IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
You truly dont get it.
No one caved, the judge abrogated the M&R CBA?
Do you understand that and the section 1113 C process?
Lets see at AA, UA, NW, DL all the unions on the property which are ALPA, AFA, APA, APFA,  CWA, IAM, TWU were forced by law to negotiate of face an abrogation, which happened to the IAM Mechanic and Related under the law, those unions at least negotiated and voted on any concessions, did Delta employees not including the pilots and dispatchers have a say? Did they negotiate? Did they Vote?
Nope, DL imposed anything and everything they wanted to on the non-union employees and still do to this day.
Why did the PMNW employees get a better deal and more returns on their concessions than PMDL employees?
Given that (as you state above):
1) unions were not able to stop concessions
2) DL employees are, for the most part, as well as if not better compensated than employees of unionized carriers
You sure don't seem to be making a compelling case for unions. 
If the best you (IAM) can hope do is to negotiate a better sandwich/crew meal for the DL FAs, (which IMHO is doubtful at best), one has to wonder if the cost of paying union dues is worth the better sandwich ... ... ....
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WorldTraveler said:
I don't think Frugal is even a DL employee and he thinks the way they do.

You go, Frugal.
So now you are claiming to know how Frugal and ALL the Delta employees think.
Truly amazing, you are a legend in your own mind.
700UW said:
So now you are claiming to know how Frugal and ALL the Delta employees think.
Truly amazing, you are a legend in your own mind.
Speaking of employees, is the ND preparing the same sh¡t sandwich for US Fleet?
And when it passes, you won't be able to blame it on bankruptcy...
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Such an intelligent and fact filled reply.
There are no talking going on nor has the NMB scheduled any.
So we shall see when and if an agreement is reached.
But hey, dont let the facts get in your way.
Just when you think the maturity level can't get any lower.
Again, last year everyone receive 6.67% of their earnings in Profit sharing 
This year 8.2.% of earnings....   Why is that so  hard to understand ?
8.2% is MORE than 6.7 %
For the many people who TROLL on this DL page who work for another Airline,  
Please tell me, what is your company giving you ?  
Simple figures would be nice without the immature comments.
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Is 15% greater than 10%?
Delta's profit was bigger last year than the year before, that is why you seem to get more.
But in reality if they would have given you 15% of the pool instead of 10% you would have earned more.
Can you grasp that?
What is YOUR company Giving you 700?  I think you left that out?
is 5% greater than 0% ?  yes. that is the increase in BASE PAY that 
they gave us.
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My former company is paying out $190 million.
so your not getting "jack" and your former co-workers are getting just 190m.  
Do you know what percentage of their pay that equals to ?
700- you keep harping on the 15% is bigger than 10% thing, but, didn't the IAM negotiate in 2008 (part of the TA) to give up profit sharing for M&R and fleet at US?
I dont know the time frame but for fsa and m r we have that iam pension in which the company puts money into it whereas no other work group has it.
robbedagain said:
I dont know the time frame but for fsa and m r we have that iam pension in which the company puts money into it whereas no other work group has it.
The future pension benefits are slated to get cut unless there is a new agreement between the IAM and US for fleet.

uh, Kev,
I have never said I am an active employee.
You can lay back down and stop swinging your stick at strangers in the night now.
Yeah, okay.

I'll keep that in mind next time you use the term "we."
700UW said:
All delta employees except the pilots and dispatchers are employees at will and have nothing guaranteed to them.

And when you distill it all down, that's what truly matters.
WorldTraveler said:
DL employees, including Kev, said they wanted larger base salaries and lower profit sharing. DL gave them pay raises and still gave them larger OVERALL profit sharing even with a reduced percentage.
No, I said it worked out since I prefer to be paid more in base pay. I was never asked. Not directly, nor in an employee survey.

There's a difference, and of all people, I would've expected you to be able to know/remember the difference.

Apparently, I need to manage my expectations...

AMFA saved Kevin's butt.
700UW said:
Hey Kevin,
WT is saying you voted on taking a cut in the profit sharing and getting a lesser raise, I could have sworn you told him that didnt occur.
I did. Please see above.
WorldTraveler said:
DL employees vote no to further unionization.
They do?

What is this? A statement? A command?

robbedagain said:
Dl can do as they see fit when it comes to paying most their employees knowing full well most of them do not have a say
Just when you think the maturity level can't get any lower.
Again, last year everyone receive 6.67% of their earnings in Profit sharing 
This year 8.2.% of earnings....   Why is that so  hard to understand ?
8.2% is MORE than 6.7 %
For the many people who TROLL on this DL page who work for another Airline,  
Please tell me, what is your company giving you ?  
Simple figures would be nice without the immature comments.

That's 'cause we had a banner year and the "pot" is larger than it's ever been. Enjoy it! We- again, that's you, me, all of us- earned it.

Nevertheless, that's separate from the fact that our employer can change the formula "at any time, for any reason."
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