IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Thousand of flights were canceled at JFK and LGA, and those FA;s and crews werent taken care of, they were stranded.

Guess you dont even know JetBlue had to shutdown operations of over 24 hours because of the storm.
700UW said:
Thousand of flights were canceled at JFK and LGA, and those FA;s and crews werent taken care of, they were stranded.
Guess you dont even know JetBlue had to shutdown operations of over 24 hours because of the storm.
AGAIN, You know not what you speak.  The two situations were not the same.   again, thanks for proving my point. 
Yes thousands of flight were cancelled in the NYC area  proactively and the roads were not CLOSED as they are in ATL.  Those who 
drive to the airports were NOT stuck unlike they are/were in ATL.   
You do the IAM no favors here, but PLEASE continue to post.
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Your own coworkers and NYC officials stated other wise.
737823 said:
Listen closely to the videos:

"When we merged with Delta"

"When we lost our union representation"

Why do most of them identify the bases as DTW and MSP not ATL, NYC, SLC, etc?

Not saying no one on the PM-DL side (or new hires for that matter) don't support representation but it's pretty clear the driving force here is PMNW.

Listen closely to my reply:
The video partcipants and my comment to Southwind are 2 separate pieces...
WorldTraveler said:
DL does have winter wx experience gained fron NW. 
GA and ATL need to hire a few northerners to bring tjeir knowledge to the south.
No on the first. All thrown away.
They would be shunned on the second.
Are you new around here?
I can factually tell you we did not have HUNDREDS of crew stuck at the airport in NYC.
Again flights were proactively canceled and our roads were NOT closed.  Yes there were some 
crew stuck at the airports (as they usually are during weather) but NOTHING like what is going on 
in ATL.   instead of reading the WCDFA FB page. maybe watch a live news cast from ATL?  
you know reporters reporting on what actually is happening ? 
Tryin to lump JetBlue into a conversation about how Delta is handling the situations will not
help your argument.  Nice try.
roads closed, children stuck in schools, children stuck in buses, people stuck in gas stations. cars abandoned. etc..
hotels overflowing.   You really want to compare the two?    again your a mouthpiece for the IAM and I do appreciate it lol
700UW said:
Thousand of flights were canceled at JFK and LGA, and those FA;s and crews werent taken care of, they were stranded.
Guess you dont even know JetBlue had to shutdown operations of over 24 hours because of the storm.
Do you see concern in my eyes?
700UW said:
And yet WT says they dont want a union, he speaks for all of them and knows what all of them are thinking.
Seems someone was wrong again.
Kev3188 said:
The days of simply defaulting to  pro union= PMNW and anti labor= PMDL are long over. Those lines have been blurred for years now...
Say what you will but, as someone earlier stated, almost all the peeps in the union propaganda videos expressed how they needed their union back, therefore re - enforcing the belief that more than likely 99% of the peeps in the union propaganda videos are ex-NW!
Like I said, hope you folks get a chance to vote "AGAIN"! Just learn how to live with the outcome of that vote and move on with your lives!
700UW said:
Why didn't they do the same in NYC last week and the weeks before in the same situation?
I'm sure , in your book anyways, it was because of the lack of union employees!
yoyodyne said:
Because unlike the south, the world doesn't end in the North East when it snows, it is just an inconvenience..
correct... and the south doesn't have the equipment or trained personnel to operate in snow and/or ice conditions but capacity in any airline system goes down dramatically because of deicing, etc.
I can factually tell you we did not have HUNDREDS of crew stuck at the airport in NYC.
Again flights were proactively canceled and our roads were NOT closed.  Yes there were some 
crew stuck at the airports (as they usually are during weather) but NOTHING like what is going on 
in ATL.   instead of reading the WCDFA FB page. maybe watch a live news cast from ATL?  
you know reporters reporting on what actually is happening ? 
Tryin to lump JetBlue into a conversation about how Delta is handling the situations will not
help your argument.  Nice try.
further, B6 even as a NYC based airline has had a number of monumental operational screwups during winter weather ops.... while DL has not. In fact, all of the big 3 legacy carriers in NYC have had stable winter weather ops in the NE. The issue would seem to be more about carriers than regions of the country.

And DL did provide hotels for ground staff in NYC during some of the recent weather events. I doubted union vs non-union was considered by DL for even a minute when they were deciding whether to provide those hotel rooms or not.
TDR1502C said:
No on the first. All thrown away.
It is precisely because I have seen the way DL handle winter weather ops before the merger that I know things are far better because of the merger.

roads closed, children stuck in schools, children stuck in buses, people stuck in gas stations. cars abandoned. etc..
hotels overflowing.   You really want to compare the two?    again your a mouthpiece for the IAM and I do appreciate it lol
If DL's operation at ATL ran as badly as the city of ATL and state of GA did, DL would be completely grounded in ATL. in fact, DL operated about 40% of its ATL schedule yesterday and 60% today. The issue remains that much of the local customer base can't get to the airport more than that DL can't operate.
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