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Virgin appearently wins gates at DAL

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Yes about my employment status, not sure about my age, many of us on here know each other in real life.
I'm sure many of you do know each other.

It isn't hard to see what happens when an outsider to the labor movement like myself decided to participate on a forum that is largely populated by pro-labor forces in the airline industry.

It's also not hard to see what happens when someone who has mgmt. experience and perspective tries to tell people who have none of that experience, training, or perspective what is actually going on in the real world.

Suppose that maybe we would all get along a whole lot better if you would recognize that my experience and training allows me to know some things that you don't.

Tell me in what kind of world you live that someone who has actually stayed at a company long enough to receive retirement benefits is considered something less than someone how doesn't even work in that industry and didn't stick around long to obtain that status.

Specific to this discussion, I identified the key issues which have been raised to the Dallas City Council as relevant to this case and I had no communication with DL for months before their letter was released.

You are free to call me only a retiree but I have had a firmer grasp of the issues than anyone else who has weighed in on the discussion on this or other discussion boards or among the dozens of analysts and media talking heads.
I spent 20 out at US, my experience on the NC during chapter 22 led me to make the choice to leave.

The pension termination was the final straw and going to PHL.

But I have assisted here and there over the years, I did spend some time this past summer on the raid.
thanks for the info. I'll try to make sure I don't forget that you are not part of the airline industry now or have any ties to it.

You would do well to keep that in mind when you tell others that they don't have any connection to the industry, esp. when they absolutely do have a legal basis to be a part of the benefits of that company. You left without benefits or a claim to what could have been yours esp. if you stayed long enough. Others did not.

specific to this discussion, I have had both the educational experiences and practical involvement to be able to speak to the issues regarding this DAL discussion which has consumed pages and pages of this website.

It would be nice - but I am not holding my breath - for a few people to acknowledge that I really did know what was going on when DL does end up at DAL and isn't told to fit in between every other carrier's schedules with a remnant of a few flights.
wt  you think youre the only one who knows every little darn thing regarding the airline and that no one else does..  pretty sad how a lot of us put in a hell of long time with respective airlines and you don't think none of us knows squat..   go get help
700  I for one want to commend you on your hard efforts in the IAM organization and at US     Much Appreciate bro 
swamt said:
Southwest Airlines rebuts Virgin America rebuttal of city of Dallas study
Above is a good article from Terry Maxon.  When starting out you will see where to click to read Delta's 11 pages submitted to the COD for gate claims.  11 pages WT not dozens.  
The rebut from SWA about VA sure does bring up some numbers that show the real traffic numbers in the Dallas market.  When you look at the entire Dallas market as a whole, SWA would only have like 10% if they were to be awarded the 2 gates.  Here's the quote, go to DMN to read full article:
1. Love Field (DAL) is not a separate market isolated from the rest of Dallas, and Southwest has no “monopoly” on Dallas gates or air service. DAL and DFW make up a single Dallas air service market that is dominated by American, not Southwest. Even with 2 additional Love Field gates, Southwest would have only 10% of all gates in the Dallas market. American would have 67%.
Good article swamt...
Hopefully we will all know more on May 7.
wt  you think youre the only one who knows every little darn thing regarding the airline and that no one else does..  pretty sad how a lot of us put in a hell of long time with respective airlines and you don't think none of us knows squat..   go get help

I have never said anything negative about the work you do on your job.

but can you tell me what experience or training you have ever had analyzing route performance data and studying US airport and aviation laws and contracts?

why is it so hard for you or others to acknowledge that there are some of us that did this for years in our life and know things that you don't?

and the same is equally true. I have NEVER argued with anyone on here about ramp procedures or contradicted a pilot or mechanic's factual information and aircraft that they are trained on and work with day in and day out.

again, why is it so hard for you to recognize that some people know things you don't such as that airport access laws are precisely the issue that is at stake and I raised it months ago?
WorldTraveler said:
thanks for the info. I'll try to make sure I don't forget that you are not part of the airline industry now or have any ties to it.

You would do well to keep that in mind when you tell others that they don't have any connection to the industry, esp. when they absolutely do have a legal basis to be a part of the benefits of that company. You left without benefits or a claim to what could have been yours esp. if you stayed long enough. Others did not.

specific to this discussion, I have had both the educational experiences and practical involvement to be able to speak to the issues regarding this DAL discussion which has consumed pages and pages of this website.

It would be nice - but I am not holding my breath - for a few people to acknowledge that I really did know what was going on when DL does end up at DAL and isn't told to fit in between every other carrier's schedules with a remnant of a few flights.
Did you not read what I posted?
I was in the industry for over 20 years, the original Midway Airlines at LGA, UA at TPA, then PI then US and CLT, and PHL.  I have plenty of connection to the industry still.
I have been asked to help several times since I left, I was helping on the raid this summer, I certainly am still connected and my son's mother is still out there at US and is going on 30 years there.
delldude said:
LOL....don't let your facts get in your way.
700 did a wee bit more than make and distribute copies to district lodge officers.....I forget how many times he was in DC......was on the negotiating committee during  concession negotiations.....or how many organizing drives for IAM representation took him away from home......or the many times he was taking leadership training and studying at the IAM Winpissinger Education Center (sent by his union peers for his dedication to the union and its members).......or the years of involvement on the floor in the local and international.
Yeah, you got it.....LOL
700UW said:
I have been asked to help several times since I left, I was helping on the raid this summer, I certainly am still connected and my son's mother is still out there at US and is going on 30 years there.
So you work for the IAM?

No I dont work for the IAM, how many times do I have to say this?
SharoninSAT said:
Good article swamt...
Hopefully we will all know more on May 7.
Finally a post on topic.
Yes Sharon, look forward to May 7th.
Pardon my french and cover you ears, I have to do this.--  Moderators where the hell are you?  Shut this **** down.  Why do you constantly allow the outsiders to come in and do this ****.  But yet you always stop it in others in a matter of one or two postings??    3 fucking pages of outsiders conversing outside the topic and you guys let it go,  Hmmmm, where are you???
I suspect the moderators don't have time to read individual threads, unless posts are being reported.

On the boards I moderate, I'll get an immediate email whenever someone reports a post, read it, and most times, delete the offending post & move on.

If it's really out of control, the thread gets locked, possibly deleted, and the guys involved wind up with a week in the cornfield and on moderation when they return...
WorldTraveler said:
E walked away from the airline industry completely and has said he isn't a retiree of any airline. apparently he thinks he runs this board though.
My paycheck may not have an airline name on it, but the money funding that paycheck most certainly is coming from airlines.

It's ironic you think I try to run the boards here... Go look in any given forum and you'll see who gets the last word in for the last 20 topics; I'm guessing there's an 80% chance that it's you on just about anything that isn't related directly to mechanics or pilots.
you need only say that you do not work for any airline and don't currently receive any retirement benefits and are not considered a retiree by any airline.

you left the airline industry. You work for an ancillary, support company. You, like 700 do not have any legal connection with any airline nor do you have retiree benefits.


After crying multiple times that you wanted to wait until a final decision has been made about the gates, you are the one that started not one but two threads because you wanted to crow that Virgin had won the gates. One WAS shut down.

Now when post after post that is ON TARGET is showing that WN has a snowball's chance in hades of getting any gates is becoming apparent, you want the conversation shut down.

You were happy to post WN's rebuttal but just skimmed thru the DL letter which you didn't even bother to link.

If you were really serious about having an open and honest discussion, you'd acknowledge that the case was decided when DL sent a letter to the City of Dallas saying they intended to serve DAL under their federally required obligations to accommodate other carriers and that if DL didn't win the two gates, it expected to be accommodated under the requirements that DAL has filed with the government AND TO WHICH SOUTHWEST AIRLINES AGREED.

Not even in their rebuttal does WN try to argue that they should get the gates above all other carriers. They ONLY SAY "if there are gates available."

there aren't any gates available for WN and won't be because there are far more airlines interested in adding far more flights than DAL can or ever will hold.

WN sat on DAL for decades, passing on the opportunity to move to DFW where it could have received significant financial incentives from DFW in the wake of DL's shutdown of the HUB, and yet now WN finds itself in the position of having to accommodate a number of other carriers who are all coming in with large "new entrant" schedules because the DOJ set the bar for entrance to DAL as two gates worth of flying.

WN went crying to the government looking for a privileged position in the wake of the AA/US merger, got half or more of the slots that were available at DCA and LGA but will now have to watch its home airport at its headquarters be overrun by other carriers.

What is that they say about Karma?
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