IAM Stepping Up campaign

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The two situations were not the same.
That may be, but like it or not, a LOT of your co-workers feel like this is a case of unequal treatment-especially since a lot of people affected by the NYC storms were dinged for attendance. IMO, that is something our employer will need to get out in front of pretty quick unless they want it to escalate.

As for the SDF flight, I thought this (excerpted) post on WCDFA sums it up nicely:

"... There are a lot of areas that this Company falls short, so when they finally show up and do the right thing, do we have to praise them and tell them they rock? They have expectations of us, and we have expectations of them. If the Company flies supplies to a place that just suffered a disaster, then yeah, that rocks. But when the Company pays for their employee to sleep in a hotel room while the employee is on the clock, we should espouse how great thou art?"

TDR1502C said:
No on the first. All thrown away.
They would be shunned on the second.
Are you new around here?
What a sad reality...
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When the Polar Vortex hit all the FAs who couldnt make it in to work got MTO Bad time, everyone in ATL got excused.
Once again DL does whatever they want when it suits them and doesnt treat everyone equally.
If DL does right by those people and retroactively removes the attendance issues, then maybe this just fades into an interesting anecdote to talk about in a few years. If they don't, then it might become something much larger than it is already. 
If they think they are being mistreated they will vote for a union. They don't.

And Kev I would agree with you and the group. They are working FAs and it is in DL's interest to keep them in a safe, warm place than send them out into the insanity that were ATL roads.

And let's also keep in mind there could have been liability issues if a shuttle bus plowed into a concrete post while carrying crew members to a hotel that DL had selected.

DL did it because they want to keep the operation moving and safe. they didn't do it out of charity.
WorldTraveler said:
If they think they are being mistreated they will vote for a union. They don't.
Those that spent last night in SDF might not, but those that got attendance marks for the NYC storm sure do...

DL did it because they want to keep the operation moving and safe. they didn't do it out of charity.
So here's a question for those in the know: How does sending 100 F/A's-many of whom are mid trip- to a line station help position the company for a restart? Did they ferry 'em all back today?

Actually the ferry flight was a mix of Pilots/ F/A's/ and passengers.  Some were mid rotation, training, some were ATL based
who lived in Atlanta and couldn't drive home, and others just stranded.  They opted for the
free hotel in SDF.   So this was partially for an upstart but mainly to offer a warm bed for the night.
imagine that ?
The return flight was a  few hours ago from SDF (757)
update to include, they are looking into those in NYC and other situations due to weather.
Most likely across the board "clean slate" stay tuned
Update # 2   A second flight to SDF will be leaving this evening with a return at 12 noon
announcements are being made now in the lounges.
It just does not surprise me. Many on this board (mostly non DL or acquired DL) do not understand the culture here. As an acquired DL I will attempt to explain but I fear it will fall on deft ears. To DL people you are always part of DL even though you retire. Most DL employees use the "WE" when they refer to DL because "THEY" refer to the effort as a group. So when a retired person still refers to themselves as still part of the "WE" it is taken as a point of pride. I find it interesting that my friends that have retired from other airlines have not had the same feelings about their former employers. To be honest it took me over ten years to get it. Just my honest opinion.
thank you, Meto.

Just to clarify, you became "grafted into" the DL family, right, but consider yourself no differently than any other?

thanks, baba, for the update on the SDF hotels and flights.
When the press is talking about people spending 10-12 hours on ATL interstates and sleeping in the aisles of supermarkets, DL is doing what it can to take care of its employees. That may or may not be the same thing another carrier does... but it makes it a whole lot easier for DL to ask its employees to take care of their customers when DL is taking care of the employees as best as they can.

from DL founder CE Woolman:

"...No one individual can create an airline. An airline is a team. Members of the Delta team have put the meaning in our slogan of Service and Hospitality from the Heart through teamwork."

"Airplanes are more or less standard. Fares are uniform. Competitive services are often available. The quality of Delta's service, the attitude of its people, will determine who gets the business." August 1946


"We are able to attract the high type of employee necessary to perform one of the most outstandingly efficient operations in the industry."

"The character of our company…it's not me…it's US. You are the character of this company…everyone of you. Character isn't just being nice to people. Character is being efficient; character is being productive."

"Because a family must work together, we've got to be imbued with the same thoughts and the same ideals and the same ambitions and the same determination…if we are going to succeed."

"Develop a thirst for knowledge. This will lead to an ability to reason…to reduce the complicated to simplicity and to make prudent decisions."

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We'll Kev to be honest it is up in the air. I'm presently stuck in Sydney because my ac didn't get out of atl for 10 hrs. Hope to leave about 6 hrs late. But the wx is horrible hear only 79 but is is clear. My experience with this wx problem in atl is very similar to the sdf thing. We would call them rescue missions. It is a great embarrassment for DL how unprepared we find our operation in even with all the pre planning. It is a gamble and they know it and acknowledge that it is more cost efficient to do thing this way. I find it embarrassing. P.S. To comment on what bababooy said. DL will revisit what ever happened in NYC and change it. As an aside my wife was a DL fa and had to call in because she lost her puppy ( found) DL gave her a no show. Latter to be turned into a sick call. But that was 20 yrs ago.
700UW said:
When the Polar Vortex hit all the FAs who couldnt make it in to work got MTO Bad time, everyone in ATL got excused.
Once again DL does whatever they want when it suits them and doesnt treat everyone equally.
Last week, where I live, we got a foot of snow.  It didn't just magically appear, we had plenty of notice.  My commute to work usually takes 25 minutes, so I left a couple of hours early, just to make sure.  Imagine, it took me a little over an hour to make it to work, but I was there not only on time, but early.  Now tell me why, if you slack, and don't proactively plan your day, and show up late, or at all, you shouldn't receive discipline???
metopower said:
It just does not surprise me. Many on this board (mostly non DL or acquired DL) do not understand the culture here. As an acquired DL I will attempt to explain but I fear it will fall on deft ears. To DL people you are always part of DL even though you retire. Most DL employees use the "WE" when they refer to DL because "THEY" refer to the effort as a group. So when a retired person still refers to themselves as still part of the "WE" it is taken as a point of pride. I find it interesting that my friends that have retired from other airlines have not had the same feelings about their former employers. To be honest it took me over ten years to get it. Just my honest opinion.
United Airlines used to be the same way.
Proud Company that screwed their employees.
B) xUT
Kev3188 said:
Enforcing the belief, or enforcing a stereotype long rendered invalid?...And that doesn't even factor in POST-merger hires...
And just how many "Post merger hires" do you believe were in a union before they were hired by DL........my guess, zero!
southwind said:
Say what you will but, as someone earlier stated, almost all the peeps in the union propaganda videos expressed how they needed their union back, therefore re - enforcing the belief that more than likely 99% of the peeps in the union propaganda videos are ex-NW!
Like I said, hope you folks get a chance to vote "AGAIN"! Just learn how to live with the outcome of that vote and move on with your lives!
I hate to break it to you, but the FAs at Delta had 2 votes(at least) for a union before the merger, each time they vote they get closer, and closer. IIRC the last vote was very tight. Delta people are voting for it too. 
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