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Finally; Non-stops from Dallas to LGA---

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I am not "trying" to tell you WT.  I "AM" telling you that not one single FL mechanic had to relocate.  And hasn't cut anyone "NOT ONE WT".  If you wanna get some what close the DFW guys moved over to DAL but they did not relocate to other cities.  The ONLY relocations are from mechanics, both SWA and FL volunteering to relo to another city that they wanted and came open to them.
It is very obvious your are grasping at straws and playing the guessing game, and you are completely wrong and lying.  Your character continues to wither away.  SWA is the only airline that doesn't just toss it's employees to the streets just because they bought another airline, which all the other airlines did. 
Repeat to WT (b/c he is like a three year old)  ***"NOT ONE MECHANIC HAD TO RELOCATE"***
I wouldn't expect you to get it. Delta is cutting more mechanics this time in DTW than southwest has ever cut. Those must be some leftover merger synergies
WT, since you're the king of demanding that other people "put up or shut up" in any given argument over the past decade, it's time for you to show your cards. What proof do you have that WN is reducing staffing in maintenance anywhere, either as part of the drawdown of FL's former fleet or because of a buildup at DAL?

Proof. Not conjecture, or puffery.
Swmat just admitted that WN is reducing staff elsewhere.
It doesn't matter that they have voluntarily moved...the point all along has been that WN is reallocating resources.
And there is no evidence that DL has not met its headcount reduction goal with volunteers.
WN us reallocating resources to build DAL....just like other airlines.
NO WT you are completely wrong again as usual.  SWA is not and has not released or relocated any mechanics what-so-ever in the 43 plus years.  Get a clue idiot, YES I called you an idiot again, because you are an idiot.  It has ONLY been voluntarily moves that mechanics from SWA and AT have moved to another city, not forced, not riffed, not nothing, only voluntarily because some at either carrier had an option to work and live in another city.  
WT, show the evidence.  Show proof at any time SWA has EVER forced employees, any employees, to be relocated, riffed, laid-off, or forced by company to be moved,  PROVE IT.   You cannot.   Now, why your at it, how many times has Delta done it to their employees?   Now you take a moment to think about this one.  My neighbor is an Ex-Delta mechanic for well over 25 years.  What we are discussing here is IN-voluntarily job losses, riffs, relocations and lay-offs.  
And just to be clear,  SWA has not released or relocated ANY mechanics after the purchase or merger of AT (FL mechanics).  Why don't you just ask one of them, surely you know someone from AT in FL or at least at ATL.   Or are you just doing your typical WT BS for attention?....
SWA is not reducing staff anywhere, PERIOD.  Get a clue idiot, SWA is NOT just like the other airlines as you want to believe.  In fact SWA is very different from the "other" airlines.  Now it is time for you to admit it, C'mon, you can do it WT, go ahead and say it.  Say,  "Yes I was lying and made all this negative information about SWA up, because I really know nothing that I talk about, because I am an IDIOT!!"
and do you not recognize - idiot (see I can do it too) that other airlines have done the same thing.
why can't you admit that other airlines build up and reduce operations and do so based on voluntary moves.
And, yes, WN's subsidiary FL is reducing staffing in many locations. 
I know you try to pretend that what happens at FL is not WN but it is .... the Atlanta papers have plenty of articles about the number of FL employees that have been displaced... not to speak of pilots being demoted, but that was all voluntary, right?
and you can still argue the point about original WN mechanics but it isn't true about other WN workgroups.  WN has and is closing originally opened WN stations.  Those employees didn't voluntarily ask to be displaced or accept a severance package. 
Just like what other airlines have done. 
swamt  correct me if im wrong  but after 9/11  wasnt SWA the only one   may be a couple others  that did not lay off employees?   fast fwd to today  DL so far has decimated DTW  and other cities   wonder whose next on their "hit list"
Show your proof dumb-a$$.  You keep speaking that, now you are saying FL employees, when you first started out saying FL mechanics, are being displaced,  SHOW THE PROOF,  I dare you.
WT (yes you are an idiot) as I have always said the other airlines have in fact done it, you are now just trying to cover your tracks. I have always said the other airlines always rif, lay-off, and do involuntarily job losses rather they are doing mergers or not.  Quit trying to say that I said something different than I have.  You may get that to work on other people but you will never make it work with me.  Keep on lying WT, keep on...
BTW it has nothing to do with "original WN employees" as you are now trying to say I said.  None of the FL or SWA employees have been displaced, laid-off, riffed, or involuntarily moved from anywhere.  And I have never pretended that what happens at FL doesn't happen at SWA.  These are your words and you trying to put said words into mine,  NOT going to work WT.  Everyone is onto your BS.  You can call me an idiot all you want, but all out here know I am not and you are in fact an idiot.  Your postings and folks proving you wrong 99% of the time proves it.  The plain and simple fact is that you can NEVER admit when you are wrong, you are one of those people that can never be wrong, and that you are always right no matter what.  This is why I always tell you to get over yourself, and, get a clue, because you don't have one, period. 
All the other airlines that have merged or bought other airlines have done it, SWA has not, period, end of story, get a clue, move on, your still an idiot, and you have since moved onto dumb-a$$, imagine that folks,  LOL!!!  Gotta love this stuff man...
 SWA has never laid any employees off.  Therefore you are correct that SWA did not lay-off after 9-11.  I am not, nor will I claim, that we were the only airline to not lay-off, however I believe we were the only airline not to, but maybe ALK did not either, but not positive.  BTW, Delta dismantled DFW in 2004 as well.  Dropped over 200 flights, cut thousands of employees, cut maint at DFW, and very, very veteran employees (18-25 years) decided to quit and move on, and that in it's self speaks volumes.
I've met more than a few DL people that moved on to SWA. And, Alaska has laid people off. They closed a maintenance base, and got rid of all IAM employees at SEA- although the IAM won an arbitration case regarding that.
Yes, 700. That was unfortunate, it sucks when anyone is displaced. But what WT said was about FL mechanics being displaced. That is completely false. No mechanic has lost their job or been displaced due to the FL merger, or getting rid of the 717s. No WN mechanic has been displaced period. It is unfortunate that other work groups have suffered (although small compared to other mergers), but WT is LYING when he says that FL mechanics have been affected. Just more of his BS
There's a world of difference between mechanics being laid off, and WN allowing FL mechanics to fill normal attrition vacancies within the larger system of stations. Why hire externally if there's someone in the FL subsidiary who is willing to move?

Again, WT's appearing to latch onto a fragment of a statement, and trying to make an issue out of something which probably isn't even an issue at all.

Oh, to live in a world where everything is can be just as I can say it is...


On second thought, no.
FL is a wholly owned subsidiary of WN is not?
WN is closing JAN and other WN opened stations, is it not?
the fact that you can make your claims about WN mechanics rings hollow to those who are also WN employees but don't fit your tight definition of "not being impacted."
700 gets it.  thank you.  and so does blue collar.
For swamt to argue that WN is insulated from the same forces that affect the rest of the industry is absurd.
Whatever, (deleted by moderator). Keep grasping at slivers of a straw.
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