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The Grievance Committee office has a copy.
Someone will be there by 7am Monday.
I wonder if DFW was one of the 17 citys that would be thrown under the bus if one would have a different perspective

on things. things that make you go HMMMMM

Maybe I would have but let me just once again say. Tim and the others out there still have not answered my question did you vote for this current contract? If you say yes than you did exactly the same thing you say I was willing to do with those other stations. You voted to approve 2 pay scales you voted to contract out other stations. Dont give me the speech that yes but we had to accept that contract.
No you didnt you could have done what me and many others did. We said no and we voted to strike even though we knew what it would mean.
So dont give me your crap.
I wouldn't put it passed Canale to use the same type of double. But we
should geve more credit to Canale. With the company going bankrupt sometime
within the next ten minutes, oil prices at $2000/barrel, stock at 8 cents. Thanks BF

Credit for Canale lol lol lol? Man you forgot earthquakes Tidalwaves plagues and swarms of locusts. Fear like that is why we will never achieve wage and benefits increases and real job protections with guys like Canale spreading fear back to the membership. For gods sake that kind of statement is right outta the mouth of Doug Parker. This airline made record profits off our backs now Doug wants to get in on the merger madness so he can cash out with millions while he wants us to take a sh_t deal. Sorry but you can only cry wolf so many times and brother Fleet Service isnt buying what Canale will be trying to sell for Parker.
I voted no!

No vote/ Yes strike

Would not do that to my brothers.
[quote'Black Magic' date='Feb 23 2008, 01:46 PM' post='575670']
How come we never voted out the IAM? This whole thing is a bad dream!


That wuz tried… and wuz unsuccessful. We can’t let water over tha dam distract us.

Like it er not, we gotta work with tha tools we got!

Unfortunately, the only tools in our rusty ol’ worn out tool box are… the union we got (IAM)… solidarity… networkin’… and just plain stayin’ educated!

They ain’t no doubt in my mind that we can prevail if the above is adhered to.

We can also try tah change tha IAM frum within by votin’ “NEW DIRECTION†!

Read this board regularly… spread tha word…stay solid !
Another NO vote from me and a YES to strike vote. I always said I would
never vote on an agreement that lessens my value, let a arbitraitor do that. If I were to
have voted YES I would have no room to complain. I never understood how people
would vote to screw themselves for the fear of ''you don't want it to go to a arbitraitor''
way of thinking, screw that, let someone else do that to me, cause I will not do that to

Pardon my interruption to the groupthink lovefest, but notice how no one will discuss my aforementioned subject to the ugly reality of demanding so much to the point of being replaced?

Face it.... there are tens of thousands of low-skilled, low-educated people who would do our 4/8 jobs for about $12/hour, plus benefits. If your neighbor's kid demanded twice the going rate to mow your lawn, would you simply say, "I support the working boy, and will pay whatever the kid demands!" Of course, you wouldn't, and neither will Parker.

Reminder... it happened with Midwest Airlines, it happened at Alaska Airlines, Delta already uses in-house vendors for their ramp in most locations, and Northwest had the ability to find licensed and trained aircraft mechanics as permanent replacements for those on strike. Maybe Boss Canale is reading something you all can't bear yourselves to accept and you instead look for some United/Parker/Canale conspiracies to explain an ugly truth. Voting for March Hare and his enabling band of Mad Hatters on the Nihilist Directions Team will not change the facts of our industry, our changing economy, our lowly job requirements, or our company's ability to find replacements.

Will anyone address the possibility of being replaced by a vendor? Tim? O-man? Roadie? PJ? Dio? Redeye? Mike? Perserverance? Roabilly? Anyone? Better start thinking about it, because two years isn't that far off.

You all might loathe me, but consider me to be your long past due cognitive therapy session.

So Counsels Jester.

Could be. Do it your way, and back into burger flipping wages in the mid-term.

OTOH, call them out. If they're bluffing, cool. If not, might as well get it over and get on with life.
Pardon my interruption to the groupthink lovefest, but notice how no one will discuss my aforementioned subject to the ugly reality of demanding so much to the point of being replaced?

Face it.... there are tens of thousands of low-skilled, low-educated people who would do our 4/8 jobs for about $12/hour, plus benefits. If your neighbor's kid demanded twice the going rate to mow your lawn, would you simply say, "I support the working boy, and will pay whatever the kid demands!" Of course, you wouldn't, and neither will Parker.

Reminder... it happened with Midwest Airlines, it happened at Alaska Airlines, Delta already uses in-house vendors for their ramp in most locations, and Northwest had the ability to find licensed and trained aircraft mechanics as permanent replacements for those on strike. Maybe Boss Canale is reading something you all can't bear yourselves to accept and you instead look for some United/Parker/Canale conspiracies to explain an ugly truth. Voting for March Hare and his enabling band of Mad Hatters on the Nihilist Directions Team will not change the facts of our industry, our changing economy, our lowly job requirements, or our company's ability to find replacements.

Will anyone address the possibility of being replaced by a vendor? Tim? O-man? Roadie? PJ? Dio? Redeye? Mike? Perserverance? Roabilly? Anyone? Better start thinking about it, because two years isn't that far off.

You all might loathe me, but consider me to be your long past due cognitive therapy session.

So Counsels Jester.


Mr. Jester....

I certainly don’t loathe yahh…

Actually... Mr. Jester...You have been instrumental, and ahh real
education intah negative psychological warfare. I'm impressed,
yer pretty good !

We’ll see if tha boy’s catch on!
Voted them out when? The IAM payed off the TWU to not force a representation vote. And the IBEW said that we did not garner enough interest to continue the card campaign. So I am not sure about your question. Could you clarify a little?

Interesting, I was unaware about that with the TWU.
Will anyone address the possibility of being replaced by a vendor? Tim? O-man? Roadie? PJ? Dio? Redeye? Mike? Perserverance? Roabilly? Anyone? Better start thinking about it, because two years isn't that far off.

You all might loathe me, but consider me to be your long past due cognitive therapy session.

So Counsels Jester.


I'm beginning to think you still live at home? Don't get me wrong, sometimes when you work for a company that only wants to pay their work force low wages you can't do much else. At some point ur going to have to step out and demand ur seat at this companys' poker table. If ur not willing to ask for the seat, you sure as hell shouldn't expect them to offer it to you.
I've been thru 33 yrs of this company in one form or another. Been layed of 4 times but only been vendored out once.( and thats because of 9/11.) Those are pretty good odds.....

Being replaced by a vendor is always a possibility if you let that happen..............Do you know how that happens?..........It happens because you don't have language to protect you in ur contract. Do you know how to get that language? You sacrifice to get it in and you don't back off or give it back when the company is making money!!!!!!!

Do I think we could be vendored? No.........Why? Because there's too much action in the poker game right now and usairways wants a seat at that table. There's only one catch........You. You need to decide what ur worth to them. I know it's hard, but don't sell yourself short....I'm worth alot, but thats my own opinion. Each has to decide what their worth is and the way you do that is to ask your repesentative for union contract language...........not.........company
contract language.

You'll have your final say soon enough...and if you have to wait, then so be it...one things for sure, I promise you this. My vote, if we have one, will be based on the facts that I know not the ones the Company BS'S me about.

You also seem to think there is something in 2 year that leaves you open for contracting? Contracts are amendable ( meaning the language is still there ) and you only lose it if you vote it away.

Pardon my interruption to the groupthink lovefest, but notice how no one will discuss my aforementioned subject to the ugly reality of demanding so much to the point of being replaced?

So Counsels Jester.

Source: WordNet ® 1.7

n : a professional clown employed to to entertain a king or
nobleman in the middle ages [syn: fool]

His fool AGC's and supporters employed by king Canale are spreading fear this is what they do best to control the members thur intimindation. Relax Jester we are under contract till 2009 and have some protections as bad as it is on Farming out work what we are all Pissed off about is Canale and his Canalites would throw away more protections in order to get a deal for themselves. (we don't trust them)IMO Canale will gladly sell out any small eastie stations and westie stations some 19 of them in order to get access to the dues money thats been building for 2 plus years. We want a deal that gives us real job protections real wage increases that are in line with inflation real benefits back that were stolen from us in BK's. We will not agree to a contract where six months after a TA we merge with some airline and we all get screwed because we got sold another piece of sh_t agreement.

Do you want to get a contract that sells yourself out of a job only to give Doug Parker a hefty payout at your expense?

If the answer is yes one then would consider that a very foolish move

So goes your answer from roadtrip
Pardon my interruption Reminder... it happened with Midwest Airlines, it happened at Alaska Airlines, Delta already uses in-house vendors for their ramp in most locations, and Northwest had the ability to find licensed and trained aircraft mechanics as permanent replacements for those on strike.
You forgot to add one SOUTHWEST…. NOT!
You are an example of what exist at the major airlines and why they can’t get a decent contract. Reality yes but a product of your generation
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