No Bears,
Jim is probably right about DFW's overage being manageable.
He is very correct about MIA's overage at the time of the forced-transfers...we were fighting for trips.
However, the 76 remaining MIA forced-transfers have hit 2 years now with no end in's very frustrating and APFA ( based in Euless) has no real interest in it.
All 182 DFW forced-transfers were recalled by NOV 2003.
The remaining LAX/SFO/DCA F/As were recalled by APR 2004.
I was being quite facetious in my comments about forcing the overage in DFW to LGA.
That WILL NOT happen. Jim's scenario is FAR more likely.
How many side letters of agreement do you think that would take, Jim?
s80dude, my dislike of DFW is a result of over seven years spent at "red-headed stepchild bases" (Five in MIA, two in SLT). I don't know where my year in BOS would figure into the mix...NH/BBs, care to comment on the "buckets" vs. ORD's "The Empire Strikes Back" de-icers? Or would that bring up bad pre-retirement memories

I still remember hearing "junior guy, you're in the bucket!!!"
It is not F/A specific but "masterbase" specific.
For example, I rarely encounter broken equipment in DFW. I have yet to find a phone that doesn't work, unlike MIA (where you were lucky one out of four worked, if they hadn't been stolen by the airport cleaners stands for Anybody But Me). It's why the phones are locked up in MIA.
It's amazing MIA makes it through a daily operation with the manning, sheer volume, and OTS equipment. It's a testament to the many hard-working people there. That is not a joke. There are bad apples there but they are a minority. Just don't add ramp closings/WX into the mix.
On the F/A side, I have flown with a DFW crew that was one of the best crews I ever flew with (both were male, one was gay, one straight). The rest (almost all female) seemed to be in a Stepford-type bubble that either a) had me counting the minutes until the end of the trip or B) contemplating stabbing myself in the eye with a stir stick to lessen the pain.
One crew in particular (the "stir stick" crew) thought nothing of bad-mouthing MIA to my face. I won't tolerate that.
IMO, DFW has one of the better DOM bid-sheets in the system, I think AA keeps it that way for a reason.
ORD has to have the WORST DOM bid-sheet in the system. I wouldn't wish some of the trips I've flown out of there (on RSV) on my worst enemy. :down:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Coop/jimntx (2 of my all time favorite F/A's) !!!!!
Your comments about "DF+W" are (shall I say) troubleing !!
Are you 2 SUGGESTING that there "might" be a game of "dirty pool", played with regard to your bretheren back in the "mother land" ???
🙄 🙄