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F/A Attrition ONLY

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Growth is the only thing that will end seniority stagnation.

Like that's going to happen anytime soon. Its really sad that they're not growing. All of those great routes we got from TWA and they let most of them go. :down:
Anybody else on here think that there will be a LOT of domestic bid leaves starting in the late fall and winter? Out of curiosity, do you think AA could operationally introduce more than 3 737's a month? I.E. pilot training and such. Plus are they in the market for another 737 trainer?
Warning! Danger! Danger! Galley Gossip to follow!

I heard from an FO that reductions in domestic flying may be as much as 20% over the next 12 months if something doesn't happen to bring fuel prices down. If the reductions (which we know are occurring and going to occur) reach that percentage, it is not outside the realm of possibility that furloughs would have to occur.

If SLT is any indication, Bid Leaves are not the popular item they once were. People are getting worried about this economy, and some of the more senior f/as are actually flying their trips.! :shock:

Indication of the unpopularity of BLs these days...I held a bid leave for the 2nd half of January and another week bid leave in March. My seniority is just under 17000!!! In the past, they would send out an HI6 saying BLs were available; then 2 weeks later another HI6 saying "all bid leaves were awarded down to seniority 3142. If you did not get a bid leave, here are some of the possible reasons. Yada, yada, yada." :lol:
This is the first month in Boston that they said to what seniority Bid Leaves were given. Before now, everyone who put in for them got them. I don't see any reason AA would HAVE to furlough, given the other options out there that worked in the past. In addition to Bid Leaves, there are Leaves of Absence and Part Time, Line Sharing. Those options along with attrition should be adequate to absorb the contraction if it continues. Will they offer thoste options when they can now furlough without compensation? Time will tell, but that is why most contracts have furlough pay, to discourage the rush to cut jobs without offering better options.
Anyone know if LGA is getting leaves?

Don't know about LGA. I'm at JFK and I tried to get a bid leave for April and didn't. Last month I would have. It's constantly changing. Could be that the whole operation is beyond rerun sandy. She can't seem to get the bids right for IDF or JFK and has to constantly run them and rerun them for days at a time. She's a real mo-ron who needs to be FIRED...
From what I can gather, bid leaves are being offered in just about every domestic base every month, but almost none in International. Someone junior to me held one in SLT this month.

As far as I have seen, DCA-I is the only International base getting any bid leaves according to the last HI6s I got on the subject.

But then International is where the growth is. If it didn't mean an even longer commute than I already have, I might consider proffering (as if my seniority with no language skills other than Southern and Vulgar could hold it :lol: ).
If it didn't mean an even longer commute than I already have, I might consider proffering (as if my seniority with no language skills other than Southern and Vulgar could hold it :lol: ).

One of those might get you a line at JFK!!! :up:
I just happened to look at the attrition summary just now. The numbers have changed slightly from what was posted on the 8th. Since this is the middle of the month, I am assuming that these are corrected numbers from what was posted earlier in the month.

Totals for 2008
Domestic: 122---------an increase of 7
Internatl: 74----------an increase of 1
Total: 196-------------an increase of 8
Of the 196, 100 are denoted as retirees; so that is an increase of 1 in the retirees.

Since these are YTD numbers, I have no idea whether the change is in this month's totals or a previous month. The average attrition/month is now up to 65.33 for the year.

New Numbers posted this evening. I am assuming these are the end of April numbers.

Totals for 2008 & month of April
Domestic 145......................23
Internatl 95......................21
Total 240......................44
Retirees 126......................26

The retirees are still comprising over half the total attrition for the year. Average attrition/month down slightly to 60.
New Numbers posted this evening. I am assuming these are the end of April numbers.

Totals for 2008 & month of April
Domestic 145......................23
Internatl 95......................21
Total 240......................44
Retirees 126......................26

The retirees are still comprising over half the total attrition for the year. Average attrition/month down slightly to 60.



If OIL stays high or higher, and domestic rumors ring true, the monthly attrition will be ONLY a SMALL band aid to a GAPING bleeding Hole in Furloughs.


KNOW FULL WELL, that I hope to HEL*...that I am TREMENDOUSLY WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck
NHBB, I heard from another f/a yesterday that Rock Solomon (former candidate for APFA president) posted on his website that his contact at APFA headquarters told him that they were expecting 3000 furloughs after Labor Day. (Hey, that's only 3rd hand gossip! It's practically signed-in-blood true. :lol: )

If that number is correct, I am toast also. I think that I am 1000-1500 from the bottom of the active list right now. If it happens, it happens. There will certainly not be any consultation by the company or the Blessed Order of the Perpetually Trip-Removed directed toward saving jobs rather than perks. We must maintain at all costs the right of the senior f/as to never fly and never retire. Bitter! Party of one, your table's ready. 🙄
NHBB, I heard from another f/a yesterday that Rock Solomon (former candidate for APFA president) posted on his website that his contact at APFA headquarters told him that they were expecting 3000 furloughs after Labor Day. (Hey, that's only 3rd hand gossip! It's practically signed-in-blood true. :lol: )

If that number is correct, I am toast also. I think that I am 1000-1500 from the bottom of the active list right now. If it happens, it happens. There will certainly not be any consultation by the company or the Blessed Order of the Perpetually Trip-Removed directed toward saving jobs rather than perks. We must maintain at all costs the right of the senior f/as to never fly and never retire. Bitter! Party of one, your table's ready. 🙄

Somethings's gotta give. If fuel prices keep rising daily ($121 today) we're going to either furlough or merge THEN furlough. Some people think attrition will take care of any overage but I'm not optimistic.

A friend of mine spoke with an APFA rep a few weeks ago and mentioned she heard there were going to be layoffs to the rep and the rep replied, " I wouldn't be surprised".
Some people think attrition will take care of any overage but I'm not optimistic.

I want some of whatever those people are smoking. :lol: Our "attrition" is averaging 60 f/as per month, and that's all attrition--quit, died, fired, retired. At that rate it would only take a little over 4 years to cover an overage of 3000 f/as.
I want some of whatever those people are smoking. :lol: Our "attrition" is averaging 60 f/as per month, and that's all attrition--quit, died, fired, retired. At that rate it would only take a little over 4 years to cover an overage of 3000 f/as.

Honestly, I can't really worry about it right now. All I can do is go to work and try to save a bunch of money and not move around again until I can figure out where this operation is going or not going. For myself, IFS flying is over. Too much money out of my pocket on those flights.
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