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afa/CWA hooks don't look to be sinking in

AFA is nothing more than a paper tiger, presently being run to feed Pat Friend's ego.

Their recent track record of substandard contracts, beginning with UA in the late 90's, has set new lows for the industry.

Sustandard contracts, why don't you go to AFA.ORG and looks under Alaska airlines flight attendant contract and read it, the whole thing StrAAight.... That my friend is an industry leading contract, that you couldn't negotiatie if you tried. As a matter of fact USAIRWAYS had THE industry leading contract before BK.. Heck we all did. I just don't understand why you and Mikey are so hell bent on bashing the AFA and have issues with the DAL organization, which by the way was started by DAL Flight Attendsants and not the AFA... Many of your "facts" are none other than "opinions" and you sidetrack your statements to way off topic subjects that are insults - this strategy shows fear and weakness. You should want the flight attendants at DAL to better their work environment which is what they are trying to do, and you are sick to your stomach b/c you can't stand it.... Like I said before, what is your PERSONAL beef with the AFA??? I would LOVE to know as I am sure everyone else would too...
Let me guess. This e-mail was sent from the "freedom force". Gotta love having an "unbiased" opinion on things. Their anti-union rhetoric (which are usually half-truths) is no better than the union rhetoric (which is about equally truthful). Regardless of what DL states, the "freedom force" is run by F/A's that ARE involved, in one way or another, with DL. As a matter of fact, the last e-mail I received was from someone who is actually a friend of mine, and who works at the training center, does numerous special assignments, and was nominated for the "chairman's club". Ironically, this same person DOES belong to a union at her "other" career. So, she's also a hypocrite. It's too bad that we couldn't have a debate between 4 freedom fighters and 4 AFA-supporters. Bring out the charts comparing us to EVERY other airline in EVERY category. Then maybe we can come to an agreement that things could be alot better.
Jeez, even Joanne Smith stated ON RECORD that their are MANY areas where we are FAR worse than our counterparts at other airlines. As the saying goes "In life you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."


I respect your viewpoint, and definitely know that there are plenty of company "suck-ups" who will be fueling the campaign against AFA. I, personally, just don't have a lot of respect for AFA, and my viewpoint is based on the fact that AFA tends to promise the world and deliver little.

If you do go AFA, be prepared for many broken promises, but, then again, there is always the open door to turning "independent" along the way, once a union has its foot in the door.

I have been in this industry long enough to have friends at many airlines, most of them represented by AFA, and they are for the most part not impressed with what AFA actually delivers.

Good luck NYC whatever you guys do.

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