IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Dude, you've got to be getting some kind of kick back from the IAM!
Are they paying you to flood DL boards with union propaganda ? They are, aren't they?
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southwind said:
Dude, you've got to be getting some kind of kick back from the IAM!
Are they paying you to flood DL boards with union propaganda ? They are, aren't they?
And yet WT says they dont want a union, he speaks for all of them and knows what all of them are thinking.
Seems someone was wrong again.
southwind said:
Hmmm, wonder how many of the peeps in your video are ex-NW?
My guess? Every one of them !
As much as the PM-NW folks reminisce about NWA they hated their management at NW just as much and were just as bitter. Only now they aren't paying union dues.

Kev3188 said:
The days of simply defaulting to  pro union= PMNW and anti labor= PMDL are long over. Those lines have been blurred for years now...
Listen closely to the videos:

"When we merged with Delta"

"When we lost our union representation"

Why do most of them identify the bases as DTW and MSP not ATL, NYC, SLC, etc?

Not saying no one on the PM-DL side (or new hires for that matter) don't support representation but it's pretty clear the driving force here is PMNW.

With the horrible weather in ATL.....Approximately 100 crew members stranded in Atlanta, even locals who couldn't  get home were flown on a ferry flight to SDF so they can have a bed to sleep in last night. 
and what do the pro IAM folks do? 
wait for it....
They complain.
Yet another reason why, AFTER TWO YEARS, this campaign is failing. 
Kev is right that union vs non is not a DL vs NW question but the reason why the votes have failed is that there r PMNW ppl who bailed on unions when given a chance while few DL employees took their place. And PMDL was larger and less prone to unions. DL knew the math at the time of the merger and it hasn't changed.
I'm not trying to be an active employee, Kev. i am saying that I am still a stakeholder and have as much of a right to participate in discussions as active employees. profit sharing and union votes leave me out. i have lifetime membership with benefits in many parts of the DL experience.
With the horrible weather in ATL.....Approximately 100 crew members stranded in Atlanta, even locals who couldn't  get home were flown on a ferry flight to SDF so they can have a bed to sleep in last night. 
and what do the pro IAM folks do? 
wait for it....
They complain.
Yet another reason why, AFTER TWO YEARS, this campaign is failing.
The fact that DL operated any flts was a miracle in a city that was absolutely clueless as to prepare for and manage winter weather.
DL and other carriers have sheltered employees in part to keep them available to work.
DL does have winter wx experience gained fron NW. GA and ATL need to hire a few northerners to bring tjeir knowledge to the south.
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Why didn't they do the same in NYC last week and the weeks before in the same situation?
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