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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Why dont you admit you are wrong?
The pilots got those raises, non-contract didnt get that much or near it.
And let me show you some math June 2012 till the end of 2014 is 2 1/2 years not several.
And no one said anything about non-union getting pilots money, glad you have to throw as much garbage into a post to see what sticks and think no one will notice you didnt address the issue at hand and you try to change the subject.
And the only thing you didnt throw was the kitchen sink, change and deflect much?
WorldTraveler said:
... in which the pilots agreed to scope concessions and productivity improvements. 
Tell us what other DL employees offered the same concessions and improvements?
Tell us what other group besides the dispatchers even has scope to start with?
uh, you have scope, Kev.
You can't seem to grasp that the same argument you and ad astra want to use about the cost of DL to offer something better than what other airlines and their unionized workers have INCLUDES work rules and scope.  DL could easily reduce its number of cities that work AW or BW work to the same protections  and within a short time the number of cities that AA/US and UA permit under their CBAs but DL is EXCEEDING those levels now because they are not interested in adding fuel to a unionization fire.  All DL employees have to do is look at the outsourcing that is happening at AA and UA and even WN and the company has to do just one better for DL employees to be unable to argue they are any worse off. 
It also doesn't change that ramp is the most easily outsourced major workgroup at any airline.  Sorry to break the news to you.  There are other jobs which other carriers staff with their own personnel including AW work but not BW.  Get an A&P license or at the minimum learn how to work with the public.  DL and other carriers have and will have far more of their own people in AW work. 
the ATE UP part comes from 700's repeated attempts to fail to acknowledge that DL's non-pilot, non-contract employees ALSO received pay raises equal to or higher than what ALPA was offered in every year except the first full year of their current contract.
For the 3% or so pay raise above that level, DL was allowed to add scores of new large RJs and save hundreds of millions of dollars in engine maintenance on the CRJ fleet that would have been required if the fleet had not been rapidly retired as it is happening now.
DL called the pilot contract COST NEUTRAL.  ALPA gave DL a whole lot of scheduling flexibility and staffing efficiencies, cost savings on the CRJs, and the ability to buy more large RJs.
No other group could have imposed the same restrictions on DL. 
Further, the continued PILOT ENVY is a sign of how desperate the IAM is.  They no longer can accurately compare DL ground personnel to their peers at other airlines so they try to create socialist-inspired class envy. 
The IAM will never win and the depth to which they have to resort to find even a partially correct fact is appalling for a union that thinks they have even a snowball's chance in Hades of winning a representation vote.
When the IAM and its peers can fix the continued erosion of pay, benefits, and scope at the carriers it does protect and restores those things at carriers it represents, no one with even half a brain will seriously consider a union at DL as viable.
The fact that no union has managed to even schedule a vote in 5 years since the merger speaks volumes about what the union has actually accomplished. 
WorldTraveler said:
the ATE UP part comes from 700's repeated attempts to fail to acknowledge that DL's non-pilot, non-contract employees ALSO received pay raises equal to or higher than what ALPA was offered in every year except the first full year of their current contract.

So Kevin have you gotten over 13% raise since June of 2012 like the pilots?
Seems WT is using inaccurate information again.
No, I haven't.

No scope either; not what what most on here would traditionally recognize as such, and not the ersatz version WT is trying to gin up.

IOW, no real say in our career direction at all.

Look, he can stamp his feet on here all he wants... He's not the first to peddle the "you're lucky you have a job" mindset, or sneer when those that actually get their hands dirty dare speak up.

But while he's pouting in the corner, there are 1000's of his former coworkers fighting for positive change in the work place.

Fighting for progress, fairness, and agency. Those are the people I choose to stand with.
no, you do have a say in your career direction.  You choose not to work within and jeer the established structure while thousands of your peers have figured out how to succeed.
I'm not stamping my feet... I'm simply asking where the cards are that should force a vote.  Five years after the merger, NOT A SINGLE vote has been called.
Tens of thousands of DL employees have figured how to not only adapt to but also succeed in the current environment.
The fact that your refuge is the internet instead of having a meaningful influence to bring about change speaks volumes about why DL employees aren't about to make the dreams you personally have become reality at the cost of their own personal well being. 
ditch the pilot envy routine and focus on the fact that union contracts thruout the industry are resulting in the largest degradation - actual and potential - in the number of jobs among rampers in the history of US aviation. 
Ditch your inaccurate and deliberate misinformation.
Pilots have gotten 13% raises all ready and by the end of this year, which would be a total of 2 1/2 time period will have gotten almost 20% in 2 1/2 years, please show the board what non-union group at DL got the same?
You stated they got it, so now back it up.
Keep changing the subject and deflecting, it wont work.
you can call it what you want... .if you want your dreams to come to fruition, you have to convince others to jump onboard.
I have nothing against  you achieving what you want.  But there are tens of thousands of your peers who aren't interested in giving you your dream at the expense of theirs.
about 10K rampers voted in the post-merger representation election.  You likely still need 5K of them to agree with you. 
From November 2008 to the end of 2011, more than 2,700 Ready Reserves were hired full time nationwide, Durrant said. Delta hired 52 Ready Reserves into full-time jobs at MSP last year.
But baggage handler Hedges says he's concerned about the future.
"These aren't jobs to fill temporary needs," Hedges said. "These used to be full-time positions with benefits."
yes, and they ALL get to vote in representation elections. If they are certain life is so bad, they will be Kev's best friends. 
WorldTraveler said:
about 10K rampers voted in the post-merger representation election.  You likely still need 5K of them to agree with you.

First order of business is to get the 2k that sat out the last one to participate.
WorldTraveler said:
yes, and they ALL get to vote in representation elections. If they are certain life is so bad, they will be Kev's best friends.
Any fan of true progress in the workplace is a friend of mine...
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