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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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Only the company benefits when unions attack unions.

Dog that might be one view but this is my take on it

Unions attack Unions when the membership comes to the conclusion the union there in doesnt represent them and the members request help from another union. The company benefits when the workers who have P.O.S union represention continue to be screwed and allow such representation to continue without getting a better representitive.
Here's a quick reminder:

It IS ok to dispute information.
It is NOT ok to attack the poster.

It IS ok to post dissenting opinions.
It is NOT ok to post deliberate misinformation for the purpose of starting trouble.

It IS ok to post public information.
It is NOT ok to post confidential information or other material not suitable for public consumption.

Keep it on the straight and narrow folks.......and to those who keep going at each other, the cornfield awaits.
I still have not received the letter from Canale I heard people talking about. All is not lost I did receive my IAM stickers. I need to run out and put them on my car. I wonder how much of my dues this cost.
We all know that if 50% +1 do not vote for representation, we lose that
representation. What Tim is saying is if 23% of the workforce vote for IAM and
7% write in IBT and another 24% vote for IBEW, we remain represented. With the
IBEW winning the election with the 24% number (the highest). That would mean 54%
of the workforce voted to remain represented. Also this vote would incorporate a
phone and computer vote, allowing people to vote from home, work or vacation.
Which in my opinion would only increase the voting number. Tim has also pointed
out that only one time has a workforce not voted to remain represented (100 skycaps).

One thing i'd like to add , don't get ANYONE who's not enthusiastic about signing a card to sign one aka don’t round up all the new hires you can find and get them to sign cards , BECAUSE if you can’t find these same new hires 2 months later when it’s time to vote and they DON’T care about the vote enough to call in ,we will shoot ourselves in the foot .
Anyone hear anything out of CLT ? Also if anyone would like a copy of the
letter let me know... I can fax it to you if you'd like. Maybe the people in
PHL are the only ones getting them, I don't know..........

No letter :angry: and no stickers :angry: I must be on the I AM MANAGEMENT list of people not to send stickers to. :up: :up:
I agree wth half of that. I agree you should not allow someone who is not
''enthusiastic'' to sign a card until they understand what signing the card means.
I don't agree with the ''new hires'' scenario. They need to be reached out to, and
need to be educated to the best of the ability of the reps. Then if this reach's an
election status, they will be educated what signing the card represented and that
thier vote is an important act. They should not be asked simply because the fear
exists that they won't vote. Thier part of this workforce and should be included in
any and all decisions that may affect them. This is not mine, its' ours. Bottom line
''Do we need a Change ?''. Did the current IAM leadership bring back a TA that was
voted down by thier membership and do they (canale) still refuse to recognize that ?
I believe they do, and we need a change. I'll talk to anyone who'll listen. Were all part
of this process regardless of the outcome. I agree with ''dylan'' this was a concessionary
deal and that shouldn't have occured. We are not dealing with a bankrupt airline, how does
the IAM still feel as if we should be giving something back...from a contract made in
bankruptcy to a company out and making profits.

I agree wth half of that. I agree you should not allow someone who is not
''enthusiastic'' to sign a card until they understand what signing the card means.
I don't agree with the ''new hires'' scenario. They need to be reached out to, and
need to be educated to the best of the ability of the reps. Then if this reach's an
election status, they will be educated what signing the card represented and that
thier vote is an important act. They should not be asked simply because the fear
exists that they won't vote. Thier part of this workforce and should be included in
any and all decisions that may affect them. This is not mine, its' ours. Bottom line
''Do we need a Change ?''. Did the current IAM leadership bring back a TA that was
voted down by thier membership and do they (canale) still refuse to recognize that ?
I believe they do, and we need a change. I'll talk to anyone who'll listen. Were all part
of this process regardless of the outcome. I agree with ''dylan'' this was a concessionary
deal and that shouldn't have occured. We are not dealing with a bankrupt airline, how does
the IAM still feel as if we should be giving something back...from a contract made in
bankruptcy to a company out and making profits.

Problem with that scenario is that nobody has reached out to the new hires before this. You have looked down on them, thrown them into a racist bucket and spit upon them. Now when YOUR future is on the line you ask to get in line with the new hires? Should have gotten off of your high horse a long time ago and extended a handshake instead of a sneer and a disgusted look!
Here's a quick reminder:

It IS ok to dispute information.
It is NOT ok to attack the poster.

It IS ok to post dissenting opinions.
It is NOT ok to post deliberate misinformation for the purpose of starting trouble.

It IS ok to post public information.
It is NOT ok to post confidential information or other material not suitable for public consumption.

Keep it on the straight and narrow folks.......and to those who keep going at each other, the cornfield awaits.

Ahem !!! who are you referring to directly. Is that an attack to the poster.
OUR FUTURE Guys it is time to put or shutup! This is not to insult anyone. Its just all you ever hear is how bad the IAM is, but people allow the lackies to continue scare them into complacency. This is the old we can't beat them so we are forced to join them :stupid: . They know what happens if they don't get the votes. Here is the real deal. The IBEW has a set goal. They have said from minute one that they were not looking to put the group in jeoparty. The goal they set for cards being signed was high. This is to insure that most of the people who signed a card are going to vote. This is only smart due to the fact of decert. With that being said they have spent money to send guys out around the system. They have said they would deal with the aflcio situation if and when it happens. The guys around the system have to understand that this union is willing to invest in them and they in turn must invest into the union. People wake up the IAM has done nothing in your best interest but raise your dues even though they have continued to bring back subpar contracts. We have got to show them we are the union. The IAM is going to show you how much they care about what you have to say, by giving the vp at large to their Q&A guy.Also don't forget that if an election happens that the IAM will still be on the ballot. The 50+1 would be the total of both unions!
These "New Hires" are for the most part lazy workers. The show up, not even in uniform, and mosey around untill someone else does the work. I realize that there are exceptions to the rule. I have put 18+ years with this company and know what it was like to be a "new hire". I respected those who came before me and had seniority on me. Sadly that is not how it is today. We cannot look at a "new hire" and tell them to get in the bin and stack. That would be harrassment. So the "old timers" have to suck up the slack from these slackers that call themselves workers. I do agree with perserverance though. For the I AM MANAGEMENT union to be gone we need everybody. Even the slackers. Regardless about our personel feelings we need each other in these troubled times. We must be strong for and with each other if we want to better our work environment. The "union" is running scared. I just read the "letter" from these people. What a joke. That letter could not be farther from the truth. The I AM MANAGEMENT sold us out. The continue to fill their coffers while ours are emptied. Keep signing those cards and send a big f@#* you to the company stooges that represent us.
OUR FUTURE Guys it is time to put or shutup! This is not to insult anyone. Its just all you ever hear is how bad the IAM is, but people allow the lackies to continue scare them into complacency. This is the old we can't beat them so we are forced to join them :stupid: . They know what happens if they don't get the votes. Here is the real deal. The IBEW has a set goal. They have said from minute one that they were not looking to put the group in jeoparty. The goal they set for cards being signed was high. This is to insure that most of the people who signed a card was going to vote. This is only smart due to the fact of decert. With that being said they have spent money to send guys out around the system. They have said they would deal with the aflcio situation if and when it happens. The guys around the system have to understand that this union is willing to invest in them and they in turn must invest into the union. People wake up the IAM has done nothing in your best interest but raise your dues even though they have continued to bring back subpar contracts. We have got to show them we are the union. The IAM is going to show you how much they care about what you have to say, by giving the vp at large to their Q&A guy.
I suppose you forgot all of the BS that the IAM said when they were courting us. Can you remember STRENGTH IN NUMBERS/WALL TO WALL/IAM FOR FAIRNESS----

Come on get real----the IBEW can sing and dance all day and night---that does not change the fact that they will still be dealing with the same Tempe management team who is the real demon here and can make no promise to anyone that they can secure one thing better then you have today----

Again, it amazes me that this group has such a self destructive nature and just loves to shoot itself in the foot on a regular basis......

Be smart people---THINK
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