IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Kev3188 said:
Yeah, okay.

I'll keep that in mind next time you use the term "we."







Let's see, your going to give WT hell for voicing his opinion but , give 700 a free pass?
How union-istic of you!
As usual, you're a bit late to the party.
I called WT out for including himself in with active employees.
As I noted earlier, when 700, GQ, or anyone does the same thing, I'll make sure to point it out. 
Kev3188 said:
As usual, you're a bit late to the party.
I called WT out for including himself in with active employees.
As I noted earlier, when 700, GQ, or anyone does the same thing, I'll make sure to point it out. 
Hell, you ought to be calling 700 out everyday then, he has more post's in this topic than all others combined...........................or maybe he's just spouting out what you want to hear!
He doesn't have a dog in this fight, unless he gets kickbacks from the IAM!
Tell us Kev and 700 how guaranteed all those union negotiated pay and benefits were in BK and that unions haven't been able to recover

Tell us K what u find 2 b so special about being a DL employee that so jealously guard it
700UW said:
Keep up the lies.
The TWU led the concession train starting back in 1983.
But since when would you let the facts get in your way.
And its not based on top out wage, its based on the hourly weighted wage.
Why must you always lie?
Man you must have been spurned by an IAM member, cause you have hatred for something that your not part of and never will be.
Now go back to work and make some more fraud like your company promotes.
Aaand,,,,D E L T A  lead the ramp vendor train bringing 14 mainline ramp stations to the merger. Imagine that, the third largest airline in these United States,  gotta love DGS, Eulen, and the rest of the contractors.
VVVVVVV George Carlin is spot on VVVVVVVVV
DL will have more mainline ramps than any wholly IAM ramp represented carrier. I say this because it is unclear how things will play out at AA/US with the alliance but what is certain is that AA will push hard for UAL type scope now that the IAM has reduced your craft down to that level.

southwind said:
Hell, you ought to be calling 700 out everyday then, he has more post's in this topic than all others combined...........................or maybe he's just spouting out what you want to hear!
He doesn't have a dog in this fight, unless he gets kickbacks from the IAM!
Didja miss the part where I separated one's freedom to weigh in on any given topic and one claiming to be something they aren't?

WT is retired. I'll assume it was a cake-and-coffee sort of separation, and not a "here's a box for your stuff" exit. Either way, he walked away several years ago. Career employee? Sure. Active? Nope.
WorldTraveler said:
Tell us K what u find 2 b so special about being a DL employee that so jealously guard it
Right after you tell us why you're trying so hard to be (re)included in something you voluntarily walked away from...

Airlinelifer said:
Aaand,,,,D E L T A  lead the ramp vendor train bringing 14 mainline ramp stations to the merger. Imagine that, the third largest airline in these United States,  gotta love DGS, Eulen, and the rest of the contractors.
VVVVVVV George Carlin is spot on VVVVVVVVV

WorldTraveler said:
Yet unions at AA and Ua thought outsourcing was such a good idea that DL looks super generous now
There's nothing "generous" about it- it's a business decision. They're paying for labor peace. We'll see how it goes going forward...
700UW said:
I dont have to answer anything to you, you are not an delta employee, anyone interested in unionizing at Delta has the resources and information available to them.
See I dont claim to speak for the Delta employees, unlike you, and I dont claim to speak for the IAM and I dont work for the IAM and I am not involved in the two current organizing drives that are happening at Delta
You sure seem to be involved with them here and possibly elsewhere. Or are you involved with them as a "trade unionist"?

700UW said:
I dont have to answer anything to you, you are not an delta employee, anyone interested in unionizing at Delta has the resources and information available to them.
See I dont claim to speak for the Delta employees, unlike you, and I dont claim to speak for the IAM and I dont work for the IAM and I am not involved in the two current organizing drives that are happening at Delta, which are grass root efforts started by real and actual Delta employees, not a keyboard warrior like yourself.
See if you were an actual employee you would know this.
And where did I say it was snowing in Brazil?
And keep changing the subject to avoid the real issue at hand
then please tell us what in the hell are you doing on every single Delta thread?
obsessed much?  Did Delta fire you at one time?  Are you trying to get a job with us?
This obsession of yours is kinda creepy.  
From your writings you speak of NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, but by what you just read/hear.
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