you need only say that you do not work for any airline and don't currently receive any retirement benefits and are not considered a retiree by any airline.
you left the airline industry. You work for an ancillary, support company. You, like 700 do not have any legal connection with any airline nor do you have retiree benefits.
After crying multiple times that you wanted to wait until a final decision has been made about the gates, you are the one that started not one but two threads because you wanted to crow that Virgin had won the gates. One WAS shut down.
Now when post after post that is ON TARGET is showing that WN has a snowball's chance in hades of getting any gates is becoming apparent, you want the conversation shut down.
You were happy to post WN's rebuttal but just skimmed thru the DL letter which you didn't even bother to link.
If you were really serious about having an open and honest discussion, you'd acknowledge that the case was decided when DL sent a letter to the City of Dallas saying they intended to serve DAL under their federally required obligations to accommodate other carriers and that if DL didn't win the two gates, it expected to be accommodated under the requirements that DAL has filed with the government AND TO WHICH SOUTHWEST AIRLINES AGREED.
Not even in their rebuttal does WN try to argue that they should get the gates above all other carriers. They ONLY SAY "if there are gates available."
there aren't any gates available for WN and won't be because there are far more airlines interested in adding far more flights than DAL can or ever will hold.
WN sat on DAL for decades, passing on the opportunity to move to DFW where it could have received significant financial incentives from DFW in the wake of DL's shutdown of the HUB, and yet now WN finds itself in the position of having to accommodate a number of other carriers who are all coming in with large "new entrant" schedules because the DOJ set the bar for entrance to DAL as two gates worth of flying.
WN went crying to the government looking for a privileged position in the wake of the AA/US merger, got half or more of the slots that were available at DCA and LGA but will now have to watch its home airport at its headquarters be overrun by other carriers.
What is that they say about Karma?