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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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how would you ever come to that conclusion.
I have no plans or interest - NONE - of being at the event.
The statement couldn't be any more clear. 
I will be choosing between a trip to DL's HR offices or the Cook County courthouse.
And I just might do both. 
737823 said:
They why do you say repeatedly IAM (not just 141) are out of step with the members? Just seems you have different positions.

You know how you sometimes read/post on here during meetings? Stop doing that.

If you'd been paying attention, you'd know that just about *everything* I post w/r/t labor talks about revamping the structure, knocking down the sclerotic hierarchies that exist, and returning the focus to advancing America's Working Class.

IMO, bottom up organizing is the way to go. Period. Buffy & co. can either get on board w/that, or get out of the way. BTW, I've said that a bunch of times before, too, in case you glossed over it while pretending to be into somebody's PowerPoint.

Just about the only thing you got right was my contempt for the lazy-at-best negotiations at UA this last go 'round. 'Course, ne would hope you'd gotten it, since we spent 60+ pages discussing it ad nauseam.
WorldTraveler said:
there seems to be some confusion ...
No confusion. You have spent untold bandwidth casting aspersions. You were presented a prime opportunity to show w/o a doubt that you were right. Instead you have revealed yourself to be no more than either a wind up artist, common liar, or both.
kev  no matter what happens   the focus should be on getting as many of the delta folks unionized as possible and as quickly too   i wish you all the luck in getting what you need to be union  
WorldTraveler said:
how would you ever come to that conclusion.
I have no plans or interest - NONE - of being at the event.
The statement couldn't be any more clear. 
I will be choosing between a trip to DL's HR offices or the Cook County courthouse.
And I just might do both.
Don't worry, I'm sure the clerks at the courthouse are laughing WITH you, not at you.
Kev3188 said:
You know how you sometimes read/post on here during meetings? Stop doing that.

If you'd been paying attention, you'd know that just about *everything* I post w/r/t labor talks about revamping the structure, knocking down the sclerotic hierarchies that exist, and returning the focus to advancing America's Working Class.

IMO, bottom up organizing is the way to go. Period. Buffy & co. can either get on board w/that, or get out of the way. BTW, I've said that a bunch of times before, too, in case you glossed over it while pretending to be into somebody's PowerPoint.

Just about the only thing you got right was my contempt for the lazy-at-best negotiations at UA this last go 'round. 'Course, ne would hope you'd gotten it, since we spent 60+ pages discussing it ad nauseam.

No confusion. You have spent untold bandwidth casting aspersions. You were presented a prime opportunity to show w/o a doubt that you were right. Instead you have revealed yourself to be no more than either a wind up artist, common liar, or both.
No disagreement here Kev.

Kev3188 said:
Thanks! We've certainly got our work cut out for us, but it's an exciting time to be here.
as I have noted before, if DL employees choose that a union is in their best interest and if they have the facts in hand, then I support them and those who personally are willing to push for what they want.
I have consistently said that DL employees themselves are capable of making their own best decisions. 
Good. Since you agree that they (we) are all smart & capable of making our own decisions, how 'bout you leave the white noise about "outsiders" and "interlopers" manipulating the workforce off the table?
sure,... that would mean anyone can participate in the discussion since you are indeed smart enough to make the right discussion?  or would you prefer that no one except active DL employees participate in the discussion?
It's an open board.

What's getting old is the idea that DL employees are pawns in a sort of labor "land grab."

That's not how these two current campaigns started, and it's not how it continues to unfold...

When/if you recognize that these are campaigns of/by/for DL employees, then a conversation can happen.

You can't say they're smart capable people on hand, and then imply they're being manipulated on the other, and expect any sort of productive response(s).
anyone can be manipulated with incorrect or misrepresented information.
Yelling the loudest and for the longest -  regardless of the point being made - in an attempt to validate one's message as "more right" isn't a solution to have an honest discussion. 
I'd still like to see a whole lot more active DL employees participating in the discussion on here and I would also like to put a big fat DL on the user IDs of those who participate in the conversations on any social media site who are active DL employees. 
I would clearly not be designated as such but then neither would 700, Josh, robbed or others. 
anyone can be manipulated with incorrect or misrepresented information.
Maybe-and I'd add that your former employer is masterful at it- but I prefer to think that I work with engaged, motivated people that can still critically think. I know many of the "point people" on both campaigns, and they absolutely fit that description.
I'd still like to see a whole lot more active DL employees participating in the discussion on here...
That's not likely to happen, given several years of:
Yelling the loudest and for the longest - regardless of the point being made - in an attempt to validate one's message as "more right"
the number of posts I have recorded on this forum is mid-range compared to other 10 year plus users
I would hope you can respect that participants on both SIDES not just both CAMPAIGNS can critically think including management at Delta. 
If you believe the company is being manipulative in its use of data, then you shouldn't be surprised if others make the same charge against the unions.
I am all for an open discussion and absolutely want to see you and as many others as possible participate in it, but you can't level charges against one side without being willing to accept that others might do the same in the opposite direction. 
Democracy and dialogue involves dissenting opinions. 
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