As an employee that works at a small station that was named in the last T.A. as one to get axed, I would like to offer my arguement. FWIW... the station I work at is unique. We handle USAirways mainline flts, Mesa RJ's, AND do the ramp work for 3 other carriers. So, in a sense, we are the company that has outsourced someone else. We earn our "beloved" UsAirways extra revenue (quite a bit actually) for peanuts on the dollar. We outbid the other company on the property that does contract ramp work. So, lets look at this objectively for the purpose of understanding all the relevant aspects of outsourced work.
Hire a company such as Servisair, ATS, Ogden (now Menzies), Worldwide, DGS etc... and pay them a decent wage but no flt. benefits and crummy health bennies. Any pride in the carrier they are providing service for? Nope.
Use our own company to do the work. We ALREADY make bottom dollar, so where is the substantial savings to outsource the work? All the GSE that is required to support the ops, and the monthly repair bills and fuel cost is one thing. I have seen the monthly repair bills for our station alone, and it is quite an expense actually. All the overtime necessary to fill the vacant lines, because we don't pay enough on an entry level basis to keep anyone. The people we are hiring for $9.00 an hour don't take pride and aren't being trained right either! Recently, new hires coming back from training in PHX are telling us that they aren't setting foot on the ramp!! WTF?!?! A week of classroom only?? Why even go to PHX for a week to learn "the ramp" Hell...we have all the videos for recurrent, watch them here and save 'em the trip...c'mon.
Anyway, my point is that there are many variables to keeping an outstation "in-house" or "out-sourced" I guess, one needs to weigh each variable against the revenue generated from each station to determine where there is revenue to make it worth it to keep the work "in-house."
My own personal opinion is (and I have stated this in previous posts) that any union with clout will FIGHT to keep the jobs of its members AT ANY COST. It is a shame that so many outstations on the EAST were thrown to the curb during BK. WE are not in BK now, and the mere thought of removal of stations is bothersome to many out here as it isn't warranted. If the company needs Fleet sacrifice, take my holiday pay, but don't take my JOB for pete's sake! If the S**t hits the fan, I'll head to a station where my job security is better.