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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Not comparing pilots to rampers, comparing being unionized and negotiate what you get, compared to non-union who gets what DL decides.
Didnt deflect anything.
Comparing apples to apples and yet you and others ignore and deflect.
Still waiting for you to show us the proof that you claimed ACS got the same and more in raises since June 29, 2012 that the Pilots got, your claim not mine or anyone else's.
If the union is DL employees, then they should be paying for the donuts with their own money.
They aren't.
Sure they are.

Know what else DL employees are paying for? The millions DL spends on union busting annually.
Not following.
Don't play coy. It's not your style.
do the employees chip in for the jet fuel?   rent at DTW?
DL will pay its bills whether the employees are part of it or not. 
DL FAs don't buy the donuts.  the IAM does. 
The union is an outside group that is picking up the bill so DL FAs can have snacks between flights.
Eat up, ladies and gents. 
Then throw the brochures in the trash can. 
DL FAs don't buy the donuts.  the IAM does.
When you provide definitive proof, we can have that discussion. Anytime you want to'll be just great.

BTW, where are all these alleged donuts being served?
The union is an outside group
You just keep right on thinking that...
are you hungry? 
For crying shame. 
yes, the IAM IS an outside group.
It has no legal basis at DL. 
yes, those are outside groups too. 
The only difference is their people are given access to DL facilities and property in order to do their work. 
so, the FAs at the table are ONLY DL employees, right?
Happy lunch
Yes they are only DL FA, you have to have a SIDA Badge and DL ID to be in the secured areas, but you know this.
Been in any breakrooms or galleys lately?
Are you dumpster diving at the airport to see if the literature is thrown away?
You so far havent given one iota of proof that the IAM is paying for it or that the literature is going in the trash.
You are bsing again.
I've been in AA and UA crewrooms before with friends, officially its only for F/As and authorized personnel but they held a retirement party and invited plenty of non-AA personnel. Is the IAM incentivizing F/As to staff the tables?

I too have been in the authorized personnel areas of several airlines when accompanied. 
The IAM apparently has not been allowed that perk. 
you missed the part about the IAM being the outsider while the FAs are ACTIVE DL EMPLOYEES.
Kev3188 said:
You're kidding, right?
Negative. Unions have been known to pay minimum wage to participants in staged pickets/demonstrations wouldn't surprise me in the least if they have a few handpicked F/As that are tasked with managing the campaign who are compensated, and staffing tables would be included in their tasks. Again you seem to think the IAM has all this support and obviously you are much closer to it than me, but it would seem on multiple occasions in the past DL employees have overwhelmingly rejected representation. Maybe this time will be different, maybe not. WCDFA (which you will say is not an official IAM channel) but it seems there are many people involved who aren't even DL employees or F/As that post regularly.

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