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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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WorldTraveler said:
The fact that your refuge is the internet instead of having a meaningful influence to bring about change

If anyone is guilty of a terminal case of internet bravery, it's you, WT.

You hide behind an anonymous screen name and take pot shots at the people who actually have to live with the consequences of airline employment. At least when I take pot shots, I'm not afraid to put my name behind what I'm saying....
The irony is IAM members face the same plight depicted in your graphic while the executive council (Buddy, Roach, Sito, Dora Cervantes, Mark Blondin, etc) reward themselves richly while signing away benefits for their dues paying members from profitable companies (ie Boeing). If it really paid to belong DL employees would be coming to the IAM, not the other way around.

Spewing misinformation once again joshie.
The IP and Executive Council's salary and benefits are set once every four years at the Grand Lodge Convention, by the membership, not the IP or EC.
You have been told this before, so stop lying.
The IAM didnt seek out the DL FAs or ACS, its a grassroots campaign, do I need to explain that to you?
This isnt about the IP or EC, its about Delta FAs and Ramp wanting to organize, can you stay on topic one time?
Kev3188 said:
...Which is exactly what is happening...
Then why is the union distributing literature, canvassing crew lounges around the system, holding events, etc? Afterall if they had all this support you and other say an election would be held and it would be a done deal.

I see you're ignorance is showing again.
Because that is how an organizing campaign works.
Case Closed.
And the IAM is not canvassing crew lounges, you need a DL ID and a SIDA badge for that, its actual DL employees who are in favor of being represented.
Once again you are lying as you have been told this before, you are like a broken record repeating you're lies and misinformation.
Again who supplies the literature, snacks, donuts, etc? Do the F/As produce and print it themselves?

Does it really matter?
Why are you so concerned?
Why is DL spending millions with Ford and Harrison to stop the employees from having the collective right to bargain?
Did the Shareholders authorize that?
You are not  DL FA nor an employee, nor an IAM member.
Its called O R G A N I Z I N G.
Why do you keep lying and posting misinformation?
737823 said:
Then why is the union are DL employees distributing literature, canvassing crew lounges around the system, holding events, etc?
There. That's better.
"The union" = DL employees.
Now, with that in mind, how 'bout asking again?

yes, it does matter.
Who provides financial assistance is indeed part of the process.
DL employees will eat the donuts and throw the literature in the trash but they have consistently shown they know how to get the bennies (and/or donuts) and not pay for them - just like they do with better than their unionized peers without being unionized.
If the union is DL employees, then they should be paying for the donuts with their own money.
They aren't.
Thats why the pilots in the 2 1/2 year period will have gotten a 20% raise while non-union hasnt even gotten 10% in the same time frame.
Why is DL spending millions with Ford and Harrison to stop the employees from unionizing?
If DL is so employee friendly why dont they let them organize without any interference?
The pilots don't get donuts given to them by the union.  THEY PAY for the refreshments ALPA provides at union meetings. 
There are no free donuts except for DL FAs who enjoy them on the tab of their UA etc peers. 
Where are the guards with shotguns standing over the DL FAs at the donut table?
Explain again why you can't compare DL RAMP employees to other carrier ramp employees and come up with a convincing reason to join a union and why you have to compare rampers to pilots.
Kev3188 said:
There. That's better.
"The union" = DL employees.
Now, with that in mind, how 'bout asking again?
Not following. The IAM isn't certified at DL, they do not represent DL employees. The union is clearly disconnected from its members at other carriers they currently represent as you have stated in the past (i.e. United).

You can use the cliched "*You* are the union" with Freedom and others on the forum but I don't see how it applies to DL.

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