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Flight Attendant Recalls In 2005

s80dude said:
Did you check out the bottom name and length of service.....obviously a typo, but talk about being senior :lol:

Woodson, Lynda
IDF Flight Attendant - 3838 years of service May 31, 2005

I mentioned that to a friend of mine whose response was "I bet she's tired!" :lol:
well, the reserves are tired too! a commuter based in Boston complained to me on a flight, "they are killing us!"
it's going to be one looong hot summer
good luck to all who are flying
Oil closed at $60.45/bbl today. If it continues to rise, those of us near the bottom of the active list may be furloughed again. The company will have no choice to eliminate all money-losing and marginal routes and put a/c on the ground. This will not work for the long-haul, but is an effective money-saving strategy for the short-term.

Just FYI...
Well, they did another shuffle today. Check your HI8's. I jumped about 140 numbers.
Yeah, my seniority number jumped 196. But, that makes no sense if this is the annual seniority shuffle. Total attrition just this year is 361.
correct me if I'm wrong but according to a poster on the aa4m, of the 110 who left in May, 24 were retirements, the rest were juniors who threw in the towel, these being those based in LGA. And you guys on reserve are being reassigned left and right. How is it cost effective to have flights cancelled due to lack of crews or in one case I was told, a flight was delayed 1 and 1/2 hrs for one fa who had to deadhead from Boston to cover a trip in LGa. This fa ended up being reassigned three times in 6 days, and scheduling refused to released him on his sixth day till the very last minute. How is it considered saving money when the lack of reserves is causing delays, hence inconvenience to passengers?

good luck to all.
Byron, there is a lot more talk of reassignments than there are actual reassignments. Some of the anecdotes you read here and elsewhere about flights delayed for hours while f/a is deadheaded from one hub to another are fascinating, but have a basic problem--they ain't true.

When you start digging in and asking who was the f/a, what flight was it, why was original f/a not onboard, how did they run out of reserves at a hub base--the details get sketchy. The answer is then "Well, I don't know directly, but this is what my girlfriend heard from her next-door neighbor's 2nd cousin's hairdresser who is the mother of a BOS f/a."

The reason there are no recalls is because 2 major bases are now overstaffed--MIA and DFW. DFW is now in the position that MIA has been in for some time. There are too many f/as on the base roster for the amount of flying the base is doing.

The problem is that the number of f/as on the roster far exceeds the number of f/as who are actually flying on airplanes that have passengers on them. There are quite a few in the f/a corps who find such activity to be distasteful in the extreme. :lol:
If it is a problem, then buyout their sick time for a reasonable amount of $$$$ and make it pensionable. Problem solved.
s80dude said:
Did you check out the bottom name and length of service.....obviously a typo, but talk about being senior :lol:

Woodson, Lynda
IDF Flight Attendant - 3838 years of service May 31, 2005

I think just got off a very long 3 day with her...
Jim, I talked to the fa who was reassigned three times in six days. He was deadheading on my flight back from LGA. I have been working the LGA-BOs turns all month, and lately, we have had quite a number of crews being shuttled back and forth on reserve between the two bases. The East coast bases, according to the deadheading reserves, are extremely short, and no one seems to understand why there isn't a recall to address the issue. I personally emailed THB and asked her if any efforts are being made to bring the last 98 AAers back. At the most, I think, only about 75 or less would respond to a recall. We only require 3 days of refresher and we are the most junior in pay. She did respond, basically to say"Hang in there..we are working on many issues at the moment."
czerny said:
Jim, I talked to the fa who was reassigned three times in six days. He was deadheading on my flight back from LGA. I have been working the LGA-BOs turns all month, and lately, we have had quite a number of crews being shuttled back and forth on reserve between the two bases. The East coast bases, according to the deadheading reserves, are extremely short, and no one seems to understand why there isn't a recall to address the issue. I personally emailed THB and asked her if any efforts are being made to bring the last 98 AAers back. At the most, I think, only about 75 or less would respond to a recall. We only require 3 days of refresher and we are the most junior in pay. She did respond, basically to say"Hang in there..we are working on many issues at the moment."

Yes, by all means get those last AA f/as back. How quickly you forget about the "other AA f/as" on furlough. There are not only the former RENO and TWA, now AA, but the f/as also AA below the former RENO and TWA. Every single furloughed f/a is AA and deserves the same amount of aggressive attempt by our "Union" to return those wishing to active flight status. The Company could have been proactiviely designing on line training. I have said all along, "If I can get a degree from Harvard on-line, surely I can be trained on several AA aircraft on-line". Hands on would take place at FU1 or FU2 and would probably only require an additional day or 2. This is not brain surgery. Besides, AA could probably qualify for retraining incentives and since training is a normal cost of business and tax deductible, they would most likely make money..lol If those forced into STL in 2003 were able to qualify in 8 days to become TWA-LLC f/as, I would think we would be able to accomplish the same.
Every RENO F/A that didn't quit is still working, and none of them were ever laidoff. That being said, AA will have to start calling some F/A's back before too long. Probably the same as last year around the winter holidays.
IORFA said:
Every RENO F/A that didn't quit is still working, and none of them were ever laidoff. That being said, AA will have to start calling some F/A's back before too long. Probably the same as last year around the winter holidays.

The latest town hall meeting in DFW had the big wigs agreeing that we were short staffed over all this summer, but with fuel on the climb, they are now thinking the fall pull down will be greater than usual, and thus given current f/a numbers on property as it applies to the fall schedule will mean an overage.

Apparently some announcements are to be made soon.

Thank you Nancy for standing up on that post. We are all AA now, like it or not.
s80dude and nbmcg,

This news is very troubling. The F/A recalls have been the only highlight in four years of doom and gloom. That's only been due to attrition.

I want to see everyone back, regardless of where you started. This includes mechanics, F/As, pilots, gate agents, EVERYONE.

Today on the last day of my trip, I encountered a gate agent I used to work with in MIA who is going to be furloughed next month (at her recall station) with 21 years. She can "bump" into ORD or BOS (that one is a shock) but she is taking care of her terminally ill mother.

I also encountered a furloughed TWA agent who worked the first trip I worked out of STL on 02JUL2003. She made a decision that day to not play along with the drama that was unfolding in STL.

I equally hope that both are back at work immediately. I feel the same about the MCI mechanics.

People love to bash TWA but in my dealings with them (sorry N. it's always us vs. them over here...that includes departments) they are classy and get the job done with the resources they have. Only lately in STL has this been an issue regarding the A/C being cleaned. They have furloughed so many ground workers that they are reassigning cabin restockers to throw bags.

Now for the EVIL side of me...I have the PERFECT solution for the over-staffing situation that exists at DFW...FORCE-TRANSFER THEM TO LGA!!!

I would buy tickets and a ball gown for THAT event...actually, that is a better reality show than "Airline".

My money is on the LGA crews. It would wake the DFW crews up from their comfortable little slumber and possibly force APFA into some sort of action (yeah, right!) regarding forced transfers.

I suspect that DFW will just carry the overage unlike MIA. Keep 'em ignorant and writing up others.



s80dude said:
The latest town hall meeting in DFW had the big wigs agreeing that we were short staffed over all this summer, but with fuel on the climb, they are now thinking the fall pull down will be greater than usual, and thus given current f/a numbers on property as it applies to the fall schedule will mean an overage.

Apparently some announcements are to be made soon.

Thank you Nancy for standing up on that post. We are all AA now, like it or not.
flydcoop said:
I suspect that DFW will just carry the overage unlike MIA. Keep 'em ignorant and writing up others.


Actually, Coop, both MIA and DFW are "carrying" overages right now. At the time you and others were forced out of MIA, the overage was so great that it couldn't be ignored. The current overages are "manageable."

And, don't think for a second that senior mamas and papas from DFW would be forced to LGA. The company and the AApfa would find a way for those of us who are junior at bases like ORD and SLT to be forced to LGA, then our spots at SLT and ORD would be filled by the DFW folk through "strictly by seniority domestic transfers." :lol:

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