the IAM for a long time.
Do you really think Canale or the IAM has forgotten that. This is and has
been thier chance to ''get even''. Use us to test the waters for thier beloved
''skill labor''. Like I've been saying all along ...we never belonged there. We
need our own union for our own represented group. The IAM has done absolutely
nothing for us in the 13+ years we've been paying dues. Dues for what ? Protection
from what ? Our own union wants to sc#&w us and we still have people sitting back
and saying lets' see how this all plays out. Can we afford to to that, we've lost our
solidarity. We've given it away, though we can get it back. Stand up and be heard.
Sign the cards for that opportunity.
pjirish- The card signings are moving along everywhere but CLT and the reps for
the IBEW were told today that Mgt. in CLT told employees not to ask for anyone to sign
the cards in the break room on airport property. CLT needs to show thier support for
the IBEW because right now. Any other way is support for the current representive.
I believe the refusal to not allow employees to sign a card ,is an infringment on that
employees rights.
http://cwa-union.org/search.jsp?query=ibew...it=Submit+QueryWhat’s this about the IBEW having other strengths ??? Ah hahaha