IAM topic of the week

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A word to the wise, DO NOT use the word slowdown, you can be terminated for that action.

You work safe, you work by the company's established rules and procedures.

Spacing the bag, drving the speed limits, driving within the traffic lanes, checking your equipment, etc....
Check out the new update on the IAM141.org website. I agree with Canale's update 100%.
The voice and solidarity of the workers over this past month, and their demonstration of how fed up they are with Canale and crew, has forced Canale to tone down his company rah rah speech. Also a shakup of the negotiations team has resulted in a dramatic shift. In essance, Canale has no juice to strong arm his negotiations team like in times past. And we squeezed out his juice so he couldn't follow through with his threats in Vegas to just throw the west into the east contract. Things have changed and Canale's political regime is winding down.

I will write later this afternoon regarding a strategic plan for 141 members of what should be done now that we have forced your company to regress into its arrogant ways again and 'rooted out' how it really feels about the masses.
The solidarity has caused your company to change its position so that it has become hardened. In January it offered $19hr once again, which was grossly inadequate but countered by the union with the bottom line $20hr.

The company's offense against the masses was so dispresptful, after close to 3 years of talks, that I also believe the union leadership needs to ask for the removal of Hemenway, MS, etc before things can be corrected and cleaned up.
What a joke this company must think of the westies to offer up such an offense.
Jerry G and boys have met their match and it's called solidarity and they will learn a 'painful' lesson in the name of justice. Screw all this 'southwest' merger talk, screw all merger talk, screw transition, screw everything.

I will put forth a plan for DL141 members later this afternoon that should position fleet service in a better position. Unfortunately, in about 3 years Canale continues to just offer up words and in 3 months we will finally be able to get rid of him and move things forward. The 'Network of Solidarity Plan' will be the way to go. Stay tuned.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I could go to MCDONALDS and make more AND get a 401k match. What kind of BILLION dollar corporation doesn't allow its employees a match on their 401k and legit sick time?

I think the pay scale was laughable as well.

What did they say about profit sharing?

Parkers goin down.

And 700. It IS high time we stop acting like good little boys and girls and continue to do our job professionally like we have been doing for the past 3 years while getting bent over. Anybody wants to fire me? Come find me. You can't
Well I see we are right where we were 2 1/2 years ago. Going nowhere fast. No raise no new deal no transistion. So heres what should be done. Close the doors sell this place off in parts and be done with all this lunacy. Its time to put this place and its people out of there misery.
Im tired of this mangment and all who think they have a great place, its not, it use to be but its not any longer. Oh and beleive me Im tring to find something else.
So hopfully this will now move on and we can all find a better place to work a place where they trully appreciate there employees and what sacrfices they have all made.
Here are some safety procedures that often get overlooked:

1. The marshaller must do a walk around. Any un-noted damage must immediately be reported to MC and the crew. The flight should not be dispatched until maintenance signs off on the damage certifying the a/c's airworthiness.*

2. Floor bearing weight. Often a piece of freight exceeds the manufacturer's specified floor bearing weight of the aircraft. Assume the FBW of B737 is 100 lbs per square foot. Assume a piece of cargo has a footprint of 1 sq. ft. and weights 150 lbs. That's a no go item! Now let's assume the freight weighs 100 lbs. It's ok to load, but you cannot stack anything on top of it.

Now let's consider palletized freight. Assume 2 skids 20 inches long and 2 inches wide. That's 80 inches (2 x 20 x 2) of surface area in contact with the floor. What is the maximum weight this skid can have on it?

Staying with the B737 example, make a fraction where 100 is the max FBW and 144 (1 square foot in inches) is the stated floor contact area. It would look like this:


Then make another fraction where x is the maximum weight allowed for this skid and 80 inches is the actual contact area with the floor. That would look like this:


Then make a ratio, cross multiply and divide:

100/144 = x/80.
100 x 80 = 8000.
8000/144 = 55.55

The maximum weight this skid can bear is 55.6 lbs.**

Y'all have all seen skids that grossly exceed the floor bearing weight. When you do, your options are to take it off the skids or refuse it. This is not a minor issue, and don't assume the upline station or a freight agent caught this - they frequently don't. Talk to any mech in heavy maintenance about the damage they find when the pull the floors up. I know of situations where a shipment originated, passed thru a hub and the terminating station caught this. Of course, they had to write it up and two aircraft had to undergo inspection!

Working safe goes beyond yourself. These two items look out for crews and passengers. Step up.

* Has this changed in the past few years?
** It's been a while, so if someone current has a better way...
I have heard from a friend in CLT who has talked with upper union officials that the 60 day rule may soon be eliminated does anyone know what is going on with that?
I will put the link to USAirways own site.

USAirways Limitations

All Boeing and Airbus 319 have a max 150lbs psf.
Airbus 320 and 321 have forward limit of 138lbs psf and aft 150lbs psf.
Max weight per piece is 350lbs on all main line aircraft.
This is straight from USAirways own web site. If the cargo exceeds these limits DO NOT LOAD.
Here are some safety procedures that often get overlooked:

Now let's consider palletized freight. Assume 2 skids 20 inches long and 2 inches wide. That's 80 inches (2 x 20 x 2) of surface area in contact with the floor. What is the maximum weight this skid can have on it?

Staying with the B737 example, make a fraction where 100 is the max FBW and 144 (1 square foot in inches) is the stated floor contact area. It would look like this:


Then make another fraction where x is the maximum weight allowed for this skid and 80 inches is the actual contact area with the floor. That would look like this:


Then make a ratio, cross multiply and divide:

100/144 = x/80.
100 x 80 = 8000.
8000/144 = 55.55

The maximum weight this skid can bear is 55.6 lbs.**

Someone'e head just exploded! :up:
The latest treason is completely offensive and just further reason why Canale should go. He has screwed up this whole bargaining by allowing and agreeing for the company to wiggle out of section 6 negotiations.
The masses simply can't afford to wait another 3 months until Canale is finally dispatched. A plan must be put in place to finally force Canale to quit his Bu$$ Sh** games of siding with Hemenway on his refusal to bargain in section 6 for the west. We have told Randy Canale for close to 3 years that HE MUST QUIT AGREEING WITH THE COMPANY ON SECTION 6 and recommence section 6 negotiations on the west side. He has personally been responsible for 3 years of wasted negotiations because of his refusal to section 6.
Canale has screwed this merger up totally by pissing in the wind over the past 3 years thinking that the company will work things out with a transition agreement as opposed to section 6. It aint happening. The company's latest proposal made things 'crystal clear' that 3 years of transition talks have just produced disrespect, and a stall of section 6 negotiations. Canale must finally recognize and interpret rightly what the company's latest proposal means. It means section 6 must reconvene.

This is ludicrous having Canale to continue to side with Hemenway on this matter. Canale talks big but his actions are horrendous and his 'inaction' of recommencing section 6 is way past the point of ignorance. I am going to pound on this issue until Canale finally wakes up.

Even though the west siders on the NEW DIRECTION team AND the east siders on the NEW DIRECTION team understand section 6 recommencing, it's not good enough to wait another 3 months to dispatch Canale....he must get this process restarted now....the process that he stopped close to 3 years ago because he agreed with Hemenway that transition talks were the way to go.
Stop with the nonsense and start with section 6 alongside transition talks. What is Canale hiding? What can be so bad about recommencing section 6? What is his agenda to continue agreeing with Hemenway on this???????????? Although I agree with the latest letter, it is just talk. Do something Randy!!!!!!!!!!

Click here for a strategic plan for the masses.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
email here
All of a sudden Canale's got balls? I'm not fooled. He's dancing to the NEW DIRECTION fiddle!
Canale is big on talk. If not for the new leadership on the negotiations team, Canale would have already sold us out. "He did the best that he could" with the last T/A.

Canale can do one thing to help out the masses before he gets voted out....freakn start section 6 already and stop agreeing with Hemenway on refusing to negotiate section 6.

District Lodge 141 member strategic plan. Click here

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
email here
Canale is big on talk. If not for the new leadership on the negotiations team, Canale would have already sold us out. "He did the best that he could" with the last T/A.

Canale can do one thing to help out the masses before he gets voted out....freakn start section 6 already and stop agreeing with Hemenway on refusing to negotiate section 6.

District Lodge 141 member strategic plan. Click here

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
email here

As an Eastie I want to tell the Westies brothers and Sisters we would support you all to Tell Canale that you all Demand Section 6 to resume.
Tim what you want just makes no sense. To have the west guys go for section 6.
Contrary to what some may say I doubt there would be much support for it.
What we should do is accept that sorry AXX offer that the company made and get ready for a fight in 2009 and beyond. That way we will be a trully unified group under one contract.
Not only that but it would at least give the west guys some kind of pay raise for the time being one that they desperatly need, not to metion the class 2 cities.
I read what the company proposal was and it stank however they did not take out the COC language nor did they give up any cities, nor did it extend the contract. As you know if you read its just exactly what we have now including the profit sharing.
This is a long fight but we need to become one group under one contract so we can all fight together.
Tim what you want just makes no sense. To have the west guys go for section 6.
Contrary to what some may say I doubt there would be much support for it.
What we should do is accept that sorry AXX offer that the company made and get ready for a fight in 2009 and beyond. That way we will be a trully unified group under one contract.
Not only that but it would at least give the west guys some kind of pay raise for the time being one that they desperatly need, not to metion the class 2 cities.
I read what the company proposal was and it stank however they did not take out the COC language nor did they give up any cities, nor did it extend the contract. As you know if you read its just exactly what we have now including the profit sharing.
This is a long fight but we need to become one group under one contract so we can all fight together.
Where exactly did you read what the company was offering? I can't find it anywhere.
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