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Finally; Non-stops from Dallas to LGA---

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swamt said:
Do to the increase in flights and overnighters at LF SWA will be hiring mechanics for Dallas once again.  The only reason there is an increase in flights and Overnighters is directly tied to the W/A going away.
Don't worry; I'm pretty sure the rest knew what you were saying from the get go...
swamt said:
WT,  Before the 4th line no one has been hired in Dal for many, many years.  And no one has been hired in Dallas since.  Since you want to hear this put another way I will.  Do to the increase in flights and overnighters at LF SWA will be hiring mechanics for Dallas once again.  The only reason there is an increase in flights and Overnighters is directly tied to the W/A going away.
let me say it one more time.
NO ONE IS THE LEAST BIT SURPRISED THAT WN IS HIRING AT DAL.  Growth has been expected to come there since the day the WA was revised.
What you can't seem to grasp (hope you and the rest enjoy that) is that WN doesn't hire for one city any more than any other airline does.  WN hires employees to the company who have rights to work anywhere on their system.
Every airline has increased flights in one place, shifted resources there, and pulled them down someplace else.
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing special about WN's buildup of DAL which also is coming by closing 18 stations since the FL merger - and counting.
WN has been hiring because that is what WN does as a growth oriented company.  The fact that it has happened at DAL may make you feel mighty happy that you now have junior people below you, but you have yet to explain what has happened to the mechanics who have maintained those planes at other locations since WN's fleet is not growing but in fact shrinking this year.
does this plane go to paris said:
WT said,  "... how many new hire WN mechanics has hired over the past year?"
WT, when you say that WN is outsoursing, what does Delta do with  Express Jet, Chautaqua, Compass, GoJet, Endeaver, Shuttle America and Skywest?  How many employee's were not hired by Delta because of Delta outsourcing to these carriers?  Does WN outsourse any flying?
By the way, I have many friends that used to work as ramp agents for Delta.  They don't have jobs because the great and mighty Delta outsourced their jobs.
I'm glad you brought up OUTSOURCING because DL has had the 2nd lowest rate of MAINTENANCE outsourcing among US carriers for years, bested only by AA.
Since AA had already decided to gut maintenance and outsource and then Parker came in and will certainly accelerate the process, DL will likely have the lowest rate of maintenance outsourcing among US airlines.
However, however,  DL already operates the largest airline MRO in the western hemisphere and brings in enough work to equate to about 25% of all of the maintenance DL does on its own fleet, including outsourcing.  Thus, DL's net maintenance outsourcing ratio is between 15-20%, lower than even what AA has been.
As for RJ outsourcing, this is a great time to note once again that DL is bringing more RJ flying back to DL employees than any other airline... notably AA and UA are dramatically increasing their rate of RJ flying. 
The 717s that DL is acquiring from WN on truly attractive terms are not only reducing DL's outsourcing but also reducing WN's ability to grow... there couldn't have been a better deal for DL. 
please give us details on your friends whose stations were outsourced since DL has ADDED stations that are staffed by DL employees.
Further, all your friends had to do was either transfer to another station where DL had openings or be willing to work in public contact positions at their own airport because, in the absence of pesky union rules, DL has allowed many ramp employees to transfer to public contact in their own station when those stations were outsourced below the wing, which again hasn't happened in many years.
So, tell us again the stations and years that are involved here. 
Kev3188 said:
Don't worry; I'm pretty sure the rest knew what you were saying from the get go...
yes, those would be the sheep.
It's interesting that in the Delta-centric world of a certain poster that if a station is dropped in a merger of say, Southwest and AirTran, that it is a truly bad sign and that the winner of those cities being dropped must be Delta, of course.
I seem to recall that Delta merged with Western Airlines and when those 2 companies merged, Western Airlines had non stop service out of Salt Lake City to Billings, Bismark, Boise, Boseman, Butte, Calgary, Casper, Colorado Springs, Great Falls, Helena, Idaho Falls, Kalipell, Missoula, Pasco and Rapid City.  I'm sure there are more but it was getting tedious to see how many stations that were Mainline Western Airlines flew but Delta dropped and outsourced. 
The stock value of Skywest Airlines back then was around a 1.00, today, it closed 12.15.  Back before the merger of Delta and Western Airlines there were fewer than 1,000 employee's at Skywest. Today there are over 10,500 employee's.  If you want to know about outsourced stations and outsourced jobs, look no further than that.  (Please don't tell me that they also outsource flying for United, American and Alaskan, I know that already.)  Do those Employee's make the same pay that Mainline Delta Employee's do?  No.  Does the Customer go to Delta.com and book a flight and get put on a regional jet, but pay the same high inflated price, you bet they do.
If you want to fault Southwest closing stations that wouldn't support the Southwest model, go ahead, this is America and you can say what you want.  If you want to fault Southwest for getting rid of the 717's, see the previous sentence, but it's also the internet and any moronic statement can be said with no real knowledge of the situation. All I have to say is that you can be the biggest armchair Delta CEO and sing the praises of Delta all day long.  I'm just happy that you're not running Southwest.
You should be glad I'm not running WN 'cuz if I were, they wouldn't be spreading the manure that they do to try and convince everyone how much they have done for the world when anyone with a lick of common sense can see thru to the truth.

Go ahead and bring up the regional jet issue at the legacy airlines.  just make sure you include it in the discussion for all of the airlines.
Then subtract out the cities that are served only by RJs since they clearly aren't mainline service and any one of the big 3 airlines will still serve more cities than WN serves. 
And none of those airlines engaged in a merger and made so much noise about what FL brought to the table only to dismantle as much as WN has done.   18 bloody cities that were served by mainline aircraft... these aren't little cities served just by 50 seat RJs - or smaller.
I get what WN has done... but they are living on a reputation that was built 20 years ago and which has little connection to today.
WN and their internet spokespeople today don't want to see the evidence that WN isn't capable of doing what it once did for America... which is precisely why there is a need for it to be discussed. 
does this plane go to paris said:
It's interesting that in the Delta-centric world of a certain poster that if a station is dropped in a merger of say, Southwest and AirTran, that it is a truly bad sign and that the winner of those cities being dropped must be Delta, of course.
I seem to recall that Delta merged with Western Airlines and when those 2 companies merged, Western Airlines had non stop service out of Salt Lake City to Billings, Bismark, Boise, Boseman, Butte, Calgary, Casper, Colorado Springs, Great Falls, Helena, Idaho Falls, Kalipell, Missoula, Pasco and Rapid City.  I'm sure there are more but it was getting tedious to see how many stations that were Mainline Western Airlines flew but Delta dropped and outsourced. 
The stock value of Skywest Airlines back then was around a 1.00, today, it closed 12.15.  Back before the merger of Delta and Western Airlines there were fewer than 1,000 employee's at Skywest. Today there are over 10,500 employee's.  If you want to know about outsourced stations and outsourced jobs, look no further than that.  (Please don't tell me that they also outsource flying for United, American and Alaskan, I know that already.)  Do those Employee's make the same pay that Mainline Delta Employee's do?  No.  Does the Customer go to Delta.com and book a flight and get put on a regional jet, but pay the same high inflated price, you bet they do.
If you want to fault Southwest closing stations that wouldn't support the Southwest model, go ahead, this is America and you can say what you want.  If you want to fault Southwest for getting rid of the 717's, see the previous sentence, but it's also the internet and any moronic statement can be said with no real knowledge of the situation. All I have to say is that you can be the biggest armchair Delta CEO and sing the praises of Delta all day long.  I'm just happy that you're not running Southwest.
Dude, none of that fits the narrative...
WorldTraveler said:
... ... ...  they wouldn't be spreading the manure that they do to try and convince everyone how much they have done for the world when anyone with a lick of common sense can see thru to the truth.
Now this is rich!  You're sure the one to talk WT about spreading the manure. 
none of which changes the fact that swamt can't deny that WN has been growing on a systemwide basis and will continue to grow.  They are simply shifting assets from other cities to DAL.  They will get new aircraft to grow in other areas of their network, but they aren't going back to add service where they are now pulling it down or cancelling.
It also doesn't change that WN has the highest ratio of maintenance outsourcing among the largest US airlines.
also doesn't change that the 717s are being used by DL to REDUCE regional carrier outsourcing and provide jobs for DL mainline employees as no other carrier is doing. 
I've been amazed at the youth of the DL FAs I am seeing on DL flights of late.... there are thousands of new DL FAs that have been hired over the past several years.  I'm sure WN can't even say that.
that is the narrative that swamt doesn't want to hear and the sheep he manages to get to walk behind him are unwilling to question. 
WorldTraveler said:
that is the narrative that swamt doesn't want to hear and the sheep he manages to get to walk behind him are unwilling to question. 
So says the shepherd with no sheep.
WorldTraveler said:
none of which changes the fact that swamt can't deny that WN has been growing on a systemwide basis and will continue to grow.  They are simply shifting assets from other cities to DAL.  They will get new aircraft to grow in other areas of their network, but they aren't going back to add service where they are now pulling it down or cancelling.
It also doesn't change that WN has the highest ratio of maintenance outsourcing among the largest US airlines.
also doesn't change that the 717s are being used by DL to REDUCE regional carrier outsourcing and provide jobs for DL mainline employees as no other carrier is doing. 
I've been amazed at the youth of the DL FAs I am seeing on DL flights of late.... there are thousands of new DL FAs that have been hired over the past several years.  I'm sure WN can't even say that.
that is the narrative that swamt doesn't want to hear and the sheep he manages to get to walk behind him are unwilling to question.
Don't hurt your arms throwing those red herrings around...
in fact, those ARE the issues that are being discussed here.... or are defending the attempts at clouding the issue that others have thrown out.
remember it was you that was crying about taking the thread off topic but when DL outsourcing is discussed, you became rabid looking for an opportunity to push your agenda - despite the fact that it has no connection with the topic at hand.
nothing I wouldn't expect from a nice, cuddly sheep but a sheep nonetheless. 
The topic is about new flights ex- DAL, not WN's hiring at the systemic level, not their level of outsourcing vis a vis other carriers, and certainly not the flood of NH F/A's at the Widget. Just because YOU want to force fit those into your narrative doesn't make them on topic... 
Stay the course; even you can make valid arguments within the bounds of the OPs' intent.
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