Well, yes they can and will. That is if they wish to remain in compliance with the Federal law which requires them to send out WARN letters a minimum of 60 days in advance of a furlough.
If you believe that attrition will reduce an overage of 3000 f/as in a reasonable amount of time, I have a nice bridge to sell you. The average monthly attrition for 2008 is 60 f/as per month. That's ALL attrition--quit, died, retired, and fired. At that rate it will only take 50 months for the overage to be eliminated. And, don't give me the baloney about "Oh, there are going to be mass retirements this summer. I have a friend whose hairdresser's dog groomer's second cousin (once removed) lives next door to someone who does something with the union and they said it." I've been hearing that story since I was recalled from furlough in Nov. 2004. I've been trying to get transferred back to DFW since. The LOWEST I have ever been on the transfer list for DFW is #152 and I am substantially higher than that right now.
Not a sou. The APFA will throw as many junior f/as under the bus as is necessary to maintain the perks of the senior f/as--such as never flying and never having to retire. There was a time in the labor history of the U.S. that unions were about preserving jobs first, then deal with "quality of life" issues. This is not the APFA's approach.
Well Jim, I KNOW you're going to find THIS fact distasteful, (and knowing you situation I can't say I would blame you.)
Saving union Jobs, ........and.......Seniority....ARE the "2" most important things to organized labor, and though every union will NEVER admit it, they ALWAYS prefer to save jobs, because of Dues money.
However, knowing the very DNA of a Union, when faced without having no choice between A. saving jobs,....or....B. Seniority,..........Seniority will ALWAYS be the #1 thing protected.(the Holy Grail)
Last in,........First out !!!!
I know you well enough, to be certain that you believe that,...perhaps Logically, as opposed to emotionally.
And as ALWAYS, I wish all you F/A's near the "slicing blade" the very best of luck !!!!
Folks like Fly D Coop, yourself, Kirkpatrick, and others that I don't know, I'm "rubbing my rabbits foot" like crazy !!